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1、第22讲名词和冠词,名词 【名题实战】 1The New York Times is a popular daily _ _. (2015,德州) AdictionaryBmagazine Cnewspaper Dguidebook 2There are lots of _ _ that students have to follow in school.(2015,江西) Aexercises Bproblems Cskills Drules 3In 1998, Liu Xiangs _ _ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping.(2015,天津)

2、 Aability Btrade Celectricity Dmemory,C,D,A,4How can I get some _ _ about the 2016 Olympic Games? Why not search the Internet?(2015,安徽) Ainformation Bexperience Cpractice Dsuccess 5The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tells us that _ _ is very important in a football match.(2015,泰安) Aabili

3、ty Bdecision Cteamwork Dexperience,A,C,【考点梳理】 名词是甘肃各地市中考考查的重点,考生应熟练掌握并能正确运用该考点内容。考查内容主要包括: 1常用专有名词表示方法; 2可数名词单、复数变化规则及其用法; 3不可数名词量的表示方法; 4名词所有格的运用方法; 5名词作主语时主谓一致问题; 6名词词义的辨析。,高频考向一常用专有名词 1人名。如:Jackie Chan,Yao Ming 2地名。如:New York,the Great Wall 3国名。如:China,America 4一周七天。如:Monday,Tuesday 5一年十二个月。如:May

4、,September 6节日。如:Teachers Day,Mothers Day,Christmas Day 7专有名词缩写形式。如:USA,CD,【例1】 _ is the most important festival in China. AChristmas Day BSpring Festival CMidautumn Day DNational Day 解析:A选项是圣诞节;B选项是春节;C选项是中秋节;D选项是国庆节。根据句意“在中国最重要的节日”,当然是春节。 答案:_B_,高频考向二名词辨析 名词词义辨析主要让考生在不同的语言环境中,通过对上下文的理解或者对一些词义相同的名词

5、准确地掌握其意义,然后做出正确的选择。近年来,兰州中考试卷中的单选部分必考一题名词辨析。 【例2】 What are you going to do when you grow up? My _ is to become an astronaut.(2014,襄阳) AhobbyBdreamCjobDadvice 解析:由问句“你长大后将去做什么”可知,答句应为“我的梦想是成为一名航天员”。 答案:_B_,【例3】 The picnic is only in three days.Have you made any _? Not yet.So lets discuss what to prep

6、are.(2014,台州) Awishes Bplans Cmistakes Dfriends 解析:A选项意为“愿望”;B选项意为“计划”;C选项意为“错误”;D选项意为“朋友”。由答句句意“还没有。那么让我们去讨论一下准备什么吧!”可知,问句句意为“野餐就在三天后了。你做好计划了吗”。 答案:_B_,高频考向三名词的数 名词分可数名词与不可数名词两类。可数名词有单、复数变化形式。a用于以辅音音素开头的单数名词前,an用于以元音音素开头的单数名词前。如:an uncle,an apple,an honest man,an hour,a useful book,a university等。其复

7、数形式分为规则和不规则两种: 1可数名词复数的规则变化,2.可数名词复数的不规则变化 元音或词尾发生变化。 如:manmen;womanwomen;FrenchmanFrenchmen;toothteeth;footfeet;childchildren (巧记为:男女孩子的脚,踩住老鼠的牙。) 单复数形式相同。 如:sheepsheep;fish(鱼的条数) fish;Chinese(中国人)Chinese;Japanese(日本人)Japanese;deer(鹿)deer 只用复数形式的名词。 如:pants,shorts,clothes,glasses (眼镜)等。,由man,woman构

8、成的合成名词,变复数时将名词及man,woman都变成复数。 如:man drivermen drivers,woman teacherwomen teachers 但其他合成名词,只需把合成名词中的中心词变为复数形式。 如:a banana treebanana trees;a shoe factoryshoe factories,3不可数名词 不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词,它们一般没有复数形式。如果要表示不可数名词的数量则要借助于“a量词(可数名词)of不可数名词”短语,变复数时把a变为具体数词,量词变为复数形式。如:a bowl of water一碗水;two cups of tea

