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1、.Unit-Text-I-The-Great-Seduction 作者: 日期:2 Warm-upu Small Group Discussion and WritingWhat benefits and drawbacks can the following Web 2.0 online activities bring to society? Have a small group discussion and complete the following table.Web 2.0 online activitiesBenefitsDrawbacksDownloading, uploadi

2、ng and sharing images, audios, and videos on websites or web-based communitiesUsing or contributing to openly editable, web-based encyclopedia (e.g. Wikipedia and baidu百科)Viewing, sharing, and commenting on news on social networking sites Downloading and uploading ebooks, e-articles, etc. on text-sh

3、aring websitesPrompts: These activities may speed up dissemination of knowledge but damage the interests of some content owners or producersu Role Play(P23) Work in pairs. Student A assumes the role of a movie producer, and student B a music producer. Have a chat about the positive and negative impa

4、ct of the Internet on your own business. The teacher is to ask a few pairs to demonstrate their talk in class.u Discussion (P23)1. What opportunities can the Internet offer to works of intellectual property? 2. What problems does it hold for works of intellectual property? 26The Great SeductionNotes

5、: seduction: n. C, usually pl. ,U (of sth.) the qualities or features of sth that make it seem attractive 诱惑力、魅力、吸引力 SYN enticement Who could resist the seductions of the tropical island? 谁能不为这个热带海岛的魅力而倾倒呢? the seduction of fameLori Oliwenstein【1】First a confession confession: n. 1) a statement that

6、 a person makes, admitting that they are guilty of a crime; the act of making such a statement 供词、供状、供认、坦白 After hours of questioning by police, she made a full confession. 经过警察数小时的审问,她才供认了全部罪行。 His confession was extracted under torture. 2) a statement admitting sth. that you are ashamed or embarra

7、ssed about; the act of making such a statement(对使自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事的)表白、承认 SYN admission Ive a confession to makeI lied about my age. 我有错要承认我谎报了年龄。3) (especially in the Roman Catholic Church) a private statement to a priest about the bad things that you have done (尤指罗马天主教会)(向神父作的)告罪、告解 to go to confession

8、去告解 to hear sb.s confession 听某人告解. Back in the Nineties, I was a pioneer in the first Internet gold rush. With the dream of making the world a more musical place, I founded A, one of the earliest digital music sites. Once, when asked by a newspaper reporter how I wanted to change the world, I replie

9、d, half seriously, that my fantasy was to have music playing from “every orifice orifice: n. ( formal or humorous) a hole or opening, especially one in the body (尤指身体上的)孔、穴、腔 the nasal orifice 鼻孔,” to hear the whole Bob Dylan Bob Dylan: (born Robert Allen Zimmerman; May 24, 1941) is an American sing

10、er, songwriter, and musician. He has been a major figure in popular music for five decades. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s when he was at first an informal chronicler, and later an apparently reluctant figurehead of social unrest. A number of his songs such as Blowin in the Wi

11、nd and The Times They Are a-Changin became anthems for the civil rights and anti-war movements. He has received numerous awards over the years including Grammy, Golden Globe and Academy Awards. 鲍勃迪伦 oeuvre oeuvre: n. sing. (from French, formal) all the works of a writer, artist, etc (作家、艺术家等的)全部作品 (

12、P26) Picassos oeuvre 毕加索的全部作品 from my laptop computer, to be able to download Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bath: (1685-1750) was a German composer and organist, violist, and violinist whose ecclesiastical and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strand

13、s of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. He is considered by many to have been the greatest composer in the history of western music. Bachs works include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B Minor, The Art of Fugue, and hundreds of cantatas and or

14、gan works. 巴赫s Brandenburg Concertos from my cellular phone. So yes, I peddled peddle: v. (P26)1) to try to sell goods by going from house to house or from place to place 挨户销售、巡回销售 to peddle illegal drugs 贩卖毒品 He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes. 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。2) to spr

15、ead an idea or story in order to get people to accept it 兜售、宣传、传播(思想、消息) to peddle malicious gossip 散布恶意的流言蜚语 This line (= publicly stated opinion) is being peddled by all the government spokesmen. 所有的政府发言人都在宣扬这个官方路线。 the original Internet dream. I seduced investors and I almost became rich. 【2】My metamorphosis metamorphosis: n. (pl. metamorphoses) (formal) a process


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