五年级上册英语导学案(表格式)-Unit 6 In a nature park 第五课时 人教PEP

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1、授课班级主备人课 题Unit 6 IN a nature park课 时5学 习目 标1. 能听、说、读、写单词“tree”,“bridge”,“building”,“village”和“house”。2. 能灵活运用句型“Are there any ?”进行问答练习。3. 能完成“Write and say”部分的写作和说话任务。4. 教育学生要保护环境,热爱自己的家园。导学流程课堂结构学习导航学法指导导学(5分)用以下方式练读新单词:(小组活动)House, house, I have a small house.House, house, its a nice house.House,

2、house, I love my house.并根据图片做替换练习。根据题目要求完成各题并检查。合作探究(20 分)1.教师用多媒体出示本部分的情景图,介绍对话情景。 T: Oliver and Wu Yifan are in a village now. They are talking about the things in the village. Lets listen to the tape and read loudly. .2.展示表演对话。引出复数句型Are there any lakes on the mountains ? Yes, there are ./No,there

3、 arent . there is one .3. Write and say 学生用There be句型写四句话,介绍“Lets learn”部分情景图中有些什么。按照要求完成各题要积极参与和讨论哦我要展示(10 分)1.展示表演对话学生用There be句型写四句话,介绍“Lets learn”部2.分情景图中有些什么。发挥出你最好的水平,你是最棒的当堂反馈( 5分)根据汉语填入所缺字母,完成单词。 建筑物 bu _ _ ding 公园 p _ _ k 村庄 v _ _ lage 桥 bri _ _ e 房子 h _ _ se1. There are _ ducks in the river. A. many B. any C. a2. There _ some small boats in the lake. A. am B. is C. are 3. There _ many people in the park. A. arent B. not C. isnt 4._ there any lakes in the park ? Yes, there _.5._ there any flowers in the classroom ? No, there _.



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