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1、文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载关于感恩节英语作文带翻译:感恩During Thanksgiving activities, I did many things, help mom and dad to help dad with a with slippers, help my mother sweep a sweeping the floor, pour out the trash, I also did a lot of things.在感恩活动期间,我帮助爸爸妈妈做了许多事情,帮爸爸拿一拿拖鞋,帮妈妈扫一扫地、倒一到垃圾,我还做过许多事情。I used to think of swe

2、eping the street cleaners work is bad, but I now know, cleaner can give me a very beautiful and clean living environment, so I want to develop good health habits, dont litter, can also reduce their labor.我以前觉得扫马路的清洁工人干的活不好,可是我现在知道了,清洁工人能给我一个很美丽、干净的生活环境,所以我要养成良好的卫生习惯,不乱扔垃圾,还可以减轻他们的劳动量。I would also li

3、ke to thank the police uncle every day is that they are erected in the center of the intersection to direct traffic, because without them we would not have good traffic, but also a lot of people death, I well abide by traffic regulations.我还要感谢警察叔叔是他们在天天竖立在十字路口的中央来指挥交通,因为没有了他们我们就没有很好的交通,而且还会死亡好多的人,我要

4、好好的遵守交通规则。The teacher is my most need to thank, because they taught me to be a man of truth, and all kinds of knowledge, I want to be in the teachers teaching, to learn earnestly, grow up to do as the teacher.老师是我最需要感谢的人了,因为他们教给了我做人的道理,和各种知识,我要在老师的教导下,认认真真地学习,长大了要做像老师一样的人。I also want to mom and dad said: “thanks!” I must study well with excellent achievement to repay their parents for raising me.我还要对爸爸妈妈说一声:“谢谢!”我一定要好好的学习拿优异的成绩来回报父母对我的养育之恩。2



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