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1、七年级英语期中测试笔 试 部 分(130分)一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)21. -Lets play volleyball!-I dont like to play volleyball. That sounds _.A. fun B. interesting C. boring D. good22.This _ my grandfather and those are my _.A. is; friendsB. is; friendC. are; friends D. am; friend23. _ the balls? -Theyre under the chair.A. Whe

2、res B. Where C. Where are D. What are24. -Whats your name, please? -My name is _.A. Han meimei B. Wang Xiao Ya C. Green Jim D. Li Yunde25. -How is your teacher today? -_A. Im fine, thank you. B. She is fine, thanks. C. He is good, thanks. D. They are fine, thank you.26. -_ is your skirt? -Its black.

3、A. What B. How C. Which color D. What color27. This is _ pen.A. my a B. the my C. a my D my28. There is _ “m” in the word “map”.A. an B. a C. the D. /29. Linda Brown is my good friend. Her father is _.A. Johnson Brown B. Johnson Smith C. Brown Johnson D. Smith Johnson30. You and I _ students in this

4、 school.A. are B. is C. am D. be31. -Is this _ dictionary? -No, _ isnt _ dictionary.A. his; it; me B. your; it; my C. your; this; my D. my; it; my32. Lucy _ computer games.A.dont like B. isnt like C. doesnt like D. not like33. Do you have _ basketball? Lets play _ basketball after school.A. an; a B.

5、 a; a C. /; / D.a; /34、 _ the erasers in the drawer ? No, _.A. Is; it isntB. Are; it isntC. Are; they arentD. It; they arent 35 Please take the hat _ your brother.A. onB. toC. atD. for36._ your bring the book to school?A. AreB. IsC. CanD. Please37 do you spell “book”? B-O-O-K. A. What B. how C. How

6、D where38 nine two nine three five 应写作A. 92923 B. 99234 C. 92935 D. 9292639Are these your dictionaries?Yes, _. A.these are B.they are C. those are D.theyre40This is a _.AappleBapplesCbanana Dbananas二、完形填空(101分 = 10分) Im John. 41 is my room. The TV is 42 the table. They video tapes 43 in the drawer.

7、Where are 44 pencils? They 45 on the table. 46 my pencil-case? Oh, 47 in my backpack. Wheres my backpack? 48 on the table? No, it isnt. Its on the bed. My alarm clock is on the dresser. My keys and ID cards are 49 the drawer. I have (有) a lot of (许多) 50 on my bookcase.41.A.whatB. ThisC. TheseD. Thos

8、e42.A. inB. onC. underD. and43.A. isB. areC. toD. isnt44.A. yourB. hisC. herD. my45.A. areB. dontC. arentD. isnt46.A. WhatsB. WhosC. WherereD. Wheres47.A. ItsB. TheyreC. ItD. They48.A. It isB. Are theyC. Is itD. Is49A. onB. inC. nextD. at50A. booksB. bookC. pictureD. pen三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)APeter: Let

9、s play computer games!Barry: That sounds interesting, but I dont have a computer.Peter: Well, do you have a volleyball?Barry: Yes.Peter: Then lets play volleyball.Barry: Oh, volleyball is so difficult.Peter: OK, lets watch TV.Barry: That sounds boring. Hmmm, lets play soccer! Do you have a soccer ba

10、ll?Peter: No, I dont.Barry: Oh, well, do you have a basketball?Peter: Yes, I do. Lets play basketball!Barry: That sounds fun!( )51. Who wants(想)to play computer games?A. Peter B. Barry C. Peter and Barry D. Nobody( )52. Does Barry have a computer?A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he is. D. No

11、, he isnt( )53 Can Barry play volleyball?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesnt.( )54. Does Peter have a soccer ball?A. No, he does. B. Yes, he does C. No, he doesnt D. Yes, he doesnt( )55. Which sentence is right?( 哪句是正确的?)A. Peter likes to play computer games. B. Barry lik

12、es to watch TV.C Peter has a soccer ball. D. Barry doesnt have a volleyball.BSandy: Whats this? Its a pencil. But it isnt my pencil. Hi, Bill. Is this your pencil?Bill: No, it isnt.Sandy: Hi, Alice, is this your pencil?Alice: No, it isnt. I think(认为) its Lindas. Hi, Linda, here is your pencil.Linda:

13、 Oh, thank you. Sandy: Youre welcome.Bill: Look! What are those?Linda: Are they oranges?Alice: No, they arent. They are apples. Are they your apples, Sandy?Sandy: Yes, they are my apples.( )56 Whose(谁的) pencil is this?A. Sandys B. Lindas C. Bills D. Alices( )57.Who finds(发现)the pencil first?A. Bill B. Alice C. Sandy D. Linda( )58. Which sentences is right?(哪句是正确的)A. The pencil is Bills. B.Bill knows whose pencil this is.C.The apples are Sandys. D.The apples are Lindas.( )59. Who finds the apples first?A. Bill B. Alice C. Sandy D. Linda( )60._ is



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