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1、2014 中考英语重点热点话题作文参考及应用文的书写参考例文一、有关留守儿童:(一)、“ 留守儿童”问题是近几年社会关注的热点话题。假如你是一名农村留守儿童 小伟,请你现在给你父母写封信,告诉他们你的近况和一些想法。“留守儿童”的心事:1. 父母外出,一人在家,孤独寂寞; 2. 看到别的孩子和父母在一起非常快乐,很羡慕; 3. 有一次因没有足够的时间做饭,上学迟到,受到老师和同学的误解。“留守儿童”的笑声: 1. 老师和同学经常鼓励,在学习和生活上给予了很大的帮助;2. 政府给留守儿童过中秋节。注意:1. 词数:80 词左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,

2、但不计入总词数。Dear Mom and Dad,How are you these days? I miss you very much. Im writing to tell you about my recent situation(情况)while you are out.During the time you are away,I feel quite lonely, especially when watching other children playing with their parents happily. How I envy(羡慕) them!One day,I was

3、 late for school and misunderstood (误解)by my teacher and classmates because I had not enough time to cook a meal. However,to my joy(高兴) , my teachers and classmates always encourage me and give me a lot of help in study and life.Whats more, on the Mid-autumn Festival,the local government held a spec

4、ial party for us. I was happy and deeply moved(感动).I miss you, Mom and Dad. But I can take care of myself. Im looking forward to seeing you.YoursXiaowei (二)如今,在我们身边,父母均在外打工的留守儿童比比皆是。关注留守儿童,构建和谐社会的重要内容。关注留守儿童,要靠全社会的共同努力。你认为留守儿童面临的主要问题有那些?为了解决留守儿童的问题,请你向当地政府提建议:提示:1.缺乏父母的关爱,性格孤僻,学习压力大、自卑。2.缺乏安全保障(家庭照管

5、不力,容易犯错误甚至犯罪)。建议:1.学校建立留守儿童心里咨询室,老师应该把爱播撒到每一个留守儿童的心田。2.政府利用节假日建立留守儿童家长学校。 3.社会各界开展与留守儿童一帮一结对子的活动。4.父母尽可能回到孩子身边,给孩子生活上和学习上的帮助和关爱。Dear Mayor:Im a middle school student.(我是一名中学生)Im writing to tell you something around us.(我现在要写信告诉你我身边的一些事情)Nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents wor

6、k away from their hometowns.(现在这有许多父母因工作而离开家乡的留守孩)Most of them are from the countryside, you know,(你知道,他们大多自农村)they have many problems.(他们有很多问题) They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents love(因为他们缺乏父母的关爱,性格孤僻,学习压力大) At the same time, they are easy to make mistak

7、es even do some thing against the laws, because theyre short of their families care.(同是,由于缺乏家庭的关爱,他们容易犯错误甚至犯罪)。 How to solve their problems?(怎样解决他们的问题呢) In my eyes, the government can set up a parents school for these children on holidays,(我们可以看到,政府利用节假日建立留守儿童家长学校)you can organize hand-in-hand activ

8、ity to call on more people to help them.(你能够组织手拉手活动来帮助他们)You can also raise money to donate to these children.(你也可以为这些孩子募集钱)As the song says: If everyone gives their love, the world will be better.(就你一首歌里唱到的:只要人人都献上一片爱,世界将变成更美好的人间) Its very important for us to pay more attention to these children if

9、 we want to build a harmonious society.(如果我们想要建立一个和谐的社会,关注这些孩子是很重要的)Best wishes to you!Sincerely,二保护环境,倡导低碳生活 Li Hua(一)低碳生活:现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。提示词语:be good for,everyone,ride a bike,think,make a differenc

10、e,environment,suggest,reuseLow-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think its my d

11、uty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And wed better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be

12、 a better place.(二)保护环境:从 2008 年 6 月 1 日起,国家将禁止商家免费提供塑料袋,掀起全国“拒塑”的环保运动。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment”为题,写一篇保护环境的英语演讲稿。 内容包含:1.在购物时用布袋子替代塑料袋; 2.尽可能地再利用使用过的课本; 3.离开教室应关灯; 4.最好走路或骑自行车上学; 5.简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等 注意:1.词数:80 词左右。开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.可根据要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.文章中不能出现真实姓名和校名,否则以零

13、分处理。 3.参考词汇:布袋子 cloth bag 塑料袋 plastic bag 保护 protect 能源energy 污染 pollution 课本 textbook 参考作文:What Can We Do for the EnvironmentHello, everyone. Im Li Hua. Its nice to speak about what we can do for the environment, and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem. The first thing

14、we can do is to use cloth bags in stead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. W

15、hats more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best reduce pollution and waste. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in. Thank you for your listening!

16、(三).环境问题:今天环境变得越来越糟糕,环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重.,如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1. 水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3. 大气污染严重 4. 白色垃圾等。 要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3-4 个方面, 80 字左右。How to protect/save our environment/world? The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today . Water is polluted ,we have



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