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1、New Horizon College English,Book 1 Unit 1,Guideline of this Courses learning and teaching,1. syllabus main aims 2. time allotments of this cause 3. teachers demands 4.students self-learning,Pre-reading activities,While-reading activities,Practice works,Other demands,Lead-in, Listening to tape, Words

2、 and clause,Text comprehension, Language points, Text structure, Main ideas ,Exercises !,Self -learning,WHAT DO YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU SEE THESE PICTURES?,Warming-up,Warming-up,Warming-up,These pictures remind us of our school life in,Warming-up,kindergarten primary school junior middle school senior

3、 middle school,1. When and where did you begin to learn English? 2. Do you enjoy learning English? Why? 3. How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school? 4. Do you have any trouble learning English? If any, what is it? .,Tips,I. Your Experience of Learning English,Warming-up,1. When

4、 and where did you begin to learn English?, I began to learn English. years ago., I have learned English for., My experience with English began in. when.,Warming-up, No, I dont enjoy it because it is useless / too difficult. Yes, I enjoy it very much. It can help me find a good job after graduation.

5、 learn the cultures of other countries. make some foreign friends. learn the value of hard work.,Do you enjoy learning English? Why?,Warming-up,3. How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school?, My English teacher in. was,kind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/,cold/always angry.

6、,Warming-up,4. Do you have any trouble learning English?,understand what others say. remember so many words. understand the grammar. read quickly. speak in public., I always feel it difficult to. Its not easy for me to,Warming-up,II. Ways of Learning English in University,Books learning; Classroom l

7、earning; Classroom learning; Learn from Classmates and friends; Self-learning ,Books learning,Classroom learning,Learn from Classmates and friends,Successful self-learning,周润发念了三年中学就到社会谋生, 语文基础比较差,拍戏念对白比别人辛苦十倍。 后来,他到美国拍片,在美国生活的时候, 决心学好英语,由最基本的英语发音学起。 首先他跟太太一字一句学,然后再请老师教导, 又时常收看英语频道节目,以增强英语听说能力。 他一边学

8、一边工作,虽然当时已年过四十, 但他终于克服了困难。 对此,发哥说:“几年前有中学教科书以我的 经历做教材,我非常惊喜,没想到连小学教科书 都用我来做教材,这真是我的荣幸。” 发哥还说:“我希望香港年轻一代都可以不怕辛苦, 为理想努力,去达到目标,只要有心,我相信任何 困难都不用怕,以前我40岁时才去美国学英文,经过 一年努力,总算能够懂能够听,但学无止境,到今天 我一样会继续进修英语,不敢偷懒。”,Online learning Online learning, a form of distance education, refers to learning and other suppor

9、tive resources that are available through a networked computer.,Online learning,下面几个英语网,有各个方面的,你可以根据自己的情况,参考下面各种学习网站和不同的学习内容: Online causes of this book: 普特英语 英语小故事_学习热线 英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲 英语小作文网: ,不同年级大学生的名称: freshman大一新生 sophomore大二学生 junior大三年级学生 senior大学四(五年制大五)年级学生,Learning a foreign language:,Unit

10、One,New Words 种豆得豆 自食其果 Reap where one has not sown不劳而获,Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph:,Para.1: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. Para. 2: My experience with learning a foreign language in junior school was very happy

11、. Para. 3: My experience in senior school was frustrating and unhappy. Para. 4: The situation changed in college, but it was far from perfect. Para. 5: I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course. Para. 6: Online learning is not easier than regular classroom study. Para. 7

12、: I practiced all the time. Para. 8: Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything.,While-reading Activities,Global reading,2.1,Detailed reading,2.2,2.1.1 Understanding the major details of the text,2.1.2 Understanding the organizatio

13、n of the text,2.2.1 Words and phrases,2.2.2 Sentence patterns,Home,2.1.1 Understanding the major details of the text,1)What made the authors English learning in junior middle school very successful?,2)What is basic to online English learning?,3)What interested the author most about English?,The kind

14、 and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often.,Much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.,He could communicate with many more people than before.,Main idea of the text,Learning a foreign language was one of _yet _experiences of my life.

15、,the most difficult,the most rewarding,2.1.2 Understanding the organization of the text,Part One (Para. 1),Part Two (Para. 2-7),Part Three (Para. 8),The authors 4 stages of language learning experiences,Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet _,Junior middle school _. (3) College (4) _,Learning a foreign language has been _experience for me, but_ _,most rewarding experiences of my life,Senior middle school,Online learning,a most trying,one that I,wouldnt trade for anything,Learning a Foreign Language,Para 1 Learning a foreign language was one of the mos


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