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1、英语语法之表示强调的句式 e.g.I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。 You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。 e.g.Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。 Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。 e.g.The baby is generally healthy,but every now an

2、d then she does catch a cold. 那孩子的健康状况尚好,但就是偶尔患感冒。 Do be quiet.I told you I had a headache. 务必安静,我告诉过你,我头疼。 e.g.He drank it to the very last drop. 他把它喝得一干二净。 Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。 He didnt answer even my letter. 他甚至连我的信都未回。 I will too go!我要去的! e.g.They

3、fulfilled the task,and that in a few days. 他们在几天内完成的就是那项任务。 I gave her some presents,and those the day before yesterday. 前天我送给她的就是那些礼物。 I cant thank you too much.我无论怎样感谢你都不过份。 I am not unfaithful to you.我对你无比忠诚。 e.g.His behaviour was in every way perfect. 他的举止确实无可挑剔。 By all means take your son with

4、you. 你一定要把儿子带来。 The news was only too true. 这消息确实是事实。 It was over all too soon! 此事的确了结得很快! Where in heaven were you then? 当时你到底在哪里? Nobody under the sun would buy that car. 确实没有人会买那辆车。 e.g.Dishonest he is!他的确不诚实! In wine is the truth. 酒后吐真言。 8.用强调句型表示强调 e.g.It was the headmaster who opened the door for me. 正是校长为我开的门。 It was yesterday that we carried out that experiment. 内容仅供参考


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