9、两杯茶 初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water,rice,tea,milk,food,fruit,meat,fish(鱼肉),chicken(鸡肉),beef,mutton,orange(橙汁),sugar,salt,paper(纸),porridge,bread,sand,juice,news,music,time(时间),information,fun,advice等。,有些名词既可作不可数名词,又可作可数名词,如:time(时间/次数,倍数),fish(鱼肉/鱼),room(空间/房间),noise(噪音/响声),paper(纸/试卷,文件),chicken(鸡肉/鸡),experien

10、ce(经验/经历) 【例4】 Where are you going,Sam? There isnt any _ in the fridge.Ill go and buy some.(2014,凉山) Avegetables Bbeef Ceggs Dmoney 解析:由is可知此处应用可数名词单数或不可数名词,故排除A、C选项。再根据句意来判断。 答案:_B_,【例5】 I saw some _ and _ dancing in the street the day before yesterday. AGermen;Englishmen BGermans;Englishmans CGerm

11、ans;Englishmen DGermen;Englishmans 解析:German的复数形式为Germans;Englishman的复数形式为Englishmen。 答案:_C_,高频考向四名词所有格 名词所有格,一般用在词尾加“s”这种形式来表示。以s或es结尾的名词在末尾只加“”。如: Its my mothers handbag.这是我妈妈的手提包。 Its only twenty minutes walk.这只是步行20分钟的路程。 Who won the girls 100meter race?谁赢了女子100米赛跑? 不以s或es结尾的复数名词末尾仍要加“s”。如:Where

12、s the Peoples Hospital,please?请问人民医院在哪儿? Its the policemens bedroom.这是警察宿舍。,表示两个或多个人共同拥有的人或物时,只需在并列名词的后一个名词词尾加“s”。若表示两者各自所拥有时,则每个名词后均加“s”。如: Lily and Lucys father is a worker.莉莉和露茜的父亲是工人。 Lilys and Lucys fathers are both workers.莉莉的父 亲和露茜的父亲都是工人。 有些名词,如诊所、家、店铺等名词所有格后加“s”后,可以省去表示相关处所的名词。如:the doctors

13、(医生诊所),Mr.Whites(怀特先生家),the booksellers(书店)。 of所有格主要表示无生命的东西。如: a map of China一幅中国地图 既表示所属关系又表示数量时要用双重所有格。如:an old friend of my uncles,a photo of Jims family等。,【例6】_ mothers cant go to the parents meeting because they are too busy.(2015,武威) AJacks and Paul BJacks and Pauls CJack and Pauls DJack and

14、Paul 解析:由复数名词mothers及从句中的they 可判断,此句是表示两人各自的妈妈。 答案:_B_ 【例7】We have a _ holiday every National Day.(2015,武威) A3 days B3days C3day D3 days 解析:“三天的假期”,修饰名词holiday需用复合形容词。 答案:_C_,一、单项选择。 1_ _ is one of the four great inventions of ancient China.(2014,兰州) AThe car BThe train CPapermaking DThe computer 2H

15、e has a collection of _ _. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.(2015,武威) Astamps Bnovels Cinstruments Dmagazines 3Miss Black is a friend of _ _,she always looks after my sister.(2014,龙东) AMarys mothers BMarys mother CMary mothers,C,A,A,4There are fifty _ _ in our school.They

16、 are all friendly to us.(2014,安顺) Awoman teachers Bwomen teachers Cwoman teacher Dwomen teacher 5I hear you have to get up early every morning. Right.Its one of the _ _ of my family.(2014,泰安) AplansBjobsCprogramsDrules 6Im tired.This is not the right _ _ to ask me to go for a walk.(2014,杭州) Amoment Bchance Cplace Dseason,B,D,A,7Could you please get me some _ _?Im hungry.(2014,黔西南) Aapple Bwater Cbread


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