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1、 1、 Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? Mr. Smith: Yes, Id like a ticket to New York 9:15 tomorrow morning. Clerk: _? Mr. Smith: Single, please回答错误A: Single or twoB: Single or returnC: Single or doubleD: Single or back答案:B 有疑问去论坛 2、 Jane: Carol, you look very well. Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look

2、Wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you gooD. Jane: _.回答正确A: Thats very kind of youB: Are you kidding? Thank you anywayC: You think so? Thats encouragingD: I dont believe it. You are flattering me答案:C 有疑问去论坛 3、 Salesgirl: Good morning, miss. Can I help you? Mary: Yes, Id like half a ki

3、lo of oranges, please. Salesgirl:_. Anything else? Mary: No, thank you.回答错误A: These oranges are for youB: Give you the orangesC: There you areD: Here are you答案:C 有疑问去论坛 4、 _ three days to go before the final exams, shouldnt you work harder?回答正确A: InB: OnC: ByD: With答案:D 有疑问去论坛 5、 Wendy: Have you bee

4、n to the new bakery on the corner? Arthur: NO, how is it? Wendy: It is heaven!_!回答正确A: Their cakes are to strive forB: Their cakes are to struggle forC: Their cakes are to die forD: Their cakes are to pay for答案:D 有疑问去论坛 6、 The mother and father _ the nucleus, or the center, of the nuclear family.回答正

5、确A: formsB: are formed byC: in the form ofD: form答案:D 有疑问去论坛 7、 Ann: Do you still have a headache, Bill? Bill: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and cough constantly. Ann:_.回答正确A: Thats very regretfulB: Thats pitifulC: Thats too badD: Thats worse答案:C 有疑问去论坛 8、 The members of an extended family are _

6、 by blood or by marriage.回答正确A: relatedB: relateC: relativeD: relates答案:A 有疑问去论坛 9、 The nuclear family _ two parents (mother and father) and their children.回答正确A: consists ofB: consist ofC: is consisted ofD: consists答案:A 有疑问去论坛 10、 There are trees _ all shapes on the hill.回答正确A: inB: ofC: atD: by答案:

7、B 有疑问去论坛 11、 Customer: Excuse me, sir. Clerk: _ Customer: Id like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to? Clerk: You can cash checks over there at window 6.回答错误A: What? Can I help you?B: Yes, may I help you?C: Its all right.D: It doesnt matter.答案:D 有疑问去论坛 12、 Rebecca:_

8、 Dora: Really? Well, personally, I think he wears the wrong colors. Actually light colors dont really suit him.回答正确A: I dont think Bob has chosen the right suit.B: I love the way Bob dresses. He always looks so smart.C: How funny Bob looks in that jacket!D: Bobs new coat looks very expensive.答案:B 有疑

9、问去论坛 13、 There _ pepper, salt, mustard and sometimes vinegar on the table.回答正确A: areB: isC: beD: being答案:B 有疑问去论坛 14、 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? Im starving. Mother: _.We have to wait for daddy.回答正确A: Soon, honeyB: Quickly, honeyC: O.K., honeyD: All right, honey答案:A 有疑问去论坛 15、 In most _

10、 heavy rains in this area will cause problems.回答错误A: areasB: thingsC: casesD: situations答案:C 有疑问去论坛 16、 _ ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream.回答正确A: NoneB: NeitherC: NotD: No答案:D 有疑问去论坛 17、 Kate: Do you mind opening the door for me? Bob: _.回答正确A: Yes, Ill do itB: Its not

11、hingC: Thats all rightD: Not at all答案:D 有疑问去论坛 18、 Phone caller: Hello. Could I please speak to Helen? Helen: _.回答正确A: SpeakingB: I am HelenC: Its meD: This is me答案:A 有疑问去论坛 19、 They first stop at a board _ the menu is displayed.回答正确A: whichB: whereC: whenD: while答案:B 有疑问去论坛 20、 They usually go for a walk in _ with each other after supper.回答正确A: companyB: comparisonC: relationD: connection答案:A11


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