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1、1,The Taj Mahal,Fall in love with,2,Located at the city of Agra in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful masterpieces of architecture in the world. Agra, situated about 200 km south of New Delhi, was the Capital of the Mughals (Moguls), the Muslim Emperors who ruled

2、Northern India between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Mughals were the descendents of two of the most skilled warriors in history: the Turks and the Mongols. The Mughal dynasty reached its highest strength and fame during the reign of their early Emperors, Akbar, Jehangir, and Shah Jeha

3、n.,History of the Taj Mahal,3,It was Shah Jehan who ordered the building of the Taj, in honor of his wife, Arjumand Banu who later became known as Mumtaz Mahal, the Distinguished of the Palace. Mumtaz and Shah Jehan were married in 1612 and, over the next 18 years, had 14 children together. The Empr

4、ess used to accompany her husband in his military campaigns, and it was in 1630, in Burhanpur, that she gave birth to her last child, for she died in childbirth. So great was the Emperor love to his wife that he ordered the building of the most beautiful mausoleum on Earth for her.,4,Tourist attract

5、ions of The Taj Mahal,The chief building The Mosque The reflection of the tomb,5,The chief building material, the white marble was brought from the quarries of Makrana, in distt. Nagaur, Rajasthan. Copies of orders (farmans) issued to Raja Jai Singh, for the purpose by Shah Jahan, can be seen in the

6、 Taj Museum.,6,There is a mosque on each side of the chief building made of red-sand stone.On the top is the typical huge white dome.,7,Do you think it seems like a girls face? Look at it from above are: Crown Eyes Nose Mouth,8,Travel information Opening hours:6:00am-8:00pm Entrance ticket: Foreigne

7、rs:500 rupees+tax of 250 rupees(=69.15yuan+34.57yuan) Indians:30rupees Traffic:Take the train to Agra Fort,then you can reach the Taj Mahal by pedicab,9,A Poem About Taj Mahal,Only a deep sigh sweels eternally; Let the sky be merciful; This was the hope in your heart. Built of gems,diamonds and pear

8、ls like the magic shimmering of rainbows in empty horizons.,10, 有机会我把我的故事都讲给你听,闭上眼不看谁 下着雨流着泪 让风儿吹长发飞 让心情也吸取尘灰 爱难退心好累 你疲惫我颓废 曾经以为爱很美 但尝试过是苦滋味 爱谁恨谁 我的心无言以对 爱是一种无以命中美 爱很颓废 我也有点颓废 不管是谁 我也不再爱谁 很颓废我美的有点累 我不再美 我心如止水 如果生命在爱火中燃尽 为你默默凋零灿烂百倍 爱情谢幕的一刻 也将成为永恒面颊上的一滴眼泪,11,Welcome to Taj Mahal,New Beginning ,謝謝 Thank you,



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