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1、网上大作业2试卷总分:100 一、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)1.The shower isnt working. Ill call the plumber.答案:正确2.Would you like to go with us? I would like.答案:错误3.What would you like? A cup of tea, please.答案:正确4.Thank you for your help. Dont thank me.答案:错误5.Whos that speaking? This is Tom spoken.答案:错误6. Im sorry. I los

2、t the key. You are wrong.答案:错误7. Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? No, go ahead.答案:正确8. May I see your tickets, please? Sure.答案:正确9. Please help yourself to the seafood. Sorry, I cant help.答案:错误10. Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. Its a ple

3、asure.答案:错误二、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)11.We?_?sick?of?that?kind?of?food.A.areB.isC.am答案:A12.She _ clothes for her children every week.A.washB.washesC.had washed答案:B13.I wont forget the day _ I met him.A.whichB.whenC.what答案:B14._ he _ on well with his friends this term?A.Does, getsB.Does, getC.Is, gettin

4、g答案:C15.The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _ it more difficult.A.not makingB.not makeC.not to make答案:C16._ Chris worried about the presentation last week?A.IsB.WasC.Were答案:B17. I have got a pain in my chest. You _ see the doctor.A.shouldB.needC.have答案:A18. Should I take some medic

5、ine? No, you dont _ to take any medicine.A.shouldB.mustC.need答案:C19.How often _ you go to the concert?A.doB.doneC.does答案:A20._ a coffee machine in the room?A.Are thereB.Is thereC.Have there答案:B三、阅读理解 (共 3 道试题,共 45 分)25.David: OK, the interviews are on Friday. This is the shortlist of candidates for

6、the job- there are four people. Xiaoyan: Looking at their application forms, there are some very good people here with a lots of skills. The advertisement in the newspaper was good. David: This one looks very intelligent. His CV says he was at Harvard and Bristol universities. Yes, they are all youn

7、g and experienced. Mark: And attractive! Daivd: Do you mean good-looking in their photos, or attractive personality? Mark: Personality, of course! We want someone relaxed and easy-going as well as bright. David: Yes, were a small team, so to be friendly is important.Xiaoyan: As well as personality,

8、the important skills are web-design, website management, training skills and French, am I right?(1).The interviews last two days.A.RightB.Wrong答案:B(2).There are four people on the shortlist of candidates.A.RightB.Wrong答案:A(3).A candidates personality is more important than his or her skills.A.RightB

9、.Wrong答案:B(4).All four candidates were at Harvard and Bristol University.A.RightB.Wrong答案:B(5).The team are looking for people with four skills: web-design, website management, training skills and French.A.RightB.Wrong答案:A30.I am Carlos. I am from America, but I love Italian food. I have to take the

10、 orders and serve the food. I have two free evenings a week. But I always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy. The wages are not good, but I am nice to customers so I get a lot of tips. I am permanent so I get holiday pay - three weeks a year. I go back to Americ

11、a and I see my family. There I dont have to serve food - my mother serves me!(1).Carlos is a _.A.big restaurant ownerB.chefC.waiter答案:C(2).Carlos likes _ food.A.ItalianB.BritishC.American答案:A(3).Carlos works _.A.in the daytimeB.in the eveningsC.at lunchtime答案:B(4).The restaurant is usually busy _.A.

12、on Friday and Saturday afternoonsB.on Friday and Saturday eveningsC.every day答案:B(5).Carlos gets _.A.holiday payB.no tips from the customersC.good wages答案:A35.Water is the “life blood” of our earth. It is in every living thing. It is in the air. It runs through mountains and valleys. It forms lakes

13、and oceans. Water is everywhere. Nature has a great water system. Rain water finds its way to streams and rivers. Rivers lead to the ocean. At the mouths of the rivers, fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean. Here at the mouth of a river there is much important plant and animal life. Pollutio

14、n destroys this life, however. We have to clean our streams and rivers. Man has to work with nature-not against it.(1).According to the passage, water is like _ in the body.A.cloudsB.bloodC.rainD.wind答案:B(2).The mouth of a river is near _.A.the oceanB.a streamC.a lakeD.the mountains答案:A(3).The river brings _ water to the ocean.A.saltB.cleanC.freshD.dirty答案:C(4).Rivers are a part of a great natural _.A.planB.systemC.thingD.problem答案:B(5).Fresh water does not have _ in it.A.saltB.lifeC.pollutionD.sand答案:A四、简答题 (共 5 道试题,共 15 分)36.将下列英文句子翻译成中文。Peopl


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