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1、Unit 1-Unit 3 复习题 一选出不同类的词。 ( ) 1. A. what B. when C. write ( ) 2. A. interesting B. going C. showing ( ) 3. A. cut B. draw C. bamboo ( ) 4. A. research B. report C. think ( ) 5. A. talk about B. very good C. write about 二单项选择题。 ( ) 1. We are going to _ some interesting stories. A. listening to B. l

2、istens to C. listen to ( ) 2. -Are we going to read the stories? -_ A. Yes, we are not B. No, we are. C. No, we are not. ( ) 3. Are we going to talk _ them? A. in B. on C. about ( ) 4. What _ we going to do? A. is B. am C. are ( ) 5. Were going to _ some books. A. read B. reads C. reading ( ) 6. I _

3、 going to read and find information. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 7. Lets _ a picture. A. draw B. painting C. draw ( ) 8. Do you know _ to make a cake? A. what B. why C. how ( ) 9. Peter _ out the picture. A. cut B. shows C. show ( ) 10. Next, _ a picture. A. draw B. drawing C. draw 三选择单词,补全句子。 1. I _ (am

4、, are) going to draw a picture. 2. What _ (am, are) you going to do this weekend? 3. We _ (are, is) going to read a short play. 4. We _ (am, are) going to paint the picture. 5. She is going to _ (cuts, cut) out the picture. 6. Peter _ (cuts, cutting) the bamboo with a knife. 7. Anne is going to _ (d

5、o, collect) a research. 8. Lastly, _(shows, show) your picture to the class. 9. _ (What, Where) are we going to do? 10. _(What, When) is your fathers birthday? 11. Dont _(eat, eating ) in the library. 12. My birthday is _ (in, on) March. 四阅读理解。 We are going to do a research next week. We are going t

6、o research the plants. Next Monday, we are going to read some books about plants. Then we are going to find information from the Internet next Tuesday. We are going to collect some pictures about plants from the Internet, too. And we are going to write a report next Sunday. 判断正误,正确的写(T) ,错误的写( F) ( ) 1.We are going to research the plants next week. ( ) 2.We are going to read some books about wild animals. ( ) 3.We are going to draw pictures from the Internet. ( ) 4.We are going to collect some pictures about the animals. ( ) 5.We are going to write a report next Sunday.



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