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1、PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册同步练习题周周练小学英语四年级下册第一周练习卷Name: Class: No: 一、 默写下列的单词:电扇: 计算机: 讲台: 写字板: 灯管: 窗户: 门: 地板: 教室: 图画: 墙: 床: 教师办公室: 食堂: 图书馆: 花园: 操场: 二、选择正确答句:( )1、Where are you from? A、Hes my friend, Mike.( )2、Whos that boy? B、Im from China.( )3、Where is the canteen? C、Many desks and chairs.( )4、Whats in the cl

2、assroom? D、Its on the first floor.( )5、How many balls can you see? E、I can see five.( )6、Do you like pears? F、His name is Zhangpeng.( )7、Where is the pencil-case? G、Yes, I do.( )8、Whats his name? H、Its on the desk.( )9、May I have a look? I、I have ten books.( )10、How many books do you have? J、Sure, h

3、ere you are.( )11、Lets clean the window. K、Good idea.三、阅读下面的短文,补充完整。Come and see my pictures! This is my _(妈妈). She is a _(护士). She is active. This my _(爸爸). He is a _(医生). He likes painting. My aunt is a _(农民).She likes planting flowers. My uncle is _ _(一个司机). Hes good at sports. And Im a _(学生).I l

4、ike _(鸡肉) and _(鸡蛋) .四阅读短文,完成下面的选择题,把序号填在括号里。 Hello, Im Jack. This is my family photo. They are my grandparents, my parents and me. My grandpa is strong and tall. Hes a farmer. He likes sports. My grandma is a housewife(家庭主妇). She likes painting. My mother is a teacher. Shes thirty-two. She likes mu

5、sic. My father is a doctor. He likes music, too. I love my family! 1. There are _ in my family. A. 6 B. 5 2. My grandma is a _. A. housewife B. farmer 3. My grandpa likes _. A. sports B. computer 4. My mother is _. A. 32 B. 335. My parents like _. A. painting B. music小学英语四年级下册第二周练习卷Name: Class: No:

6、二、 默写下列的单词:操场: 计算机: 花园: 写字板: 灯管: 风扇: 讲台: 地板: 图画: 图书馆: 墙: 食堂: 教师办公室: 这;这个: 是: 我的: 那;那个: 你的: 绘画教室: 体育馆: 电视机房: 卫生间: 音乐教室: 三、 连词成句。1、is, that, a, computer.2、fan, this, a, is.3、classroom, is, that, my ?4、canteen, this, your, is ?5、on, library, the, floor, second, the, is.三、连线,将句子配对。1、Is this your garden

7、? Yes, I do.2、Where is the teachers office ? Yes, it is.3、Do you have lunch at school ? Forty.4、How many students are there in your class? OK.5、Lets go to the library. Its on the first floor.四、阅读,判断对错,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Chen Jie: Welcome to our school. This is the teachers office.Visitor: It is big and

8、 beautiful. Do you have a garden?Chen Jie: Yes. There are many flowers in it.Visitor: Do you have a library?Chen Jie: Yes. You can read Chinese books , English books, story-books and science books there.Visitor: Im hungry. Where is the canteen?Chen Jie: Its on the first floor. This way, please.Visit

9、or: Thank you.( )1、Chen Jies school is big and beautiful.( )2、There are many trees in the garden.( )3、There is a library in Chen Jies school.( )4、You can read math books in the library.( )5、 The canteen is on the second floor.小学英语四年级下册第三周练习卷Name: Class: No: 四、 根据图意,把句子填完整。1、I can see five .2、The is

10、white.3、There is a on the wall.4、This is my new 5、Look at the . Its nice.五、 连词成句。1、my, this, new, schoolbag, is. 2、snake, is , a , that ? (并做肯定回答) 3、your, is, that, computer ?(并做否定回答)4、This is a bed. (改写成疑问句)5、on, library, the, floor, second, the, is.6、is, he, a , student. 7、That is my book. (改写成疑问句

11、,并做否定回答)三、连线,将句子配对。1、How many students are there is your class? Yes, it is. 2、Do you have a library ? Yes, we do.3、Whats on the desk ? Thank you.4、Is that a light? Its on the first floor.5、Your school is cool. Forty-eight.6、Wheres the canteen? A new computer.四、阅读,判断对错,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。We have a new c

12、omputer room. It is on the second floor. This way, please. Look, two fans and eight lights are in it. And there are so many computers in it. How many computers? There are 45. Theyre so cool. This is a picture and that is a map. The floor is green. The wall is white. I like our computer room.( )1、Our computer room i



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