新目标大学英语综合教程2 翻译.

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1、新目标大学英语综合教程2 Unit 1 1)爱人者有仁爱之心,自爱,爱亲人以及其他人。(aloving person,who) 译:A loving personis a personwho is kind-hearted,loveshimself, loves his family andall the otherpeople. 2)所谓“和而不同”, 是指君子之间保持相互尊重、 和谐、友爱的关系。 (harmony but not sameness,gentleman) 译:“Harmony but not sameness ”meansthat a gentlemankeepsmutua

2、lly respectful, harmoniousandfriendly relationswith otherpeople. 3)中国人庆祝春节与西方人过圣诞的方式基本相同,大量购物,互赠礼物,大 快朵颐。 (in much the samewaythat) 译:TheChinesepeopleobservetheSpring Festivalin muchthe sameway thatthe Westernersdo Christmas,doing alot of shopping ,exchangingpresents,andhaving big meals. 4)我们需要改变的不一

3、定是自己的生活方式,或者物质条件,而是我们对待生 活的态度。(not.but rather) What we needto changeis not necessarilyour lifestyle, or our physical conditions, but ratherour attitudetoward life. 5)与自然世界和谐相处是风水(FengShui)的一项原则,这一点从房屋建筑、 景观 (landscape ) 设计和家具陈列(layout) 中都可以反映出来。 (which, exemplify) 译: To live in harmonywith Natureis

4、theunderlyingprinciple ofFengShui,which canbeexemplified in building houses,in designing landscapes,andin laying out furniture. Unit 2 1)人人都有想法,但很少有人能付诸实施,这就是梦想者与企业家的区别。 (however,execute) 译 : Everyone has ideas, however very few are able to execute them. Thats the difference between dreamersand entr

5、epreneurs. 2)研究表明,男生往往兴趣期较短,而女生则更有耐心,因此,前者很快结识 新朋友,后者则坚持她们的长久友谊。 (tend to, while, stick to) 译: Researchshowsthat boystend to havea shorterinterestspan,while girls aremore patient,hence,the former areableto makenew friendswhile thelatter stick to their lifelong friendships. 3)相互理解和欣赏对于友谊无疑十分重要,但谈到婚姻,

6、却还远远不够。(but, - - far from enough, when it comesto) 译:To understandandappreciateeachotheris without doubt important, but still far from enoughwhen it to marriage. 4)B等生虽然无法像A 等生一样把某件事情做得那么完美,但他们懂得比A 等 生多,而且能把许多事情做得足够好。 (so.as,more than) 译:B-studentsthoughunableto do onething soperfectly asB-students,

7、know much morethanA-students,andcando manythings well enough. 5)通常情况下,你越快适应工作环境,你可能得到的升职机会就越多。相反, 如果你总是怨天尤人, 你的机会就可能更少了。(the quicker.the more, adapt,on the contrary) 译:Typically, thequicker you adaptyourself to the workingenvironment,themore promotion opportunitiesyou mayget.On thecontrary, you getf

8、ewer if you complain all thetime. Unit 3 1)任何一项新技术在生活中得以应用之后都将过时,然后被更新的技术所取代。 (will +v.) 译:Any new technology,after beingput to use,will getoutdatedandreplacedby newerones. 2)智能技术将被广泛应用到城市建设中,从而极大地改变我们的生活方式。 (be goingto +v.) 译:Smarttechnologiesaregoing to bewidelyusedin city construction,reshaping o

9、ur lifestyle to agreatextent. 3)在未来,人们每天乘飞车上下班,让机器人做家务。(be +v.-ing) 译:In thefuture, peoplearecommuting by flying carsevery day,leaving housework to robots. 4)要解决城市现有设施不足问题, 一种办法是改进城市公用设施并使之数字化, 另一种办法是建设全新的智能城市。 (be to +v.) 译:To dealwith theexisting inadequateinfrastructures,one way is to modify and

10、digitize themunicipal public utilities, andtheother is to build entirely new smart cities. 5)太阳能将为智能城市提供能源,其城市居民使用低能电器,从而减少能耗。 (beabout to + v.) 译:Solarenergyis aboutto provide energyfor smart cities,in which theresidentsuse low energyappliances,thussavingon energyconsumption Unit 4 - - 1)尽管他们不是第一次去欧洲,他们还是在网上搜索更新的有关交通、旅馆和 旅游景点信息。(although / eventhough) 译:Theysearchonline for the latest information of transportation, hotel, and tourist attractions, even though it isnot their first trip to Europe./Although itsnot their first trip to Europe, they searchonline for the latest information of



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