2021年考研英语 作文常考话题解析

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《2021年考研英语 作文常考话题解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年考研英语 作文常考话题解析(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021年考研英语 作文常考话题解析 考研英语备考很多事情都要提上日程了,看看哪些是该注意的,下面由为你精心准备了“2021年考研英语:作文常考话题解析”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! team spirit:团队精神 teamwork:团队合作 strengthen mutual cooperation:增强相互合作 cultivate the atmosphere of teamwork:形成团队精神 patience:耐心 prudence:谨慎 persistence/perseverance:恒心/毅力/坚持 对应:give up halfway(半途而废) endeavo

2、r:努力 diligence/painstaking efforts:勤奋 self-dependence/self-reliance/independence:自立 innovation/creativity/critical thinking:创新 self-confidence:自信(lack of confidence:缺乏自信) modesty:谦虚 striving spirit:奋斗精神 the spirit of petition:拼搏精神 aggressive:有进取心的 strong-willed:意志坚强的 tireless:孜孜不倦的 persevering:不屈不挠的

3、 consistent:始终如一的 adversity and hardship:逆境和苦难 a sense of achievement:成就感 sense of honor:荣誉感 entertain great ambitions:胸怀抱负 reap without sowing:不劳而获 haste makes waste:欲速则不达 utilitarian:功利的,急功近利的 actions:行动(take actions:付诸行动) down-to-earth:务实的 thrift:勤俭 honesty:诚信 respect the old and care for the you

4、ng:尊老爱幼 curiosity:充满好奇 spirit of the craftsman/craftsmans spirit/craftsmanship spirit:工匠精神 striving for the best/striving for excellence:精益求精 public morality:公德 devotion/dedication:奉献 charity:慈善 duty/responsibility:责任 sense of responsibility:责任感 shoulder/assume/undertake ones duties/responsibility:承

5、担责任 avoid/shirk/shun ones duties/responsibility:逃避责任 traditional virtues:传统美德 practice filial piety:奉行孝道 selfless devotion:无私奉献 Patriotism:爱国主义 ply with the law/observation of the law:遵守法律 ply with public morality:遵守公德 follow the morals:按道德行事 improve public morals:改进社会风气 safeguard public morals:维护公共

6、道德 injure public morality:损害公共道德 be public-spirited:有公德心的 the corruption of public morality:公德堕落 the lack of moral sense:道德缺失 the crisis of trust:信任危机 spit everywhere:随地吐痰 make noise/talk loudly:大声喧哗 littering:乱丢垃圾 empty promise:空洞承诺 false promise:虚假承诺 pete for benefits:争抢利益 unfair petitions:不公平竞争 c

7、onsumers rights and interests:消费者权益 disregard the public rules:无视公共规章 break/violate public regulations:违反公共规章 benevolence:善心仁慈 with heart and soul:全心全意 amicable:友好的 charitable:宽厚的 credibility:信誉,美誉 fake modities:伪劣产品 dishonest behaviors:欺诈行为 unaffordable prices of medicines:药价虚高 academic corruption:学术腐败 plagiarism:剽窃抄袭 excessive growth:过度上涨 illegal ads:非法广告 food safety:食品安全 misdeed/misconduct:不良行为 spirit of contact:契约精神 volunteer/volunteering/volunteering service:志愿者/志愿者活动/志愿服务 volunteer spirit:志愿者精神 2021考研英语:英语介词固定搭配解析 2021年考研英语:完形填空的词汇解析 2021考研英语:英语基础句子的解析三 模板,内容仅供参考



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