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1、初中英语九年级 1 / 11 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元测试 一、听力测试(20分) (一)听句子,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) 1.A.skirt B.shirt C.blouse 2.A.leaves B.save C.move 3.A.produce B.products C.production 4.A.rose B.rise C.raise 5.A.do B.complete C.make (二)听句子,选择与你所听到的句子相符的图片。(5分) A.B.C.D.E. 6._7._8._9._10._ (三)听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。

2、(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答1112小题。 11.A.Going camping. B.Going shopping. C.Going on a vacation. 12.A.Yes, he has. B.No, he hasn t. C.I don t know. 听下面一段对话, 回答 1315小题。 13.A.Food. B.Clothes. C.Kites. 14.A.Bamboo and paper. B.Metal and paper. C.Bamboo and steel. 15.A.In March. B.In April. C.In July. (四)听短文,根据短文内容填

3、空。(5分) Chester Greenwood was a fifteen-year-old boy who lived in America.Chester s parents 16._ him to play outside, even in the cold winter.Chester didn t like to wear a 17._.So he decided to 18._ something to keep warm.He 19._ a tool to bend wire into loops(圈,环 ).His grandmother then sewed fur ont

4、o them.Oh, that is the first pair of ear muffs( 耳套 ).It is one of the most useful 20._ in our everyday life. 二、单项填空(10分) 21.There _ alot of birds in this area.But there aren t many of them left now. A.used to be B.used to have C.was used to have D.was used to be 22.Your classroom is really bright an

5、d clean. It _ after school every day. A.is cleaned B.cleaned C.cleans D.was cleaned 23.1t _ politer to say. “ Excuse me, could you please give me a hand?” A.hears B.listens C.sounds D.notices 24. _ Mr.Smith, this is a good place for a picnic. A.Rather than B.Instead of C.According to D.Next to 25.Lu

6、 Xun is known _ his books.And he is also known _ a great thinker. A.as; for B.for; as C.for; for D.as; as 初中英语九年级 2 / 11 26.You should eat more vegetables.They are good your health. A.at B.in C.to D.for 27.We usually use QQ to chat with each other on the Internet. That s great.But I don t know _ it.

7、 A.how to use B.what to use C.how can I use D.what can l use 28.The river _ after the heavy rain. A.has been raised B.has been risen C.has raised D.has risen 29.The T-shirt feels soft. Yes.It _ cotton. A.is made of B.is made in C.is made by D.is made into 30.You don t do your homework as _ as me.You

8、 should pay more attention to your spelling. A.careful B.carefully C.more careful D.more carefully 三、完形填空(15分) There is a man 31Rubik who invented a specialcube.He called it Magic Cube(魔 方).It has become one of32 puzzle games(益智游戏 )all over the world. Rubik was born in Hungary(匈牙利 )33 World War l .R

9、ubik s family was very interesting.His mother was a poet.She was a free thinker who put her thoughts of life to paper.His father was an aircraft engineer.When Rubik was a child, his thoughts had to be very special and exact.Rubik was 34 by his parents.He loved sculpture( 雕刻 ), and went to college to

10、 study art and sculpture.After 35 , he wasn t36 .He went back to college and studied architecture( 建筑学 ). Rubik37 his famous cube in 1974.It was not his plan to create a new toy.He was only38 in how to design things himself.Rubik said, “ It waswonderful to see how the colors became mixed after only

11、a few turns.After a while, I thought it was time 39 back, so I want to put the colors back in 40 .And it was at that moment that I faced thebig challenge:What was the way home?” Thus, the first Magic Cube was invented. 31.A.name s B.is named C.names D.named 32.A.popular B.the more popular C.the most

12、 popular D.popularity 33.A.during B.of C.at D.on 34.A.taken care B.taken after C.taken care of D.taken away 35.A. graduate B.graduation C.educational D.high school 36.A.happy B.pleasant C.satisfied D.proud 37.A.found out B.found C.discovered D.invented 38.A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.inte

13、rests 39.A.go B.going C.togo D.went 40.A.time B.turn C.order D.style 四、阅读理解(20分) A The Romans developed the first water bed. Rich Romans rested in a“ bed” , which could be pushed gently from side to side and later it was used for making babies sleep.It is said that the Romans first used gold or ston

14、es to make their beds beautiful. 初中英语九年级 3 / 11 It is recorded that the first mattresses( 床垫 )were quite simple.They were simply some leaves or dry grass around 9500 BC. Around 3500BC, the Egyptian kings were told to sleep on a“ bed” with a mattress, which kept the body off the ground during sleepin

15、g.The Greeks made the mattresses with animal skins.Soon thiskind of mattresses became popular, but of course these belonged to rich people. In the 18th century mattresses were of good quality.Not long after that, the spring(弹簧 )mattresses came into being after the spring was invented in 1865. There were usually cither springs or foams( 泡沫 )in modern mattresses.Some mattresses made of rubber may also be filled with air or water.Some modern mattresses can make you feel more comfortable and fall asleep faster.It s hard to imagine what kind of mattresses will be invented in the f


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