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1、新部编人教( PEP)版小学六年级英语上册第三单元测试卷及(听力材料、答案)时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分题号听力部分二三四五六七笔试部分八总分一九十得分听力部分( 40 分)一听录音,选出你所听到的单词(每小题2 分,共 10 分)() 1. A.hospital) 2. A.moon) 3. A.morning) 4. A.today) 5. A.travelB.tonightC.spaceB.togetherC. priceB.eveningB.weekC.afternoonC.tomorrowB.tripC. lesson二. 听录音,给下列图片排序(每小题2 分,共 10 分)

2、()()()三听录音,选()1.A.In the afternoon.B.I答语(每小题2 分,共 10 分)m reading books now.C.I m going to draw pictures.() 2. A.I m going to buy a dressB. Im going to the cinema1C. Im going there on Thursday.() 3. A.Yes, it isB.Yes , he canC. Yes , he is() 4. A. Thank youB.I m reading a book.C. Sorry.() 5 A. Im goi

3、ng to wacthing TV.B.They are going to the park.号C. She is going to draw pictures.考四. 听录音判断正( T)误(F)(每小题2 分,共 10 分)() 1.Peter is going to buy a book this afternoon. () 2.He wants to ride his bicycle to the park.() 3.Theyre going to school at 3 o clock. () 4.Jack is going to fly a kite in the park.名()

4、 5.We are going to buy some books on Sunday morning.姓() 1. A. next weekB. tomorrowC.word() 2. A.singB. goingC.swimming() 3. A. post cardB. cakeC. comic book() 4. A. poemB. hospitalC. supermarket笔试部分( 60 分) 五、选择不同类的单词(每小题1分,共 5分)级年)() 5. A. trainB. busC. buy六、选择合适的名字,补全对话。(每小题2 分,共 10 分) A:Excuse me.

5、 1 B:Yes, there is.A:2 校B:It is near the Italian restaurant.学A:How can I get there?B:3 A:Thanks.4 Bye.4 / 4B:Hey, don t go at the red light.A. is ; andB. is ; withC. / ; withA: Oh, right! Thank you.5 () 5. - -Im going to the cinema.A.I must pay attention to the traffic lights. B.Oh, the bus is comin

6、g.C. Where is it?D. You can take the No.2 bus.E.I s there a bookstore near here?七、用下列所给单词填空(每小题1 分,共 5 分)When Where WhatWhy How1) - can I get to the zoo?-You can go by bus.2) do you go to school on foot?-Because my home is naer.3) are you going after lunch?- To the bookstore.4) are you going?-I am g

7、oing at 4 oclock.5) are you going to do?-I am going to play football八、选择正确答案(每小题2 分,共 10 分)() 1.-What are you going to do this afternoon?-.A. I m going to buy a book.B.I m a student.C. I go to school by bike.() 2. We are going to do housework .A. at evening B. tonight C. in evening.() 3.- are you go

8、ing to NewYork?- Next week.A. WhenB. WhichC. Where() 4. Amy going to the zoo her friends.A. What are you going to do?B. Where are you going? C.When are you going?() 6. They are going to basketball.A. playsB. playingC. play() 7. -Can I help you? A. Thank youB. You re welcomeC. Yes. I want to buy a co

9、mic book()8.-Im going to Beijing for my holiday.- A.Im sorryB. Thank youC.Have a good time () 9. What are you going to buy? A. By train.B. Im busyC. A book. () 10.I m going to a comic book.A. lookB.readC.watch九、给下面的问题选择正确的答案(每小题2分,共 10分)() 1.What are you going to do?A. By train.() 2. When are you go

10、ing?B. Take a trip.() 3. Where are you going?C. Yes,I am.() 4. How do you go to the zoo?D. At 3 o clock.() 5. Are you going to use any books?E.Im going to Beijing.十连词成句(每小题2 分,共 10 分)1. going , to , an , lesson , Im , art , have (?)2. going , the , Were , cinema, to (.)A. visit the Great WallB. watc

11、h animals at the zoo C .B and C3. tomorrow, , going, are,do, What , you , to (?)4.draw , to , Were , going,some , in,pictures, Renmin Park (.)5. are, you , going,Where (?)()4.They are going there .A .by busB. by taxiC.on foot()5.Jack is going to in the evening.A. see a film.B. watch TV.C. have a goo

12、d sleep.听力材料一听录音,选出你所听到的单词十一阅读理解 .(每小题2 分,共 10 分) Dear Mum,How are you? I m fine at Chenjies home. Tomorrow is Saturday. we dont go to school.We are going to take a trip with our friends. We are going to theGreat Wall. Its far from Amys home. We are going to take a bus. The Great Wall is veryold and

13、very long. Itis wonderful.In theafternoon weare goingto a zoo near the Great Wall. There are many animals. I will be tired in the evening.I m gong to have a good sleep. What are you going to do?Write soon,Jack读对话,选择正确的答案()1.Jack is in .A . the UKB. the USC. China()2 .Jack lives now.A.withhismumB. wi

14、thChenjie s familyC.withhisfriends()3 . They are going to tmorrow .1 .space2.together3.morning 4. tomorrow5.travel二听录音,给下列图片排序。1.We are going to visit my grandparents this Sunday. 2.She is going to take a trip tomorrow.3.They are going to buy a word book this afternoon. 4.Tomorrow I m going to the supermarket.5.I see a dictionary.三听录音,选答语1.When are you going to draw pictures? ? 2.Where are you going in the


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