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1、冀教版 六年级上册Lesson 19:Christmas Is Coming! 一、教学背景分析教学内容分析本课是义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语(三年级起)六年级上第四单元第19课的一节新授课,本单元学习的是有关西方的重要节日圣诞节的有关文化知识。本课重点介绍圣诞节的一些相关知识和文化习俗,内容接近学生的生活,学生愿意了解这一重要节日,因此学习兴趣浓厚。本课的目的在于培养学生独立阅读的习惯和发展阅读的基本技能,使学生通过阅读的途径来学习语言。教学对象分析本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们已掌握一些英语基础知识和基本的阅读技能,而且对英语语篇的学习兴趣较为浓厚,特别是对他们了解西方文化背景知识更感兴

2、趣,因此学习本课既能丰富他们的学习经验,更能培养和提高他们今后语言交流中跨文化交际意识的能力。二、教学目标知识与技能目标1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读和拼写下列词汇 holiday, bring,give,song 2. 学生能认读、理解和运用下列句子: Christmas is a Western holiday. They bring gifts for us. We sing Christmas songs.情感态度目标激发学生在阅读中体验快乐,体验成功,快乐阅读。学习策略目标培养学生独立阅读的习惯和发展阅读的基本技能。文化意识目标了解西方人过圣诞节的一些文化习俗以及相关的文化背景知识三、

3、教学重难点重点:培养学生正确的阅读习惯,发展学生的阅读基本技能。通过阅读掌握圣诞节的相关语言知识。难点:能够用英语向他人介绍圣诞节。四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up 1. Free talk:T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats the date today? Hows the weather today?【设计意图】以师生间的自然问候导入新课,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,消除师生间的陌生感,使师生都能以良好的精神状态投入到英语学习的氛围之中。Step 2 Lead-in Pre-reading1. Free talk: 教师通过与学生之间谈论中国的

4、春节来展开本节课的导入。T: We have a very big and important festival in winter. Do you know? (出示图片)S: Its Spring Festival.T: Do you go to school in Spring Festival? Do your father and mother go to work in Spring Festival?S: No.T: What do people do in Spring Festival?S: We eat dumplings/We have lanterns/We have

5、red pocket money/light the fireworks.T: Did you have fun together in Spring Festival?S: Yes, we did.T: In Spring Festival we have lanterns and red pocket money. So Spring Festival is an important holiday in China.In Western countries, such as the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada, they have a specia

6、l holiday, too. Today I bring some pictures for you. Lets watch. What holiday is it?S: Its Christmas.【设计意图】从学生已有的语言知识和生活经验出发,围绕中国的传统节日春节展开交流,进而激活学生的背景知识,激发学生阅读文本的兴趣。Step 3 While-reading1.First reading: 学生带着问题快速阅读,找出教师所提出的两个问题答案。Let the students read the text silently and quickly and answer the two q

7、uestions. 1.When is Christmas?2.Do people go to work on Christmas? Do children go to school on Christmas?学生回答: S: Its December 25th. T: Today is December 14h. So we can say Christmas is coming!S: No. On a holiday, people dont work, children dont go to school.(大屏幕中呈现该句子,此处重点强调对“holiday”的学习。)【设计意图】通过快

8、速阅读初次接触文本,帮助学生大体了解圣诞这样一个传统的西方节日。并通过两个较为容易的问题的回答,培养学生快速阅读的能力,进而向学生渗透略读的策略。2. The Second reading:学生再次仔细阅读课文,回答教师提出的wh-questions.Let the students read the text again carefully and answers the questions. 1.What is Christmas?2.What do we have at Christmas?3.Who is Santa?S1: Christmas is a western holiday

9、. S2: At Christmas we have Christmas trees, lights and Santa.T: Good work. Look, I bring a picture of Christmas for you. Is it beautiful? Why?S: Because there are many lights on it.T: Yes, and we can put the lights on our house. Look, whats on the house?S: There are many Christmas lights on the hous

10、e.T: Whats on the Christmas tree?S: There are many Christmas lights on it.T: Good, and there are many Christmas lights and toys on it.T: Who brings toys for us?S: Santa.T: Look, hes coming! Whats he wearing?S: Hes wearing red clothes.T: How does he feel?S: He feels happy.T: So we can say Santa is a

11、merry man in red clothes.【设计意图】学生带着问题第二次阅读文本,通过寻找问题的答案,使学生更详尽地理解阅读内容,更深入地了解圣诞节,特别是结合图片和文本的上下文,帮助学生了解merry man, in red clothes等词汇和短语的含义,为学生的深层阅读扫清语言障碍。Learn the new words: Christmas tree, Christmas lights and Santa.3.The third Reading 学生借助图片阅读课文的第二大部分,然后回答教师的问题,学生回答所有的问题后,重点学习“bring, give, song”的用法。

12、T: At Christmas, people have fun together. How do people celebrate Christmas in Western countries? What do they do at Christmas? Read the text silently and answer the question:T: What do they do at Christmas? Who can tell me?S: They invite our family and friends to our house. They bring gifts for us

13、. They give our family and friends gifts, too. They say “Merry Christmas.”They sing Christmas songs. They have fun together. Learning the words:bring, give, songEg: The teacher brings a picture of the Great Wall for her students. His mother brings a big cake for his son on his birthday.He gives me a

14、 book.( = He gives a book to me.)Please give us a hand. (= Please give a hand to us.)On my birthday party, we sing songs and dance together.【设计意图】学生通过再次阅读文本获得有关圣诞的感性认识,了解有关人们在圣诞中所做的事情,进而让学生进一步了解西方人过圣诞的习俗。如西方的人们在圣诞时唱的歌叫做圣歌,人们通常会去教堂唱圣歌,人们也会像我们过春节一样,互赠礼物,邀请亲朋。通过回答问题,帮助学生进一步归纳梳理有关圣诞的知识,如What is Christma

15、s? When is Christmas? What do they do at Christmas?为学生围绕Christmas进行口语表达做好铺垫。4、Listen to the tape and read the text aloud.T: Now lets read after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 【设计意图】通过播放录音,帮学生进一步梳理本课的知识脉络。通过跟读录音,帮助学生纠正读音,培养学生良好的语感。Step 4 Post-reading : Talk about Christmas with your partner 让学生根据教师留在黑板上的语言知识的脉络提示,彼此谈论圣诞节。T: Christmas is coming! Im excited. Are you excited?S: Yes, we are.T: Dont forget to say “Merry Christmas ”to your friends and family.T: I love Christmas. Do you?S: Yes, I do.T: Can you describe Chris



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