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1、牛津版七年级英语上unit9 测试题牛津英语-初中一年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、 测验 题、复习资料-初中英语试卷 -试卷下载 Unit 9Do you want to go to a movie? Class_ Name_ Marks_ Listening Test Part I. Listen and tick. 请听句子,根据描述在相应的图片上打“”。 1.()()2.()()3.()() 4.()()5. ()() II. Listen and choose.请听对话选择最佳答案。 6. What does she want to do? A. Go to school.B. Go

2、 to a movie.C. Play basketball. 7. Does the girls mother like comedies? A. No, she doesnt.B. Yes, she does.C. We dont know. 8. What kind of movies does the girl like? A. Comedies.B. Thrillers.C. Action movies. 9. What does the girls father think of the Beijing Opera? A. It is boring.B. He likes it.C

3、. It is sad. 10. When does the family often go to a movie? A. On school day.B. On weekends.C. On Sundays. III. Listen and fill. 请听短文完成下列表格。 Name of the movie Shi Mian Mai Fu Movie style( 类型 ) Action movie Actors and actresses Tony Leung, Zhang Zhiyi Zhang Manyu, Li Lianjie Director( 导演 ) Language Le

4、ngth of the movie( 长度 ) Comments(评论 ) Written Test Part IV. Vocabulary.词汇 A) 根据句首字母补全单词。 1.I dont like comedies, because they are b_ . 2. Comedies are f _ . 3.My f_ movie is Hero. 4. What k_ of fruit is that? 5. We often play soccer on w_ . B) 请用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. _ (do) she want to go to movie? 7. Mar

5、ie _ (like) Beijing Opera very much. 8. Many _ (child) like drinking orange. 9. Rush Hour is a _ (success) action movie. 10. The two boys are from _ (English). V. Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案填空。 11. I like apples, _I like pears, too. A. andB. But C. or 12. Danger Zone is an _ movie, and its very _

6、 A. comedy; scary B. action; exciting C. cartoon; funny 13. _the same reason, I like Chinese comedies. A. With B. ForC. In 14. What _Cindy _ on Childrens Day? A. does; doing B. does; doC. do; doing 15. From Beijing, I can learn _. A. a lot. B. a lot ofC. lots of 16. I _ the thrillers is scary. A. wa

7、nt B. like C. think 17. Jim likes _. A. documentarys B. documentaries C. documentaryes 18. Does he want to go to a movie? -_ . A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does. C. Yes, he doesnt. 19. Li Lei likes thrillers and he _ likes Beijing Opera. A. too B. alsoC. but 20. He likes movies very much and he wants

8、to be an _. A. actor B. teacherC. runner VI. Complete the dialogue. 补全对话。 thriller, boring, have, sound, lets, sorry, really, action movie, do, thank you Donna: Hi, Emma! 21go to a movie. Emma: Hmm. I 22 no idea(主意 ) Donna: Well, Its an 23-Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon. Emma: Oh, I_24_ dont like

9、 action movies. Anyway ( 不管怎样 )_25_. Donna: OK. Wheres Jim? _26_he want to go to a movie? Emma: _27_, I dont know. Look, he is there! Donna: Hey, Jim? Do you want to go to a movie? Its Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon! Jim:Movie? That _28_ great! Is it a comedy? I like comedies and _29_. Donna: No,

10、 its an action movie. Jim: Oh, I think it is _30_. Lets go to see a comedy. VII. Fill in the blanks. 根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选择最佳答案补全短文。 Gina is my favourite actress. I like her_31_ Men from Mars. Its funny. But my _32_dont like her. We often go to movie on _33_. I like to _34_comedies but they like romance.

11、I think theyre 35 _ day -dream(白日梦 ). But they love them _ 3 6 _ . My friend John is a big Tom Hanks fan. He collects(收集 ) the posters, photos and VCDs _37 him. Now he _ 38 _ a great collection( 集子 ). He thinks Tom is the best actor in Hollywood. But I dont think so. I love Harison Ford best. My fri

12、end, Ann, is 10 _ 39 _ old. She loves Harrison, too. Her favourite movie is Red Shoes. Its an _ 40 _ movie. ()31. A. movie B. songs C. books ()32.A. friend B. teacherC. parents ()33.A. January B. weekendsC. week ()34.A. look B. watchesC. see ()35.A. all B. eachC. also ()36.A.very much B. veryC. lots

13、 of ()37.A. in B. about C. for ()38.A. does B. takeC. has ()39.A. years B. yearC. age ()40.A. great B. ChineseC. English VIII. Reading comprehension. 阅读理解。 A Comedies Action movies Documentaries Thrillers John funny exciting boring exciting Alan funny interesting boring scary 根据上表所提供的信息完成下列对话: John:

14、 Hi, Alan! Do you like movies? Alan: Yes, I do. And I dont like watching TV. John: What kind of movies do you like? Alan: I like_41_, I think _ 42 _ John: I like them, too. Theyre funny and exciting. Do you like thrillers? Alan: _43_ . Theyre _44_ John: But I like them. Theyre exciting. I 45. Theyre

15、 boring. Alan: Yes, I think so. B The name of this movie is Hero. Its an action movie The story is about Chinese history. I like this movie very much. Its an interesting movie. The name of this book is Boy in Big Trouble. Its also a comedy in the USA. I like Tom and his friend Bob in this comedy. They are funny. The name of this thriller is on Tuesday Night. Its a scary and sad movie. It is a bout a UFO. It comes to the earth and wants


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