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1、1,Key terms For Unit One,进入方式 间接出口 直接出口 许可经营 合资企业 直接投资 中介人,中间商 国内出口代理商 佣金 贸易公司 初级产品 销售队伍 技术诀窍,Mode of entry Indirect export Direct export Licensing Joint venture Direct investment Intermediary Domestic-based export agent Commission Trading company Primary product Sales force Know-how,Key terms For U

2、nit One,Mode of entry Indirect export Direct export Licensing Joint venture Direct investment Intermediary Domestic-based export agent Commission Trading company Primary product Sales force Know-how,2,Key terms For Unit One,潜在收益 出口部 仓储 利润/展示/客服中心 销售分公司 销售代表 国外分销商/代理商 专有权;专营权力 商业展览 软件博览会,potential re

3、turn export division warehousing profit/display/customer-service center sales branch/subsidiary sales representative foreign-based distributor/agent exclusive right trade show software expo,3,Key terms For Unit One,许可协议 无形资产 (知识产权)许可方 (知识产权)被许可方 特许权使用费 专利 版权 商标 净销售收入,licensing agreement intangible p

4、roperty licenser licensee royalty fee patent copyright trademark net sales revenue,4,Key terms For Unit One,所有权股份 过半数股权 主要竞争对手 白色货物(冰箱,洗衣机,被单等) 大企业 国有企业 跨国公司 出口管理公司,ownership stake majority share arch-rival white goods corporate giant state-owned company multinational company Export management compa

5、ny,5,Key terms For Unit One,独资子公司 老字号企业 成本节约 原材料 投资激励措施 东道国 供应商 分销商 贬值的货币 征用 遣散费,解雇费,离职费,wholly owned subsidiary established firm cost economy raw material investment incentive host country supplier distributor devalued currency expropriation severance pay,6,Key Terms for Unit Two,Mercantilism (merc

6、antilist) Trade surplus/deficit Subsidize v. Zero-sum game/Positive-sum game The Wealth of Nations Absolute advantage Comparative advantage,重商主义(重商主义者) 贸易赢余(顺差)/赤字(逆差) 补贴 零和博弈/正和博弈 国富论(亚当.斯密) 绝对优势 比较优势,7,Key Terms for Unit Two,Labor-intensive goods capital-intensive goods Factor of production Leonti

7、ef Paradox Consumer preference Human capital Physical capital Capital expenditure Less developed country Resources endowment Manufactured goods Market economies,劳动密集型商品 资本密集型商品 生产要素 列昂剔夫悖论 消费者偏好 人力资本 实物资本 资本性支出 欠发达国家 资源禀赋 工业制成品 市场经济体,8,Country-similarity theory Home market Factor endowments Pattern

8、of trade Primary commodity Per capita income Lower-income country Demand or reaction lag Imitation lag Patent law Economies of scale Learning-by-doing Opportunity cost High/low-wage economies Product life cycle,国家相似理论 母国市场、本国市场 要素禀赋 贸易模式/格局 初级商品 人均收入 低收入国家 需求或反应滞后 模仿滞后 专利法 规模经济 干中学 机会成本 高/低工资经济体 产品生

9、命周期,9,Key Terms For Unit 3,Civil aviation Disembodied service Electronic discs Entrepot trade Factors of production Free trade Foreign currency earnings Foreign direct investment Manufacturing industries Merchandise trade Migrant worker Splintered service Stock exchange,民用航空 脱离式服务 电子软盘 转口贸易,中转贸易 生产要

10、素 自由贸易 外汇收入 外商直接投资 制造业 商品贸易 迁徙性(流动性)工人 分离式服务 证券交易所,10,Key Terms For Unit 3,Trade in services/services trade Trade in goods/goods trade Advertising executive Commercial Law firm Securities Retail banking Subsidiary,服务贸易 货物贸易 广告业务主管 商业广告 律师事务所/律师行 证券 零售银行业务 子公司,11,Technology transfer Industrial compet

11、ition Quality of life Living standard Employment opportunity Public service On-the-job experience Patent rights and licenses,技术转让 产业竞争力 生活质量 生活水平 就业机会 公共服务 在职培训 专利权和授权,Key Terms 1,12,Government aid and financing program Bank lending Transnational/multinational corporation Market share Foreign direct

12、 investment Production costs Intellectual property Distribution network Private sector Non-governmental organizations,政府援助与融资项目 银行借贷 跨国公司 市场份额 国外直接投资 生产成本 知识产权 分销网络 私营部门 非政府机构,Key terms 2,13,Key Terms 3,Official Development Assistance Interest-free loans Subsidized loan Economies in transition Organ

13、ization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Commercial bank Interest rate Portfolio Equity Investment,官方发展援助 无息贷款 补贴贷款 转型经济体 经济合作与发展组织 商业银行 利率 证券股权投资,国外有价证券投资,14,Key Terms For Unit 5,贸易伙伴 贸易壁垒 进口关税 非关税壁垒 从量关税 从价关税 关税收入 双重/三重关税 关税税率表,Trading partner Trade barrier Import tariff Non-tariff

14、barrier Specific tariff Ad valorem tariff Tariff revenue Two-part/three-part tariff Tariff schedule,15,Key Terms For Unit 5,进口许可证 自动许可 非自动许可 进口配额 绝对配额 关税配额 自愿出口限制 政府采购政策,Import licensing Automatic licensing Non-automatic licensing Import quota Absolute quota Tariff-rate quota Voluntary export restra

15、int (VER) Government procurement policy,16,Terms 3 For Unit 5,17,Key Terms For Unit 6,制成品 进出口管制 关税减让 欧洲联盟 一体化 新兴工业化经济体 贸易构成,manufactured products Import and export control Tariff reduction European Union integration Newly industrializing economies Composition of trade,18,Key Terms For Unit 6,出口基地 轻工

16、制造业 初级产品 工业制成品 粗加工、低附加值产品 深加工、高附加值产品,Export base Light manufacturing Primary product Finished industrial product Roughly processed, low value-added products Deep processed, high value-added products,19,Key Terms For Unit 6,劳动密集型产品 贸易量 家用电器 大宗商品 贸易模式 垂直专业化 补偿贸易 寄售 包销,Labor-intensive products Trade volume Electrical household appliance Staple commodity Pattern of trade Vertical specialization Compensation trade Consignment trade Exclusive sales,20,Key Terms For Unit 6,租赁贸易 公开投标 期货交易 对销贸易 边境贸易



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