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1、专题九被动语态 动词语态分为两大类:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态:主 语是动作的执行者。被动语态:主语是动作的承受者。动作的执 行者由 by 连接的短语表示,常译为“ 被、由” 。 对于英语的被动语态,我们可以以下五个方面来掌握。 一、主语与谓语动词的逻辑关系被动语态表示句子的主语是 谓语动词动作的承受者或对象。如:Computers are widely used in our work and daily life. 电脑在我们的工作和日常生活中广泛 应用。 (computers 就是 use 的对象或承受者 ) 二、表示被动语态的形式(1) 基本形式:主语+ be + vt. 的 过去分

2、词+ (by + sb.) This song is often sung by children at school. 这首歌经常在学校被孩子们唱。 常见被动语态的时态: 一般现在时: am/is/are+ vt.的过去分词; 一般过去时: was / were + vt.的过去分词; 一般将来时: will / shall / be going to + be + vt.的过去分词; 现在完成时: have / has + been + vt.的过去分词; 过去完成时: had + been + vt.的过去分词; 现在进行时: am/is/are + being + vt.的过去分词;

3、(2) 其他形式:(选学) 主语+ be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by +. sb.)+宾语/ 介词 + 宾语 A. 主语 + be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 宾语/to + 宾语 I was shown his gold medal there. 在那里他给我看了他的金牌。 His gold medal was shown to me. 他的金牌给我看了。能用于 这一句型的常见动词有bring, give,hand, lend,offer,pass, post, send,show,teach,tell,throw ,write 等。 B. 主语 + be + v

4、t. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 宾语 /for + 宾语 I was bought a new dictionary (by my father). 我父亲给我买了一本 新字典。A new dictionary was bought for me (by my father). 我 父亲给我买了一本新字典。能用于这一句型的常见动词有buy, call,cook,do,get,make,save 等。 主语 + be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 主语的补足语 Jim was made chairman at the meeting. Jim 在会上被推选为主席。

5、 Li Lei was seen to break the glass this moming. 李雷今天上午被人 看到打碎了那块玻璃。能用于这一句型的常见动词有feel, hear, make,observe,see,watch 等。特别注意的是,在主动语态中, 不定式做宾语的补足语,不定式前面的小品词to 必须省略,而在被 动语态中,不定式做主语的补足语,不定式的小品词to 必须补上。 主语 +情态动词( can/could/may/might/must/should/ought to) + be + 动词的过去分词+ (by + sb.) Water can be turned into

6、 过去进行时: was / were + being + vt.的过去分词 过去将来时: would + be + vt.的过去分词 注意:被动语态不用于将来进行时及完成进行时。 ice. 水能转变成冰。Your essay should be rewritten again. 你 的论文应该还重新修改一遍。 主语 +be + 短语动词的过去分词+ (by + sb.) His words should be paid much attention to. 应该多注意他的话。The children in China are taken good care of now. 现在中国的孩子被照

7、料得很好。注意:动词后面的介词或副词不能省略。 形式主语 (It) +be + vt.的过去分词+主语从句It is reported that our team has won the game again. 据报道,我们队又赢了比赛。 能用于这一句型的常见动词有believe, expect,know, report ,say, suppose,think 等。这一句型也可变为:主语 + be + vt. 的过 去分词 +不定式短语The Mars is believed to have no life on it. 火星被确认无生命迹象。Our team is reported to h

8、ave won the game again. 据报道,我们队又赢了比赛。 三、被动语态的用法 被动语态往往表示一种客观的事实,有时语气比较生硬, 没有商量的 余地,从而令人难以接受,因此,切不可随便使用。在能用主动语态 表示时,尽量使用主动语态,只有在下面的情况中才使用被动语态。 说不出动作的执行者或没有必要说出动作的执行者;如:The classroom had been cleaned when I got there. 当我到达教室的时候,教室已经被人打扫过了。 (教室究竟是谁打扫的,说话者并不知道) 为了突出或强调动作的承受者或对象;如:Homework must be finish

9、ed before school is over. 作业必须在放学之前做完。(强调 Homework) 为了修辞的需要,使句子间的联系更紧密。如: I have a new motorbike. It was given to me by my father yesterday as my birthday present. 我有一台新摩托车。 它是昨天我父亲买给我作为生 日礼物的。(显然,It 指代 the new bike 就与上文的 a new motorbike 紧密相连 ) 四、不能使用被动语态的情况 (1)不及物动词没有被动形式。特别要注意汉语中带名词或代词 做宾语的动词,如bel

10、ong,die,happen,occur,take place 等不及 物动词。如:A terrible traffic accident happened on the road yesterday. ( 昨天在公路上发生了一起可怕的交通事故。)就不能改写 为:A terrible traffic accident is happened on the road yesterday. (2)一些静态的及物动词也不能用于被动语态。如 agree with , fit, have,hold,own,suit 等。如:I don t agree with Jack. (我不 同意 Jack 的观点

11、。 )就不能改写为: Jack isn t agreed with. 五、主动形式表被动意义如:The pen writes well. 这支笔很好写。 The food tastes good. 这些食物尝起来味道很好。 His house is comfortable to live in. 他的房子住起来很舒服。 实战演练 (2 50) 计分: 1._ a new library _ in our school last year? A. Did ; build B. Was ; built C. Is; built 2.An accident _ on this road last w

12、eek. A. was happened B. has happened C.happened 3. - This kind of rice tastes nice. Do you know where it is grown? - Yes, it _ in Southeast China. A. was grew B. is grown C. is growing 4.So far, the moon _ by man already. A. is visited B. has been visited C. was visited 5.A talk on Chinese history _

13、 in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given 6.A lot of things _ by people to save the little girl now. A. are doing B. are being done C. will be done 7.The doctor _ for yet. A. isnt sent B. wasnt sent C. hasnt been sent 8. -When _ this kind of computer _? -Last year

14、. A. was; made B. did; make C .are; made 9.Who _ this book _? A. did; write B. was; written by C. is; written 10.Mary _ show me her new dictionary. A. has asked to B. was asked to C. is asked 11.A story _ by Granny yesterday. A. was told to us B. was told us C. is told us 12.The monkey was seen _ of

15、f the tree. A. jumped B. jumps C. to jump 13.Older people _ well. A. must be looked after B. looks after C. must look after 14.Our teacher _ carefully. A. should be listened B. should be listened to C. are listened 15. In some part of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. A. is served B. serves C. s

16、erved 16. - Did you win the basketball game? - Bad luck. Our team _ in the final one. A. won B. was won C. was beaten 17. Do you think that the bridge _ in a year? A. would be completed B. will be completed C. is completed 18. Great changes _ in China since 1949. A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. took place 19. -Why



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