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1、 南充高级中学20172018学年度下期九年级第三次月考英语试题(满分:120分 时间:90分钟)I. 听力部分(20%)略第二部分 笔试部分一单项选择:(15分)( )21. How does your father make money? . A .Sell fruit B、Sells fruit C、By selling fruit ( )22. Its very difficult to learn English well, but you cant _. A. put it up B. give it up C. look it up ( )23. Life now is not

2、so easy as it _be, do you think so? Yes. I _ working seven days a week to get more pay. A. used to; used to B. was used to; used to C. used to; am used to ( )24. you do, you cant change the situation. A. Whoever B. Whatever C. However ( )25. He_woulddogreatthingsshouldnotattemptthemallalone. A.whomB

3、.whoC.which( )26. Somerobotsare_todothesamethings_people. A.enoughsmart;asB.enoughsmart;with C.smartenough;as( )27.-Whose notebook is this?-Its not mine.Its _. A. someone else B. someone elses C. someone else s( )28.The story reminded me _ an experience I once had. A. of B. to C. at ( )29. If you li

4、stened to the questions carefully, you _ answer them easily. A. were to B. will C. would( )30. There is snow and its cold this winter. A. much too, too much B. much too, much too C. too much, much too ( )31. Could yo tell me ? -Im confident and creative. A. how you are B. what are you like C. what y

5、ou are like ( )32. The lady _ he is talking to is his girlfriend. A.whom B. whose C. which ( )33.There are about five _ people watching the Olympics in London, and two_of them are from foreign countries. A.millions; millions B. million; millions C. million; million ( )34. Mr. Black is not only stric

6、t _his work but also is strict _his children. A. with, in B. in, with C. on, with( )35. - Mary has made great progress recently . - _ and _. A. So has she , so have you B. So she has , so have you. C. So she has , so you have 二完形填空:(10分)先通途下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并将其字母代号填入提前括号内。 Fire can he

7、lp people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can keep your house _36_, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things _37Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people. Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are _38_. interesting old stories about how a man or

8、 woman started a fire. One is _39_ a man. The man _40_ a very long time ago. He went up the sun and _41_ fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes _42_ to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and 43 it could bu

9、rn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you 44 be careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will 45 you. But if you arent careful with fire. and it may hurt you. ( )36. A. warm B. warmer C. cool D. cooler ( )37. A. also B. too C. either D. neither ( )38. A. many B. mu

10、ch C. little D. no ( )39. A. over B. about C. a little D. no ( )40. A. worked B. studied C. learned D. lived ( )41. A. bring B. take C. brought D. took ( )42. A. enjoy B. like C. dont like D. become ( )43. A. after B. late C. yet D. then ( )44. A. can B. man C. will D. must ( )45. A. help B. do C. t

11、ell D. hope 三阅读理解:(30分) (A)Scott was not happy. He had no money left to buy the new toy train he wanted. Suddenly, he had an idea! Ill ask my brother Alan if I can borrow some money. He always has money to lend people. Scott found Alan in his room. Alan, may I borrow $20 from you to buy myself a new

12、 train? Alan replied, I just spent all of my money on Moms birthday present. I have no money left. You are barking up the wrong tree. Scott was very disappointed. He decided to get a job. He went to many stores, but no one had a job for him. He walked and walked from store to store.Finally, he got a

13、 job selling ice cream and he was very happy. My feet are tired for walking all day, but I can get enough money for a toy train. ( )46. Why did Scott need to borrow money? A. Because he needed to get a job. B. Because he wanted to buy a new toy train. C. Because he wanted to buy a present for his mother.( )47.The underlined phrase barking up the wrong tree means_. A. acting like a dog B. asking the wrong person C. asking the right person ( )48. Accordin



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