2019届高考英语Unit 3 Travel journal精讲复习教案

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1、2019届高考英语Unit 3 Travel journal精讲复习教案 XX届高考英语unit 3 travel journal精讲复习教案.重点单词聚焦1the_(设计) could be improved by adding an extra flower or leaving out a leaf.答案:design2in fact,most of the great wall that we visited was rebuilt in the ming_(朝代)答案:dynasty3her brother bought her a_(贵重的) watc

2、h as a birthday present.答案:valuable4unfortunately,no one_(幸存) after the plane went down in flames.答案:survived5when the first atomic bomb_(爆炸),the whole world was shocked.答案:exploded6after a long_(辩论),they finally reached an agreement.答案:debate7we must_(挑选) the best players to play for the school tea

3、m.答案:select8on arriving at the hotel,i approached the_(接待) desk to check in.答案:reception9after graduation,my sister worked as a nurse in a_(当地的) hospital.答案:local10he proved himself innocent by providing a lot of_(证据)答案:evidence.重点短语扫描1in of 寻找2in 作为报答;回报3 to 属于4at 处于交战状态5 than 少于6 part 拆开7 highly o

4、f 看重;器重,评价高8care 关心;在乎searchreturnbelongwarlesstakethinkabout9 than而不是10do 处理11be for为设计ratherwithdesigned.课文原句突破1普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼竟会有这样一段令人惊奇的历史。frederick william ,the king of prussia,_ _ _ _that his greatest gift to the russian people would have such an amazing history.答案:could never h

5、ave imagined2这是在两国交战的时期。this was a_ _the two countries were at war.答案:time when3毫无疑问这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。_ _ _ _ _the boxes were then put on a train for königsberg,which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea.答案:there is no doubt that4从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。after that,what ha

6、ppened to the amber room _a _.答案:remains;mystery5在审判中,一位法官必须断定哪些证人的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。in a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and_ _ _ _.答案:which not to believe345672019-08-04 XX届高考英语unit 3 travel journal精讲复习教案.重点单词聚焦1the_(设计) could be improved by adding an extra flower or leaving ou

7、t a leaf.答案:design2in fact,most of the great wall that we visited was rebuilt in the ming_(朝代)答案:dynasty3her brother bought her a_(贵重的) watch as a birthday present.答案:valuable4unfortunately,no one_(幸存) after the plane went down in flames.答案:survived5when the first atomic bomb_(爆炸),the whole world wa

8、s shocked.答案:exploded6after a long_(辩论),they finally reached an agreement.答案:debate7we must_(挑选) the best players to play for the school team.答案:select8on arriving at the hotel,i approached the_(接待) desk to check in.答案:reception9after graduation,my sister worked as a nurse in a_(当地的) hospital.答案:loc

9、al10he proved himself innocent by providing a lot of_(证据)答案:evidence.重点短语扫描1in of 寻找2in 作为报答;回报3 to 属于4at 处于交战状态5 than 少于6 part 拆开7 highly of 看重;器重,评价高8care 关心;在乎searchreturnbelongwarlesstakethinkabout9 than而不是10do 处理11be for为设计ratherwithdesigned.课文原句突破1普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼竟会有这样一段令人惊奇的历史。fr

10、ederick william ,the king of prussia,_ _ _ _that his greatest gift to the russian people would have such an amazing history.答案:could never have imagined2这是在两国交战的时期。this was a_ _the two countries were at war.答案:time when3毫无疑问这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。_ _ _ _ _the boxes were then put on a tra

11、in for königsberg,which was at that time a german city on the baltic sea.答案:there is no doubt that4从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个谜。after that,what happened to the amber room _a _.答案:remains;mystery5在审判中,一位法官必须断定哪些证人的话可以相信,哪些不可以相信。in a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and_ _ _ _.答案:whic

12、h not to believe345672019-08-04 XX届高考英语unit 3 travel journal精讲复习教案.重点单词聚焦1the_(设计) could be improved by adding an extra flower or leaving out a leaf.答案:design2in fact,most of the great wall that we visited was rebuilt in the ming_(朝代)答案:dynasty3her brother bought her a_(贵重的) watch as a birthday pres

13、ent.答案:valuable4unfortunately,no one_(幸存) after the plane went down in flames.答案:survived5when the first atomic bomb_(爆炸),the whole world was shocked.答案:exploded6after a long_(辩论),they finally reached an agreement.答案:debate7we must_(挑选) the best players to play for the school team.答案:select8on arriving at the hotel,i approached the_(接待) desk to check in.答案:reception9after graduation,my sister worked as a nurse in a_(当地的) hospital.答案:local10he proved himself innocent by providing a lot of_(证据)答案:evidence.重点短语扫描1in of 寻找2in 作为报答;回报3 to 属于4at 处于交战状态5 than 少于6 part 拆开7 highly of 看重;器重,评价高8care


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