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1、2015 年小学六年级英语毕业试 卷( 新) 2 2015 年小升初英语毕业试卷 听力部分( 25 分) 一、听句子选出与句意相符的图,将其序号写在图下的括号内。 ()()() ()() 二、找出你所听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. A. there B. then C. turn D. true ( )2. A. blouse B. house C. nice D. rice ( )3. A. go along B. get there C. get off D. get on ( )4. A. which B. where C. whose D. what ( )5. A.

2、wish B. with C. windy D. window 三、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语。 学 校 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 班 级 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓 名 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 装 订 线 3 ( )1. A. Well done! B.I hope so. C. Thats all right. ( )2. A. Yes, I do. B.I like winter best. C. Yes, I like winter. ( )3. A.

3、No, she isnt. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she doesnt. ( )4. A. It s the 17thof April. B. It s Thursday. C. Its on the 17 th of April ( )5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he was. C. Yes, he is. 四听音,选出你所听到的句子 ( ) 1. A. Is your mother washing dishes? B. Is your mother washing television? C. Is your mother washing

4、 shoes? ( ) 2 .A. The block s shadow is long. B. The block s shadow isn t long. C. The block s shadow is short. ( ) 3. A. Dont eat chocolate here, Danny . B. Dont eat sweet here , Danny . C. Dont eat biscuits here , Danny . 4 ( ) 4. A. The clouds were grey .Now they are white . B. The shy was grey .

5、Now it is white. C. The clouds were white. Now they are grey. ( ) 5. A. The monkey lives in the jungle. B. The monkeys live in the jungle. C. The monkey is playing in the jungle. 五听短文补全对话: Today is a day. I_my_, then I go to Amy s home in the morning. we _a story , then we _to a park by_. We _some b

6、ees and flowers, we take some_. We are very_. 笔试部分( 75 分) 一、按要求写词语。 1.too( 同 音 词 )_ 2.small( 反 义 词 )_ 3.box( 复 数 形 式 ) _ 4.sheep(复 数 形 式 )_ 5.new( 反 义 词)_ 6. read (过去 5 式) _ 7.tooth( 复 数 形 式 )_ 8. thin ( 比 较 级 ) _ 9. swim ( 现 在 分 词 ) _ 10.first( 基 数 词 ) _ 11.shorter( 反 义 词) _ 12. eye(同音词 ) _ 13.have

7、 (第三人称单 数) _ 14.doesnt (完全形式) _ 15.New Years Day(翻译) 16.fly (第三人称单数 ) _ 17.I am (缩略形 式) _ 18.were(单数形 式) _ 19.take(过去 式) _ 20. know(同 音词) _ 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. There are _ pens in my pencil-box. But there arent_ pencils in it. A. some, some B. some, any C, any, any D. any ,some ( )2. The _ has three _. A

8、. boys watches B. boys watch C. boy watches D. boy watch 6 ( )3. I _ my room last weekend. A. cleaned B. clean C. is clean D. cleaning ( )4. I get up _7:oo_the morning. A. at at B. at in C.in in D. in at ( )5. How can I _ the cinema? A. get B. get on C. get to D. get out ( )6. He is an _, he draws p

9、ictures. A. actor B. cleaner C. artist D. writer ( )7. My father went _ a walk last night. A. to B. for C. at D. of ( )8. My cousin is _ than me. A. younger B. youngest C. to young D. young ( )9. The post office is on your right. You cant _it. A. see B. miss C. look D. watch ( )10. I like to go _on

10、Sundays. A. fishing B. to fish C.fish ( )11.What_Amy_last weekend ? A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do ( )12. Mike _his clothes everyday. A. wash B.washes C.washed ( )13. We _have a football match tomorrow. A. are going B.are go to C. are going to ( )14. Look, they are_the insects carefully. A. watch

11、B.watching C.watched ( )15. How_you feeling?- I m feeling better. A. am B. are C. do ( )16. Its raining outside. Tom_bored. A. feel B. does C. feels ( )17. What did you do yesterday? - I _skating. A. go B.goed C.went 7 ( )18. How _are you ?- I m 160 cm tall. A. old B.tall C.heavy ( )19. I played _pi

12、ano. A. B.the C.a ( )20. _is it?-It s Tuesday. A. What day B. What colour C. What 三、从栏中选出能对栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句。 ( ) 1. Your dress is so beautiful. A. Theyre theirs. ( ) 2. Are monkeys as big as elephants? B. Thank you. ( ) 3. How many buildings can you see? C. I m hungry. ( ) 4 let s go swimming this aft

13、ernoon. D. Great! ( ) 5. Whose socks are they? E. Yes, I can. ( ) 6 What s the matter? F. I m sorry to hear that. ( ) 7.Can you make a model plane? G. I can see seven. ( ) 8.I have a cold today. H. No, they arent. ( ) 9.What time is it? I. Ok. See you soon. ( ) 10. Shall we meet at three thirty? J.

14、Its about 8:15. 四、连词成句。 1. children, are, How, family, there, your, many, in(?) 2. likes he listening music to (.) 3.to ,are, going, weekend, the ,you, what, do ,on ,(?) 4. Mike, last, saw, big, Sunday, a, in, tiger, the, park (.) 5.go, usually, school, I, to, foot, on, (.) 五、 情景交际。 8 1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰, 你可以说: () ALets go fishing this weekend. B Lets go hiking this weekend. CLets go ice-skating this weekend. 2. 当 别 人 跟 你 说 : May I borrow your dictionary ?你回答说:()



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