金版 Unit2 单元检测 词汇

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《金版 Unit2 单元检测 词汇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《金版 Unit2 单元检测 词汇(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. Our final day, Friday, sees us visit central Paris and tour the main sights. 最后一天,周五,我们参观了巴黎市中心和游览了主要景点。 2. I vividly recall seeing in the Oxford School Atlas the Great Wall with its battlement symbol. 我清楚地记得在牛津学院地图集中看到的长城及其城垛标志。 3. From that moment, I had in my mind that when I grew up Id go to

2、China and walk along the Great Wall from end to end. 从那一刻起,我就想到了我长大了要去中国走遍长城。 4. Nonstop flights are available. 直达航班是可以找得到的。,5. The cloth bag bears a set of nine simple guidelines in Chinese, which calls on people to observe while traveling or camping outdoors: “Take your own garbage home” “Pick up

3、litter left by others”. 这个布袋上印有/带有9条简单的中文指导准则,呼吁人们在户外旅行或露营时遵守:“把自己的垃圾带回家”、“捡拾别人留下的垃圾”。 6. The student I met helped me unload my luggage as the train reached Tilak Nagar Station. He shook my hand strongly and looked into my eyes with marks of genuine care and friendship, despite us meeting for only 2

4、0 minutes. 当火车到达Tilak Nagar车站时,我遇到的这个学生帮我卸下行李。他坚定地握着我的手,看着我的眼睛,流露出真诚的关心和友谊,尽管我们只见面了20分钟。,7. The only way to see its beauty firsthand is on foot. 要亲眼看到它的美丽,唯一的办法就是步行。 8. Visitors to the Lost City must be accompanied by a licensed guide, which can be easily booked online through a handful of companies

5、. 要想去“失落之城”,必须有一名持证导游陪同,可以通过少数几家公司在网上轻松预订。 9. The dirt path, which ran through large banana trees, and many vines, proved hard right from the start. On top of battling high temperatures and sweat, which meant there were a few river crossings but also regular and enjoyable chances to cool off. 这条土路穿过

6、高大的香蕉树和许多藤蔓,从一开始就很艰难。除了对抗高温和出汗,这意味着有几条河渡口,但也有定期和愉快的机会来降温。,10. After dinner on our first night, we gathered around the table and, as the sun set from the sky, we listened to Pedro share the history of the area he calls home. 第一天晚上吃过晚饭后,我们围坐在桌子旁,当太阳从天空落下时,我们听Pedro讲述这个被他称为家的地区的历史。 11. The next morning,

7、 we began hiking in the predawn hours, but high temperatures and muscle tiredness had already set in by the time we reached the final stretch: 1,200 stone steps built by the Tairona, ancestors of Ciudad Perdida. 第二天早上,我们在黎明前几个小时就开始徒步旅行,但当我们到达最后一段时,高温和肌肉疲劳已经开始了:1200级石阶是由泰罗那人建造的,泰罗那人是帕尔迪达城的祖先。,12. Aft

8、er finally lifting my tiring body up the long flight of stairs, my eyes rested on the beautiful view below. 我终于抬起疲惫的身体,爬上了长长的楼梯,目光落在了下面美丽的景色上。 flight 一段楼梯 13. It was the fair share of challenge, though, that made the journey a more rewarding one. 然而,正是这种挑战,使旅程更有回报的/有意义的。 14. On our way to the house,

9、 it was raining so hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would take to get there. 在我们回家的路上,雨下得如此大以至于我们禁不住在想会花多长时间到达那里。 15. We were first greeted with the barking by a pack of dogs, seven to exact. 我们首先听到的是一群狗叫声,确切地说是7只狗。 16. They also shared with us many traditional stories about Hawaii th

10、at were hugely popular with tourists. 他们也和我们分享了许多有关夏威夷传统的故事,这些故事非常受游客欢迎。,听力 1 停车 park the car 2 a gym class 体操课;体育课;健身课 gym /dm/健身房;体育馆; (尤指学校的)体育活动 3 vase /vz/花瓶 4 fix her hair and makeup 给她做头发和化妆 5 become sick 生病 6 jungle /dl/ 丛林 7 video /vdi/ 视频,录像 8 essay /ese/文章;论文 9 accent /ksent/口音 10 present

11、ation /preznten/展示;描述,陈述;介绍 give a presentation 发表演说;作报告 11 throw garbage 扔垃圾 12 turtle /ttl/甲鱼;海龟,1 select /slekt/选择 2 choice n.选择 (choose v.) 3 above all最重要的是 4 meet/satisfy ones needs 5 suite /swit/(尤指旅馆的)一套房间,套房 6 tour 旅游;巡回演出 tourist 游客 tourism 旅游业 7 explore v.探索,考察;探究,探讨explorer探险家;勘探者explorat

12、ion n.探索;探究 8 call on sb to do sth / appeal to sb to do sth 号召某人做某事 9 observe the guidelines 遵守指导原则/准则 observe /bzv/v.遵守 10 spark /spk/v. 引发;触发 11 remotely /rmtli/ adv. 遥远地;偏僻地 12 rarely /reli/ not very often罕有;很少 13 frequently /frikwntli/频繁地,经常地 14 worse更差;更糟(bad的比较级)worsen v. (使)变得更坏,变得更糟,15 stron

13、g-willed意志坚强的 determined 坚定的;坚决的 16 selfless adj. 无私的 selfish adj.自私的 17 polite adj. impolite adj.没有礼貌的 18 considerate adj.考虑周到的; 体贴的( caring thoughtful understanding ) 19 optimistic /ptmstk/adj. 乐观的 20 unload v. (从车,船上)卸,取下 21 blow sb away 使某人很高兴;给某人留下深刻印象 22 get on the bus with all speed 迅速地/全速上车

14、23 genuine /denjun/真诚的;诚实的 24 despite prep. 尽管 25 courage /krd/ n 勇气 courageous/kreds/adj. 有胆量的,勇敢的 26 available adj.(东西)可获得的;可购得的 (人) 有空的 27 let go of sb/sth ; let sb/sth go 放弃,摒弃(想法,态度或控制) 放开;松手 29 snack /snk/快餐;点心 30 security checkpoint 安检点,完形 1旅游景点 attraction景点 tourist attraction Tourist destina

15、tion scenic spot sights 名胜,风景 2 see its beauty firsthand 亲眼看到它的美 3 accompany v.陪伴 4 a handful of 一把; 一小部分 5 over lunch 吃午饭时 6 on top of 除了 7 battle /btl/v./n 战斗,斗争 8 sweat /swet/n.汗水 9 snake v. 曲折前行;蛇行;蜿蜒伸展 10. muscle /msl/n.肌肉 11. ancestor /nsest(r)/n.祖先 12 a flight of stairs 一段楼梯 13 rewarding adj.有意义的;有报酬的;值得的 14 come across 偶遇 15 go over复习;仔细检查,


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