新版PEP英语四年级下册Unit6 A Let’talk课件

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《新版PEP英语四年级下册Unit6 A Let’talk课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新版PEP英语四年级下册Unit6 A Let’talk课件(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Free talk.,Who is she?,Where are they now?,What are they doing?,Clothes shop.,They are shopping.,She is a seller.(售货员),PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk,dress,hat,shirt,jacket,sweater,shoes,shorts,pants,coat,skirt,socks,Do you know the words?,我们的任务,John的生日快到了,John的妈妈准备买东西送给John作为生日的礼物。今天我们将学习如

2、何用英语购物。最后,请同学们与小组成员一起创编购物对话并表演。,What does John want to buy?,What will she say to John?,Seller:Can I help you?,John:Yes.,These shoes are nice.,These shorts are nice.,These shoes are nice.,These socks are nice.,These pants are nice.,This dress is nice.,This shirt is nice.,This skirt is nice.,This jack

3、et is nice.,John:Can I try them on?,Seller:Of course. Here you are.,我能试穿它们么?,I wear Size 36.,Whats your size?,How big are Johns feet?,Size 6?,Size 7?,Size 8?,Size 6.,Are they OK?,Theyre too small.,Lets try Size 7.,Theyre just right.,Are they OK?,How big are Johns feet?,Size 6?,Size 7?,Size 8?,Size 7

4、?,Are they OK?,Theyre too big.,Theyre too big.,Are they OK?,Theyre too long.,Theyre just right.,Is it OK?,Its too small.,Its too big.,Is it OK?,Its too long.,Its too big.,Open your book,turn to page58,Role play.,Seller: Can I help you? Student: Yes. Can I try this on? Seller : OK. Here you are. Student: Its too .,Pair work,Seller: Can I help you? Student: Yes. Can I try them on? Seller: OK. Here you are. Student: Theyre too .,Homework,抄写本节课的对话,完成2号本。 听录音,熟读课文。 继续创编购物对话。,预习A Lets learn。,Thank you !,


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