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1、1,Lecture 6Sense Relations,讲授题目: Sense Relations 所属章节:现代英语词汇学概论之第6、7章 计划学时:2 periods 教学方法:传统讲授法 参考资料:英语词汇学教程、英语词汇学 教学目的和要求:通过本单元的学习,力求使学生对 词义关系等基本理论有所 了解,并能领会和运用。,2,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,What are sense relations(语义关系)? Words are arbitrary symbols and are independent identities so far

2、as heir outer facet-spelling and pronunciation, is concerned. But semantically, all words are related in one way or another, hence sense relations. In light of sense relations, words can be classified semantically.,3,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,In this lecture, we will discuss polysemy、homo

3、nymy, synonymy and antonymy. 1. Polysemy (多义关系) Polysemy is a common feature to all natural languages. This is particularly true of highly developed languages like English. In modern English, an overwhelming majority of words are polysemous. However, when a word is first coined, it is always monosem

4、ic. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings. The result is polysemy.,4,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,1) Two approaches to the polysemy Various meaning of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchron

5、ic approach. Diachronic approach:,5,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,从历时的观点来看,多义关系是一个词的语义结构发展变化的结果。在一个词创造之初,它只有一个意思,这个意思称为原始意义(Primary meaning)。随着时间的推移和语言的发展,词就取得了越来越多的意思。这些后来发展的意义叫做派生意义(derived meanings)。,6,试以 face 为例(WNWD),(1) the front of the head头的前部 (2) the facial expression 面部表情 (3) a surf

6、ace of a thing 表面 (4) the side or surface that is marked, as of a clock, etc. 正面 (5) the appearance; outward aspect 外表 (6) CH idom dignity; self-respect, as in lose / save face (汉语成语) 面子,如丢脸/保全面子 (6) the topography (of an area) 地形 (6) the functional and striking surface (of a tool, golf club, etc. )

7、 出面 (9) colloq effrontery; audacity (口) 厚脸皮 (10) What is shown by the language of a document, without explanation and addition (文件的) 字面 (11) (mining) the end of a tunnel, drift, etc. where work is being done. (煤矿等的)采掘面 (12) the type surface on which a letter is out 版面,7,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) re

8、lations,在以上所列出的face 的12个意义中,义项(1)是原始意义,其余都是派生意义。这些意义都是按扩展、缩小、类比、引用等方法产生的。 Synchronic approach 从共时的角度来看,多义关系可以认为是一个词的各种意义在某一历史时期(比如现代英语)的共存。以这样的眼光来审视,一个词的基本意义就是词义的核心,叫核心义(central meaning)。派生义,不管有多少,都是次要的,外围的。,8,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,在以上face的例子中,义项(1)是核心义,其余11项都是次要意义(secondary meaning)。

9、 2) Two Processes of Development The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses, traditionally known as radiation(辐射型) and concatenation(连锁型).,9,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations, Radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and

10、the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays. The meanings are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. If we give a graphic description of the meanings of face, it would look very much like a wheel of the bicycle.,10,Lecture 6 Sense( Me

11、aning ) relations,Radiation of meanings of face,11,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations, Concatenation meaning linking together, it describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains. In many cases, there is no direct connection between the first sen

12、se and the latest sense. Take the word candidate for example:,12,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,(1) white-robed 白色长袍的 (2) office seeker in white gowns 穿着长袍的求职者 (3) a person who seeks an office 申请求职者 (4) a person proposed for a place, award, etc. 候选人,13,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,Gene

13、rally speaking, radiation and concatenation are closely related, in many cases, the two processes work together, complementing each other. 2. Homonymy (同形异义关系或同音异义关系) Homonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spe

14、lling or sound.,14,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,Based on the degree of similarity, homonyms fall into three classes: (1) Perfect homonyms (完全同形同音异义词) are words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, e.g. bank n. the edge of the river, lake, etc. 岸 bankn. an establish

15、ment for money business 银行,15,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,bear n. a large, heavy animal 熊 bear v. to put up with 忍受 (2) Homographs (同形异音异义词) are words identical only spelling but different in sound and meaning, e.g. bown. bending the head as a greeting 鞠躬 bown. the device used for shooting

16、arrows 弓,16,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,sow v. to scatter seeds 播种 sow n. female adult pig 母猪 (3) Homophones (同音异形异义词) are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. dear n. a loved person 亲爱的(人) deer n. a kind of animal 鹿,17,Lecture 6 Sense( Meaning ) relations,right a. correct 正确的 write v. put down on paper with a pen 写 rite n. a ceremonial procedure 礼仪 (4) Rhetoric Features of Homonyms,18,Lecture 6 Sense( Me


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