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1、Unit6 In the nature park第一课时一、教材简述:这是小学英语PEP教材五年级上册第六单元第一课时。本课时的学习内容是:有关自然景物的单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path及相关的句子There is a forest in the nature park.是为后面学习Lets Talk 与 Read and write的句型Is there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.所进行的词汇积累与铺垫。二、教学思想:结合我校高年英语课堂的 “学导为主,讲练结合” 教学模式,坚持以学生的自主学习为主,教

2、师的有效引导为辅,通过“学习铺垫,以旧补新听说领先,情境模拟阅读强化,启发点拔”三个学习环节组织开展课堂学习活动。关注不同层次学生的学习能力与学习需求,为不同层次的学生提出各有针对性的学习目标与要求。学习能力强的学生(小组内1号),中等生(小组内2,3号)目标是能四会掌握本课时的5个单词和1个句型短语,后进生(小组内4号)则只要求能听、说、读本课时的5个单词,在提示下说出自己会句型。三、教学目标:1. 能力目标:能够简单描述自然公园,如:There is a forest in the nature park.2. 知识目标:(1) 能够听说读写本课时主要单词:flower, grass, r

3、iver, lake, forest, path(2) 能够听说认读单词mountain, sky, cloud以及句子:There is a forest in the nature park.(3) 能够完成找图片区别的任务。3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。爱护环境,保护环境4学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。四、教学重点、难点教学重点:1. 本课时需要重点掌握有关自然景物的单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, mountain, sky, cloud, path2. 能够熟练运用There

4、be句型说出某处有某物。教学难点:1. 熟练运用There be句型表达存在句式。2. 本课时的生词较多,教师应充分利用视频材料及图片让学生大量的练习,以便较好掌握。五、学习者特征分析(学情分析):五年级的学生活泼好动,学习积极性高,接受知识快,表现欲望强,富有想象力和创造力,合作意识强。经过四年的英语学习,学生能较熟练地运用简单的日常用语,在英语学习上掌握了一定的方法,并具备了一定的听、说、读、写的语言知识和语言技能。我通过创设真实情景让学生掌握和运用语言。教学过程设计一 学习铺垫,以旧引新.Sing a songy small bedroom2.用There be句型描述课室内的陈设。(小

5、组比赛)(设计意图:通过唱歌进行课前热身,提高学生的学习气氛,并复习了有关的句型,为新课学习进行铺垫。)二听说领先,情景模拟.(CAI展示)创设去西樵山旅游的情景,出示西樵山标志性图片,引出nature park的学习。由此引出课题Unit 6 In a Nature Park (带读)。2CAI逐一出示图片,学习单词:(运用There be / What can you see?句型)(l)游西樵山引出mountain.-Xiqiao Mountain Lets go.扩展到Huang Mountain / Tai Mountain (设计意图:通过创设真实的生活情境,游览西樵山,介绍西樵山

6、的景物学习新的单词。) (2)学习sky 以旧引新fly-skyThe sky is blue. 用chant来巩固Cloud The clouds are white. 比较cloud cloudy(设计意图:通过旧单词的发音学习新单词,减低学生的学习难度。)(3)沿着小河见到河边有草有花 学习单词river, grass ,flower (比较grass,class,强调grass是不可数名词) 渗入句型There isThere are 用上句型What can you see?(4)经过小路进入森林森林里有湖 学习单词path , 对比学习park学习单词forest 描述一下树,森林

7、里有什么? What can you see in the forest?hats in the forest? The trees are big/green. There are many birds/some animals.学习单词lake (设计意图:在学习单词的过程中,运用以前学过的句型进行描述,做到词不离句,能增强学生的语言表达能力。)(5)巩固单词 :a.快速闪读单词 b.用There be句型简单描述图片(设计意图:通过游戏巩固所学的单词,进一步深化本节课的教学重点。)3. Practice :Lets find out.a.Game:自己看图10秒后,用There be句型

8、复述图里的景物。b.找出图1与其它三幅图不同的地方。 4. 争当西樵优秀小导游(先小组内竞争上岗,再推荐一个上台展示)要求:A.声音响亮语言流畅。B.能运用不同的句型描述。For example: Xiqiao Mountain is very beautiful. Now let me show you. Look! There is / are Its Theyre You can see Have a good time.(设计意图:通过争当西樵优秀小导游的活动,把本节课的学习内容进一步深化,并与身边的生活相联系。)三、能力拓展,及时反馈1.Listen and number.2Fini

9、sh the sentences.Girl: What can you see in the nature park?Boy: I can see some _ (flowers图片)and _ (grass图片)And there is a _ (river图片), a _ (forest图片), a _ (path图片)and a _ (lake图片) in the nature park.(设计意图:通过听力训练及笔头练习,检测学生对本节课的掌握情况。)3.小结总结本课时所学的知识,加强学生的知识记忆。德育渗透:Save the World For our Future!为了我们的明天,

10、保护环境从我做起!4.Homework: 设计一个自然公园,用英语写下来并介绍(Look at the picture. There is a river in the nature park. The river is clean. Its so beautiful. ) 板书设计Unit 6 In a Nature Park (Part A) Nature parkThere is/are, I can see. Its/They are mountain big/green cloud white sky blue river clean flower beautiful grass g

11、reen过渡语:一、1.Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Are you happy today? Lets sing a song. 2. Our classroom is very beautiful. Whats in the classroom? 二、1.We live in Xiqiao. Look at the photos, where is it? Yes, Xiqiao Mountain. There is a nature park in Xiqiao Mountain. Follow me, nature park. Today we

12、ll learn Unit 6 In a Nature Park, follow me 2.(1) Today is a fine day. Lets go to Xiqiao Mountain. This is Xiqiao Mountain. Follow me, mountain. Do you know more mountains? Good. Yes, this is Huang Mountain and Tai Mountain. Theyre beautiful.(2) Follow me. Look, the sky is blue. The clouds are white

13、. (3) Wow, there is a river. The grass is green near the river. There is a garden in the nature park. Look, the flowers are colourful. (4) There is a path to the forest. Lets go to the forest. Go go go. (5) A. Now game time. Are you ready? B. There is a beautiful picture. Lets talk about it.3. A. Lo

14、ok at the photo 10 seconds, then use There be talk about it. B. Lets find out.4. Who can be the best guide?三、Lets do exercises.3. (1) Today we learned (2) Save the world for our future.问题:1. 导游离学生生活比较远,你为什么要设计让学生争当小导游这个活动?答:学生其实每年的春游秋游都有机会接触导游,对导游并不陌生,现在让学生做这个活动,会给学生一个比较真实的情景来运用本课知识。.你的练习如何体现梯度性?答:先听说(如:Listen and number)后读写(如:Finsh the sentences),先单词后句子,再篇章(作业:设计一个自然公园,用英语写下来并介绍)。一、教学内容 本节课是PEP小学英语5A Unit6 In a nature park的第二课时,包括A Lets try 和Lets talk两部分。二、教材分析 本课时是PEP第五册第六单元的内容。它上承接造力sky、cloud、river、path等同时引出所学句型:“Is there in the n


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