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1、实用文档 . 1、常规面试 就是我们日常见到的主考官和应试者面对面,以问答形式为主的面试。主考官提出问题, 应试者根据主考官的提问作出回答,以展示自己的综合素质。在这种面试条件下,主考官处 于主动提问的位置,根据应试者对问题的回答以及应试者的仪表仪态、身体语言、 在面试过 程中的情绪反应等对应试者的综合素质状况作出评价;应试者一般是被动应答的姿态,不断 地被面试官观察、询问、剖析、评价。 2、情景面试 情景面试是面试形式发展的新趋势。在情景面试中, 突破了常规面试即主考官和应试者 一问一答的模式,引入了无领导小组讨论、公文处理、角色扮演、演讲、答辩、案例分析等 人员甄选中的情景模拟方法。在这种

2、面试形式下, 面试的具体方法灵活多样,面试的模拟性、 逼真性强, 应试者的才华能得到更充分、更全面的展现, 主考官对应试者的素质也能作出更 全面、更深入、更准确的评价。 在情景面试中,应试者应落落大方,自然和谐地进入情景,去除不安和焦灼的心理,只 有这样,才能发挥出最佳效果。 3、 分阶段面试 按序面试一般分为初试、复试与综合评定三步。初试一般由用人单位的人事部门主持, 将明显不合格者予以淘汰。初试合格者则进入复试。复试一般由用人部门主管主持,以考查 应试者的专业知识和业务技能为主,衡量应试者对拟任岗位是否合适。复试结束后, 再由人 事部门会同用人部门综合评定每位应试者的成绩,确定最终合格人选

3、。 4、 会议面试 会议面试,就是让应聘者参加会议,就会议的议题展开讨论,确定方案,得出结论。这 种面试内容通常就某一具体案例进行分析处理,从中可以比较直观、具体、 真实地体现其实 际应用知识的水平和能力。会议面试主要考查应聘者分析问题,解决问题的能力,从中可以 考查其知识水平、思维视野、分析判断、应用决策等素质。 5、 分步面试 一般是由用人单位的主管领导以及一般工作人员组成面试小组,按照小组成员的层次, 由低到高的顺序,依次对应试者进行面试。面试的内容依层次各有侧重,低层一般以考查专 业及业务知识为主,中层以考查能力为主,高层则实施全面考查与最终把关。实行逐层淘汰 筛选, 越来越严。 应试

4、者要对各层面试的要求要做到心中有数,力争在每个层次均留下好印 象。在低层次面试时,不可轻视、麻痹大意,在面对高层次面试时,也不必过度紧张。 1, regular interview Is the examiners and examinees everyday we see face to face, in the form of questions and answers give priority to the interview. I ask questions, candidates according to the examiner questions to answer, to d

5、isplay their own comprehensive qualities. Under the condition of the 实用文档 . interview, the examiner in the position of the active questions, according to the examinee answer to the question and the candidate appearance and manner, body language and emotional reactions in the interview process for ma

6、king evaluation in the comprehensive qualities of the candidates; The posture, candidates are typically passive response continues to be the interviewer observation, inquiry, analysis and evaluation. 2, situational interview Situational interview is an interview form development new trend. In situat

7、ional interview, break through the regular interview examiners and examinees ask one answer mode, the introduction of no leadership group discussion, document processing, role-playing, speech, defense, case analysis and so on personnel selection in the scene simulation method. Form in this interview

8、, the interview method is flexible, the interview simulation, realistic strong, the candidates talent can obtain more fully, more comprehensive, the examiner to candidates of quality can make a more comprehensive, more in-depth, more accurate evaluation. In a situational interview, the candidate sho

9、uld be natural and graceful, natural harmony into the scene, remove the nervous and anxious psychology, only in this way, can play the best effect. 3, interview in stages Sequential interview generally divided into first try, second-round exam and comprehensive evaluation of three steps. Try a gener

10、ally presided over by the employers personnel department, will clearly not eligible to be eliminated. Try a pass into the second interview. Second interview generally presided over by the employing department, to investigate the candidates professional knowledge and skills to give priority to, to me

11、asure the candidate to the designated position. After the second interview, and then by the personnel department under the state council in conjunction with the unit of choose and employ persons is the comprehensive evaluation of each candidates performance, to determine the final qualified candidat

12、e. 4, interview meeting Conference interview, is to let the applicant to attend the meeting, the meeting topics to discuss, determine the scheme, draw the conclusion. The content of the interview is usually a specific case analysis processing, we can more intuitive, concrete, truly reflect the actua

13、l application of the level of knowledge and ability. Meeting mainly examines the interview candidates to analyze problems, the ability to solve the problem, we can examine the knowledge level, thought vision, analysis, judgment and decision quality. 5, step by step the interview Is generally by unit

14、 of choose and employ persons, director of the leadership team and the composition of the general staff interview, according to the level of the team members, from low to high order, in order to interview the candidate. The content of the interview according to different level different, lower gener

15、al is given priority to with examination professional and business knowledge, middle is given priority to with examination ability, top is the comprehensive test and final checks. Implement step by step a weed, more and more strict. The candidate to the requirement of all levels to try to accomplish know fairly well, strive to make a good impression in each level. At low levels during the interview, cannot despise, paralysis, in the 实用文档 . face of high-level interview, also need not too nervous.



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