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1、点击职业英语教案 教研室:教师姓名: 课程名称英语授课班级 授课内容Unit 5 Can you sing and dance? 授课学时6 教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,翻转课堂教学法 教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来“谈论能力及国籍”的基本词汇句型 2 能力目标:谈论能力;谈论国籍;读懂新闻语料;读懂邀请函; 掌握邀请函写作技巧 3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异;关注弱势群体生活需求 教学重点 情态动词“ can”的用法以及谈论能力和国籍的词汇句型; 应用文邀请函的写作技巧 教学难点 邀请函写作技巧;掌握国籍词汇 教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板 教学过程1.学习目标 2.热身活动(1

2、学时) 3.主题对话 4.语法栏目( 1 学时) 5.词汇练习( 1 学时) 6.听力阅读( 1 学时) 7.阅读(1 学时) 8 11 实用阅读及写作(1 学时) 教学内容 Goals:. Direct students attention to the unit title “ Can you sing and dance?” Explain that in this unit they are going to learn how to talk about abilities. Ask at random “ Can yousing? ” and “ Can you dance?” W

3、arm Up A. Check ( ) the things you can do. Direct students attention to the photos and ask “ What s he / she doing?” Have students look at the illustration and ask students “ What s he doing?” Ask students which famous people they think are good actors and actresses. Focus students attention on the

4、feminine form of actor ( actress). Responses: acting playing the violin dancing singing crying B. PAIR WORK Organize students into pairs and read through the questions together. Ask students to think of two or three famous singers/actors/dancers and discuss the questions with their partner. Elicit a

5、nswers at random and use the negative form can t when appropriate. C. Listen. You will hear three actors auditioning. What can they do? What can t they do? Mark the correct column. Tell students they are going to listen to Lisa, Robert, and Linda acting. Direct their attention to the box and explain

6、 that they will listen to Lisa and should see if she can or can t dance, then listen to Robert, etc. Answer key: Lisa can dance, Robert can t sing, Linda can cry Conversation Tasty Chicken A. Listen and practice. Jason is at an audition for an acting job on TV. audition for向试唱,试演;参加面试;面试 This aftern

7、oon, Ill be taking her to the school auditorium so that she can attend an audition for a part in the school play. Direct students attention to the pictures and ask them what they think Jason is doing. B. Circle. Compare your answers with a classmate. Have students look back at the conversation and c

8、ircle the appropriate options. Look at the pictures in your textbook and answer the following questions. Who are in the pictures? What is Jason doing? What does the woman do? Who is Jason talking to? a friend an actor a director What can Jason do well? sing speak Spanish act dance Grammar Making sta

9、tements about ability Focus students attention on Language Zoom In and explain that we usually use the contracted form rather than the longer form. Also point out that “ can”is a modal verb, and it does not change its form for third person singular. Direct students attention to the box and read the

10、examples. Explain that “ but ” is used to link opposite ideas. Show students how to use “ but” . You can ask: What can Jason do? A: What can Jason do? B: He can speak Spanish. C: He cant sing very well. Joining ideas with but Jason can sing, but not very well. B. PAIR WORK Look at the pictures. What

11、 can each person do? What can t they do? Take turns. Make sentences. Ask students to look at the pictures and ask“What is he/she doing?” In pairs, tell them to make sentences about each person s ability using can or can t. Do the first as an example. Answer key: 1. He can use a computer. 2. He can r

12、ide a bicycle. 3. He can t play the guitar. 4. He can play baseball. 5. She can ski. 6. She can t drive. Asking about ability Vocabulary in Context Talking about nationalities and languages Direct students attention to the chart. Go through the countries, nationalities, and languages. Use a map to r

13、einforce the geographical locations. Have students listen and repeat. Look at the examples and then elicit from students, “ Where are you from?” and “ Whatlanguage(s) can you speak?” A. PAIR WORK Complete the sentences and compare your answers. Look at the example sentences, then have students compl

14、ete the sentences individually with countries, nationalities, and languages. Answer key: 1. Japan, Japanese 2. Puerto Rican, Spanish 3. Brazilian, Portuguese 4. Chinese, Chinese Listening B. Listen and circle the word you hear. Elicit the pronunciation of can and can t and explain to students that t

15、hey will listen to six sentences about what people can and can t do. Answer key: 1. can t 3. can t 5. can 2. can 4. can 6. cant Listening in Context A. Listen to The Date Connection . What do the people do? Match each person with an occupation. Explain to students that they will listen to a dating g

16、ame talk show. The host introduces the participants in a game in which people are looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Have students look at the illustrations and ask questions to review the vocabulary. Then have students look at the list of professions and have them guess which profession belongs to Vanessa, etc., asking “What do you think? What does Vanessa do?” Answer key: 1. f 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. b B. Li


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