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1、1 新版九年级英语短语归纳新版九年级英语短语归纳 Name _ Unit 1 通过做某事 by doing 和一起工作 work with- 制作单词卡 make word cards 读教科书 read the textbook 听磁带 listen to tapes 向老师寻求帮助 ask the teacher for help 为考试做准备 study for a test 看录像 watch the videos 和会话 have conversations with sb 大声朗读 read aloud 说的技能 speaking skills 口头英语 spoken Englis

2、h 对-有耐心 be patient with sb. 越多越快 The more the faster 如此以至 so . that , 以便 so that 害怕 be afraid of sth 害怕做 be afraid to do sth = be afraid of doing sth 由于/因为 because of 爱上 fall in love with 查阅(字典) look up 练习讲英语 practice speaking English , practice pronunciation 练习发音 学习语法 learn grammar 看英语录像 watch Engl

3、ish videos 记/做笔记 take notes 注意 pay attention to 把-连接 connect- with - 做-怎么样 how about doing 犯错 make mistakes 对-感兴趣 be interested in 代替做 instead of doing 读完一本书 finish reading a book 发现学英语很难 find it to learn English 天生具有 be born with Unit 2 泼水节 the Water Festival 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival 春节 the Spr

4、ing Festival 灯笼节 the Lantern Festival 中秋节 MidAutumn Festival 母亲节 Mothers Day 父亲节 Fathers Day 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上 put on 从到 from to 和相似 (相同) be similar to / the same as 在街道上 in /on the street 朝扔 throw sth to sb 洗掉 wash away 好运 good luck 满月 a full moon 把带给 carry sth to sb 民间故事 folk stories 射掉 shoot down 计划做

5、plan to do sth 设法偷 try to steal 拒绝做 refuse to do sth 飞向 fly up to 摆开/布置 lay out 回来 come back / be back / get back 五月第二个星期 the second Sunday of May 六月第三个星期天 the third Sunday of June 给人礼物 give gifts to sb 带出去吃饭 take sb out for dinner / lunch 越来越受欢迎 more and more popular 展示/表达我们的爱 show our love 花很多的钱 s

6、pend a lot of money 帮助做 help (to) do sth / help with sth 装扮成-人 dress up as sb 不招待就使坏 trick or treat 只想着自己 only think oneself 关心/关注 care about 被惩罚 be punished 警告做 warn sb to do 最终成为 end up 期待做 expect sb to do sth 使想起 remind sb of sth 提醒某人做 remind sb to do sth 醒来 wake up 查明/弄清情况 find out 决定做 decide to

7、 do sth 改变的生活 change ones life 承诺做 promise to do sth 不但而且 not only but also 圣诞节前夕 Christmas Eve 一个-另一个 one - , the other - 开-人的玩笑 play a trick / joke on sb . 吃月饼 eat mooncakes 拜访亲戚 visit relatives 赏月 admire the moon 警告某人做某事 warn sb to do 两周后 in two weeks 相互泼水 throw water each other 如此-以致 so that 2 U

8、nit 3 取钱 get some money 买一些杂志 get / buy some magazines 获取一些信息 get some information 一双鞋 a pair of shoes 怎样到达 how to get to 沿着 go along/ go down 在银行的旁边 beside the bank 在右边、左边 on the right / left 去三楼 go to the third floor 向左转 turn left / right 在之间 between and 做激动 be excited to do , 对感到兴奋 be excited abo

9、ut sth 以开始 start/ begin with 以-结束 end up with sth 需要做 need to do 起初 at first 在那个时刻 at that time 礼貌地寻求帮助 ask for help politely 学会怎样才是礼貌的 learn how to be polite 在去往的路上 on ones way to 擅长于 be good at 、do well in 盼望做 look forward to doing 取决于/依靠 depend on 经过、路过 pass by 一个吃饭的好地方 a good place to eat 那边 ove

10、r there 开始做 start to do / start doing 我不确定 Im not sure 更礼貌 more polite 建议做 suggest doing 停车场 parking lot 打扰一下 Excuse me 告诉某人做 tell sb to do Unit 4 过去常常 used to do , 习惯于 be / get used to doing 被用于做 be used for doing 过去不常 didnt use to do 时常/有时 from time to time 变化很大 change a lot 和.谈话 talk to/ talk wit

11、h 对付/处理 deal with 敢做不敢做 dare to do sth / dont dare to do sth 不再. notanymore 一直/总是 all the time 得到很多关注 get tons of attention 担心 worry about / be worried about 私人时间 private time 和朋友闲逛 hang out with friends 放弃做 give up doing 想/考虑. think about 听流行音乐 listen to pop music 至少 at least 公众 in public 在足球队 on t

12、he soccer team 寻找. look for 照顾 take care of / look after 感到孤独 feel lonely 上课缺席 be absent from classes 考试不及格 fail the exams 做决定 make a decision 和交朋友 make friends with sb 亲自/亲身 in person 建议某人做 advise sb to do , 叫某人做 ask sb to do 以.为自豪 take pride in / be proud of 寄宿学校 boarding school 取得好成绩、分数 get good

13、grades / scores 足够勇敢 brave enough 这样好的一个主意 such a good idea 如此受欢迎 so popular 对-感兴趣 be interested in 着手做 take up doing 一个 8 岁男孩 an 8yearold boy 能- be able to / can 几年前 a few years ago Unit 5 短语短语 为人知晓 be known for , 因而著名 be famous for 不论/无论 no matter 剪纸 paper cutting 由构成 be made of / be made from 在被制

14、造 be made in 在被生产 be produced in 据我所知 as far as I know 全世界 all over the world 对-有好处 be good for 和 都 bothand 即使 even if / even though 避免做 avoid doing sth 查明 find out 去度假 go on vacation 放风筝 fly a kite 例如 such as / for example 3 把变成 turn - into - 好运 good luck 手机 mobile phone 一些树叶 some leaves Unit 6 短语短语 被人发明 be invented by sb 我很荣幸 My pleasure! 日常生活 daily life 偶然的/意外的 by accident , 错误地 by mistake 最受欢迎的饮料 the most popular drink 据说 Its said that 掉入里/落入/陷入 fall into 被带到 be brought to 发生 take place 毫无疑问/确信 without doubt 突然 all of a sudde


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