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1、北京市海淀区重点中学2015 年 7 月新初三暑假备战2016 年中考 完形填空题 第一组 Five years ago, Chet Szuber received the heart of his youngest child, Patti, who had been killed in a car accident. Now, with each passing day, he celebrates her spirit. Szuber had to 36 his job because of his heart disease. In 1990, Szuber was put on th

2、e waiting list for a heart transplant (移植 ), which seemed to offer his last hope to live. But as years went by and no heart came his 37 , he got to a point where he could 38 move around during the day. “I had kind of given up, ” he says. Early on Aug. 18, 1994, Patti, then 22, was thrown from the ca

3、r on the mountain road. 39 the Szubers got to the hospital, she was there with no hope of staying alive. Her family remembered that she had once mentioned that she had filled out an organ-donor card (器官捐赠 卡), so they gave the hospital the go-ahead to do whatever was 40 to get her organs to needy rec

4、ipients (people who receive the organs). On Aug. 21, Szuber was informed that Patti was brain dead and suggested that he could get his daughter s heart. Szuber 41 , “I wasn t sure I could stand every heartbeat making me remember Patti.”Finally, his wife asked him to accept. 42 of Patti s organs were

5、 given to other recipients, and within 24 hours her heart was beating in Szuber. Since then he has tried to honor her memory as best he can by speaking for organ donation. Every year he gives a dozen 43 around the country, raising awareness (意识 )of the need for organ donors and asking people to sign

6、 up. 44 most other recipients, Szuber has never celebrated the “ second birthday.”“ It s hard to celebrate a life and death 45 ,”says his wife, “ so we just kind of forgot about it” . But those who have received Patti s organs cannot forget. Thanks to Patti s organs, they now live a normal life, 46

7、the problems they ever had. It is a feeling Chet Szuber knows well, but always with that heartbreak. “ It s such a bittersweet situation. I certainly 47 the good health,”he says, “ but I sure do miss that kid. ” 36. A. leave B. lose C. take D. change 37. A. list B. hope C. way D. chance 38. A. hardl

8、y B. slowly C. only D. nearly 39. A. By the time B. As soon as C. Not until D. Shortly before 40. A. useful B. necessary C. hopeful D. possible 41. A. answered B. nodded C. worried D. refused 42. A. All B. Both C. Some D. Any 43. A. cards B. lessons C. speeches D. programs 44. A. For B. Unlike C. Wi

9、th D. Besides 45. A. in this way B. as usual C. now and then D. at the same time 46. A. tired of B. free of C. afraid of D. careful of 47. A. require B. enjoy C. treasure D. appreciate 36 39 ACAA 40 43 BDCC 44 47 BDBD 北京市海淀区重点中学2015 年 7 月新初三暑假备战2016 年中考 完形填空题 第二组 Sarah like to dive for treasure ( 潜水

10、寻宝 ). She and Matthew dived together many times. There was only one 36 . The waters in which they dived were full of sharks. So one of them was watching for sharks while 37 dived. One day Matthew was exploring the bottom. Sarah 38 on top with another diver named David. 39 she saw a huge shadow (影子)i

11、n the water. It was a shark, and it was heading straight for David! What should she do? She was afraid to shout a warning to David. It might 40 him, and he might start splashing. Sarah knew the shark would be attracted by splashing. There was only one thing to do. She must tell David about the shark

12、 in a 41 way. Then, perhaps, he could swim away 42 . The shadow was huger now. Sarah s 43 was in her mouth, but she swam over to David. In a quiet voice she told him, “ There is a shark behind you. Don t splash. Swim to the boat fast!” David 44 . He turned pale, but he did not splash. They headed fo

13、r the boat. Sarah looked quickly over her shoulder. The shark was right behind them. They reached the boat just in time. She and David 45 themselves up. The jaws of the shark snapped shut, but it was 46 late. They were safe. Later Matthew and David 47 Sarah. “ You are a brave young woman,” they told

14、 her. “ Treasure hunting is fun,” said Sarah. “ You just have to remember one thing. Sharks like to go hunting, too!” 36. A. problemB. thing C. boat D. water 37. A. the otherB. another C. some D. others 38. A. walked B. ran C. swam D. went 39. A. Surprisingly B. SuddenlyC. Quickly D. Normally 40. A.

15、 force B. interest C. warn D. frighten 41. A. quick B. special C. quietD. good 42. A. dangerously B. safely C. fast D. slowly 43. A. stomach B. finger C. heart D. tooth 44. A. nodded B. disagreed C. answered D. knew 45. A. put B. brought C. speeded D. pulled 46. A. so B. too C. very D. quite 47 A. h

16、onor B. praise C. admire D.know 36-41 AACBDC 42-47 BCADBB 北京市海淀区重点中学2015 年 7 月新初三暑假备战2016 年中考 完形填空题 第三组 It was a cold dark winter s night. It was getting late and I was tired so I went to bed. At about two in the morning my phone began to ring. It was from mum. I started to panic and my heart was racing because mum has had her voice box removed because she had cancer (癌症), and she only 36 if anything is wrong. I live



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