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1、少儿英语故事5篇 学习英语,阅读真的很重要,今天给大家带来少儿英语童话故事,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Mum went shopping. 妈妈去买东西。 She took1 the children. 她带上了孩子们。 The children looked up. 孩子们往上看。 There was2 an elephant on the roof3. 有一只大象在屋顶上。 The elephant looked funny. 大象看上去很滑稽。 The elephant was fat. 大象很胖。 The children laughed. 孩子们大笑了起来

2、。 Look at that fat elephant, they said4. 看那只胖胖的大象呀,他们说。 An elephant? said Mum:Dont be silly5. 一只大象?妈妈说:别傻了。 There was a storm6. 暴风雨来了。 The wind blew. 风吹啊吹啊。 It rained and rained. 雨下呀下呀。 It was a bad storm. 那是一场超大的暴风雨。 The wind was strong. 风力很强。 It blew the elephant away. 它把大象吹走了。 The children went t

3、o school. 孩子们去上学了。 The elephant was in the playground. 那只大象在操场上。 The children laughed. 孩子们笑了。 The children told Mrs May. 孩子们告诉了梅老师。 Look at that fat elephant,they said. 看那只胖胖的大象呀,他们说。 An elephant? said Mrs May:Dont be silly. 一只大象?梅女士说:别傻了。 The children liked the fat elephant. 孩子们喜欢胖大象。 They wanted i

4、t to stay. 他们希望它能留下来。 Sorry!Said the man, We want it back. 对不起!一个男人说:我们得把它拿回去。 Look at the fat elephant, said Biff. 看那只胖大象呀,碧芙说。 Its a flat elephant now, said Wilma. 现在它是一直扁大象了,威尔玛说。 从前有一个人捡到了一只小猫鼬,他和妻子把小猫鼬照顾的很好。小猫鼬和家里的小儿子感情很好,有一天,有一只大蛇来了,为了保护小宝贝,猫鼬勇敢的和大蛇做斗争受了伤。回来的妈妈却以为是猫鼬害死了儿子 Once there lived a ki

5、nd Brahmin in a small village with his wife. They had a little son. One day, as he was returning home from a nearby village, he came across a baby mongoose crying next to its mothers dead body. “Oh! poor creature, thought the Brahmin. “If I leave it here it will surely die. He picked it up and took

6、it home with him. “Gowri, I found this little creature on my way home. Let us take care of him, he said to his wife. “Very well along with our son, I will take care of the mongoose also, replied his wife. The mongoose grew up with a lot of love and care in the Brahmins house. He slept next to the Br

7、ahmins son in the cradle1, drank milk and played with the boy everyday. The baby mongooses days were full of joy in the Brahmins house. As both the boy and the mongoose grew up, their friendship changed to a relationship between two brothers. The mongoose grew up fast and as days went by, the Brahmi

8、ns wife began to get doubts in her mind. “After all, this is a wild animal. Sooner or later it will show its true colours, she thought to herself. She put the mongooses bed separately and would watch him carefully when ever he played with her son. One day when the Brahmin was away. Gowri decided2 to

9、 go to the river to fetch a pot of water. She looked around and saw her son sound asleep in his cradle. The mongoose was also asleep on the floor at the foot of the cradle. This should take only a few moments I hope I can trust that mongoose not to harm my little son, she said to herself and after a

10、 final look at them both she hurried down to the river. Suddenly, the mongoose woke up with a start. He had heard a very faint noise. Looking up, the mongoose saw a large black snake crawling in through a hole in the wall. “The snake will harm my brother. Mother and father are away. I will have to p

11、rotect my little brother, thought the mongoose, as the snake came slithering towards the cradle. The brave little mongoose pounced3 on the huge black snake. After a long, ferocious4 fight, the little mongoose finally managed to kill the snake. Just then, he heard the Brahmins wife returning. Joyfull

12、y5, he ran out to meet his mother and tried _ing her through his little animal signs that he had protected his little brother from a dreadful6 snake. But as soon as Gowri saw blood on the mongooses mouth and paws, she thought, “This wretched7 animal has killed my little son. In a fit of anger the Br

13、ahmins wife threw the pot full of water on the mongoose killing8 him instantly. Entering the house with a heavy heart, she was amazed to see her little son lying in his cradle still deep in sleep. On the floor was a huge black snake with its ugly head bitten off. “Oh what have I done, cried the Brah

14、mins wife. “I killed that faithful little mongoose who saved the life of my precious son. 一头野驴不听好友豺狼的劝告,非要在果园里大声唱歌,结果农民听到了,过来狠狠揍了他一顿。 A wild donkey once lived in the woods. He had no friends and lived all alone. One day a jackal passing by saw the donkey. He went up to the donkey and said, “What is

15、the matter? Why do you look so sad my dear fellow? The donkey turned to the jackal and said, “I have no friends and am very lonely. “Well, dont worry. I will be your friend from today, the jackal forted him. From that day, the donkey and jackal became very good friends. They were always seen together. One moonlit evening, the jackal and the donkey were strolling through the woods. It was a cool and pleasant evening. As they walked



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