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1、 昂立新概念 Carol1Unit 2Part 1 New words and expressions 1.equal v. 等于A equals B 与.相匹敌 None of us can equal her, either in beauty or intelligence. _她才貌双全,无人可比。 Mary is quite equal to John in brains._Mary 和 John 一样聪明。_在何种情况下,一加一等于一?When does one plus one equal one? 2.vicar n. 牧师 近义词 _ father, minister, pr

2、iest _3.raise vt. 募集,筹(款)我们为红十字会筹集了一笔五千镑的资金。_we raised five thousand pounds for the Red Cross. 请判断下列句子中 raise 的含义:This book raised my interest in the study of history._提高兴趣_She raised her sister out of sleep._叫醒_The old witch said she could raise the dead._起死回生_His words raised a blush on her cheeks

3、._脸红_Id like to raise a new question before the meeting is over._提出_4.cause n.原因,事业He found that damage to certain genes was a cause of cancer.某些基因受损是癌症的一个起因。(cause=reason)A primary school teacher who gives his or her all to the cause of education is a precious asset.一个全心投入教育事业的小学老师是难能可贵的。他愿意把自己全身心都

4、投入到共产主义事业。He is willing to give his all to the communist cause.5.have sth done 1).找某人来做某事 have the church clock repaired你通常在哪里剪头发的?_Where do you often have your hair cut?某人所遭受到的意外某种情况 主语必须是发出动作的人He had his wallet stolen.他又一次在打篮球时把脚踝搞骨折了。He had his ankle broken again when he was playing basketball.6.

5、wake up with a start 惊醒 wake _woke_ _waken_Ted 猛然惊醒过来,摸索着找电灯开关。 (feel for)Ted woke up with a start and felt for the light switch.Ted woke up with a start, feeling for the light switch.(分词作状语) 昂立新概念 Carol27.strike (v)_ struck struck He was struck by a heavy blow._他被重重一拳打倒。_The big waves struck the ro

6、cks of the bank._大浪拍击着海岸边的岩石。The old tree was struck by lightning._闪电把那棵老树击倒了。Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy. 太阳照在他身上,暖洋洋的令其昏昏欲睡。It strikes me that hes right a tough nut to crack.他给我的印象是:他这个人不好对付。My heart struck rapidly as I heard someone come in._当听到有人进来时,心跳加速。_The clock was striking the hours

7、, loud enough to wake up the dead._那钟敲打的声音都能把死人叫醒了。8.Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.1)be armed with sth-装备着。 。 。Those who teach the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience._那些教聋哑人的人必须充满耐心。_2)分词作伴随状语的用法:Looking at his watch, he saw that it was on

8、e oclock,1)主语一致 2)ed 表被动,ing 表主动 3)状语可以表示:原因、结果、伴随把此两句改写成一般的状语从句:The vicar was armed with a torch, and he went up into.(基本版)用现在分词或过去分词填空1. Dina covered her face with her hand, _crying_ (cry).2.Rain fell again, _making_(make) the streets impassable.3._Defeated_(defeat), he didnt feel discouraged.4._S

9、tanding_(stand) at the fire-place, the President listened to her carefully.5.He waved his hand, _ interrupting _(interrupt) our conversation.6. _ interrupted _(interrupt) by his secretary, the VP was extremely unhappy.7. Never_ seen _ (see) on the planet earth before, the stone may be from another p

10、lanet.8. The path is narrow and uneven, _ leading _(lead) to the deep forest.印刷术首先在中国发明,后来传到了欧洲。Printing was first invented in China, then it was introduced to Europe later.最早在美国发现的这种病毒,很快传布到了全世界。First discovered in the US, the virus soon spreaded to the whole world.从太空中看,地球是个非常美丽的蓝色星球。Looked/Seen/O

11、bserved from the space, the earth is a very b-blue planet.他站在山顶,俯视着美丽的城市夜景。He stood on the top of the hill, overlooking the b-city night view.=Standing on the top of the hill, he overlooked the . 昂立新概念 Carol3我坐在咖啡馆,小口(sip)喝着卡布基诺,读着杂志。I sat in the coffee shop, sipping the Cappuccino and reading a mag

12、azine.Sitting in the coffee shop, I was sipping the Cappuccino and reading a magazine.9.figure:n 数字;人物;价格;(人的)体形;画像We cannot do business at your figure._ 我们不能以你们的价格成交。Ms Hu, 56, is a rare figure in a state-controlled media sector. She encouraged investigative reporting, rejected advertorials and cha

13、llenged censorship56 岁的胡女士是一位国家控制的媒体领域中很少见的一位人物:她赞成调查性的报告,拒绝广告软文,质疑审查制度。Only 65% of Indian adults can reada pitiful figure.仅仅只有 65%的印度成年人能够阅读一个可怜的数字。She always complains about her weight, but in my eyes, she has a beautiful figure and doesnt need to lose any weight._她总是抱怨自己的身材,但在我看来她身材很好,而且不需要减肥。Fig

14、ure skating consists of single skating(man and ladies), pairs sk-ating and ice dance.花样滑冰有单人滑、双人滑、冰上舞蹈10.You certainly did give me a surprise! 强调句用法复习He went to Jennys birthday party in his best suit last night.五个部分分别强调: 强调 he: It is/was he who went to Js bp in his best suit last night 强调 went to: H

15、e did go to Jennys birthday party in his best suit last night. 强调 Jennys birthday party: It was/is Js BP that he went to in his best suit last night.强调 in his best suit: It is in his best suit that he went to JBP last night.强调 last night: It is last night that he went to JBP in his best suit.Part 2 课文详解: Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another(为什么这里要用现在进行时?详见语法宝典第一章节), but he has never (现完标志词)managed to get enough m



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