高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries语言知识案 外研版必修3

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1、Module2 Developing and Developed Countries语言知识探究案.词形变换【自主学习】 1. disease(n.)疾病 _ (n.)(同义词)2. poor(adj.)贫穷的_(n.)贫穷,穷困3.hungry(adj.)饥饿的;渴望的_(n.) 饥饿;渴望_(adv.)饥饿地4. educate(v.)教育;培养 _ (n.) _ (adj.)受过教育的_(adj.)教育的 _(n.)教育家5. industry(n.)工业;产业 (adj.) 工业的;产业的_(adj.)勤奋的6. _(n.)develop(v.) 发展;开发;培养;冲洗_(adj.)发

2、达的_(adj.)发展中的_(adj.)未开发的;不发达的7. tour (n.)旅游,旅行_(n.)旅游业 _(n.)旅游者;游客8.locate(v.)定位;位于_(adj.)位于.的 _(n.)位置; 所在地9. crowd(v.)挤满;(n.)人群_(adj.)拥挤的10. _ (n.)运气;财富fortunate (adj.)幸运的;侥幸的_(adv.)幸运地_ (adj.)不幸的; 遗憾的11.expect(v.) _(adj.)预料的;预期的_(n.)预期;预期数额12.pollute(v.)污染;弄脏_(n.)污染_(adj.)污染了的. 短语盘点1.减少贫困和饥饿_11. f

3、ight AIDs_2. 同意做某事_12. be similar in_3. 采取措施做_13. be close to_4. 在顶部_14. share with_5. 努力做_15. give financial help_6. 确保_16. practice doing sth._7. 增长到_17. in exchange for_8. 鼓励某人做_18. be of great value_9. 脱离贫困_19. be crowded with_10. 取得进步_20. mean doing sth._III. 重点知识l 1.develop:正确翻译develop在下列句子中的意

4、思。(1)We must develop heavy industry. _ (2)It is important to develop childrens body. _ (3)He developed the films he took. _(4)With the development of our country, we are living a better life. _l 2. figure :用figure及其短语的正确形式填空。(1) When I finish the first step, please add up the _.(2) Napoleon is a wel

5、l-known _ in history.(3)I _ that something important would happen after his arriving. (4)It is difficult for Tom to _the cost of operation.l 3. measure :选择合适的词或短语并用正确形式填空。measure ones words make to ones measure take measures to do sth.(1)We solve these problems one by one.我们必须采取必要的措施逐个解决这些问题。(2)They

6、 me and _ a suit of clothes _.他们为我量了身体并按我的尺寸为我制作了一身衣服。(3)In formal occasion, we _and not make the mistakes that we shouldnt.在正式场合,我们讲话时须斟词酌句,不应犯不该犯的错误。l 4.句型转换(1)This question is very important.This question is _ _ _.(2)This dictionary is not helpful to English beginners.This dictionary is _ _ _ to

7、English beginners.(3)The two pairs of shoes are not the same in size.The two pairs of shoes are not _ _ _.l 5. mostly, most, almost, (1)The members of the group are _ young people.(2)Dalian is a _ beautiful city.(3)I _ fell off the bike.l 6.effort (1)She _ to be a top student. (努力)。(2)They reached t

8、he top of the mountain _.(费了很大劲)(3)We can gain nothing _.(不劳无获)(4)In Senior 3, every student is _ (在努力)to go to college.l 7.用income, salary, pay,和wage的适当形式填空(1)The miners went on strike for higher_.(2)We expect a fair days _ for a fair days work.(3)He works as a doctor on a _of 54,000 a year.(4)They

9、 receive a proportion of their _from the sale of goods and services.答案语言知识探究案.词形变换【自主学习】 1.illness 2.poverty 3.hunger; hungrily 4.education; educated; educational; educator 5.industrial; industrious 6.development; developed; developing; undeveloped 7.tourism; tourist 8.located; location 9.crowded 10

10、.fortune; fortunately; unfortunate 11.expected; expectancy 12.pollution; polluted . 短语盘点1. reduce poverty and hunger 2.agree to do 3.take measures to do 4.at the top of 5.make efforts to do 6.make sure 7.increase to 8.encourage sb to do 9.move out of poverty 10.make progress 11.抵御艾滋病 12.在方面相似 13. 靠近

11、14. 与分享 15.提供经济援助 16.练习做某事 17.为了交换 18.非常有价值 19.挤满了 20.意味着做某事III. 重点知识1.(1)发展 (2)使.发育 (3)冲洗 (4)发展2.(1)figures (2)figure (3)figured (4)figure out3.(1)We must take necessary measures to (2)measured; made; to my measure (3)should measure our words4.(1)of great importance(2).of no help(3).of a size5.(1)mostly (2)most (3)almost6.(1)made every effort /spare no effort (2)with efforts (3)without effort (4)making great efforts7. (1)pay(2)wage(3)salary(4)income



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