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1、情态动词表猜测,(一)情态动词表推测的三种句式,1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may(可能),might / could(也许,或许)。 (1)He must/may/might know the answer to this question. 他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。 (2)It is cold in the room. They must have turned off the heating. 屋里很冷,他们肯定把暖气关了。,2.否定句中用cant / couldnt(不可能), may not/might not(可能不)。 (1)It cant/couldn

2、t be the headmaster. He has gone to America. 这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 (2)He may not/might not know the scientist. 他也许不认识那位科学家。,3.疑问句中用can/could (能?)。 (1)Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? (2)Can he be at home now? 他现在能在家吗? 注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非may, can的过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。,(二)情态动

3、词表推测的三种时态,1.对将来情况的推测,用“情态动词 + 动词原形”。 (1)She must / may / might / could arrive before 5. 5:00前她一定/可能/也许到。 (2)She must/may/might/could walk miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone. 她一定/可能/也许会在山里一连走好几英里而遇不到一个人。,(二)情态动词表推测的三种时态,2.对现在或一般情况的推测,用“情态动词 + be”,“情态动词 +be doing”或“情态动词 + 动词原形”。 (1

4、)He must / may / might / could be listening to the radio now. 他一定/可能/也许正在听收音机。 (2)He cant ( couldnt ) / may ( might ) not be at home at this time. 这个时候他不可能/可能不在家。 (3)Mr. Bush is on time for everything .How can ( could ) he be late for the opening ceremony ? 布什先生一向准时,这次开幕式他怎么可能迟到呢?,3.对过去情况的推测,用“情态动词

5、+ have +过去分词”。 (1)It must / may / might / could have rained last night .The ground is wet. 地湿了,昨晚肯定/可能/也许下雨了。 (2)The door was locked. He can ( could ) not / may ( might ) not have been at home . 门锁着,他不可能/可能不在家。 (3)Can / Could he have gotten the book? 难道他找到书了吗?,注:情态动词 should /ought to表推测时,意为“想必会,理应”但

6、与“have +过去分词”连用时,则又可构成虚拟语气意为“本应该做某事却没做”。例如: (4)Its seven oclock. Jack should/ought to be here at any moment. 现在七点钟了,杰克理应随时到达。(推测) (5)Tom should not /ought not to have told me your secret, but he meant no harm. (虚拟) 汤姆本不该告诉我你的秘密,可是他并无恶意。,对某一次的推测句型有两部分:语气和时态 语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may、might(=cou

7、ld) 否定句:cant(=couldnt)、may not、mightnt 疑问句:can、could(语气更加委婉不确定) 时态部分: be表示对现在的推测 have done表示对过去的推测 be doing表示对正在进行的推测 语气部分写在前时态部分写在后,组合在一起就是推测,Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? Sorry, I am not sure. It _ be. (湖北卷) A. might B. will C. must D. can 【分析】答案选A。由I am not sure(我没有把握)可知,

8、后文是没有把握的肯定推测,用might。,Isnt that Anns husband over there? No, it _ be himIm sure he doesnt wear glasses. (全国卷) A. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not 【分析】答案选A。由No和后文Im sure可知,是有把握的否定推测,所以用cant (不可能)。,When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. They _ be ready by 12:00. (全国卷) A. can

9、 B. should C. might D. need 【分析】答案选B。should表示“按理应当,大概”。用might语气太不肯定,顾客可能走掉。,I have lost one of my gloves. I _ somewhere. (北京春) A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped 【分析】答案选B。对已经发生的事进行推测用“must have +过去分词”,答案D是被动式,应排除。,There were already five people in the car

10、 but they managed to take me as well. It _ a comfortable journey. (全国卷) A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been 【分析】答案选D。既然小汽车上“已有五人”,且是“设法”才把你带去的,如此拥挤,旅途当然“不可能”舒服。,You _ be tiredyouve only been working for an hour. (四川卷) A. must not B. wont C. cant D. may not 【分析】答案选C。由后文“你才只工作了一个小时”推断,“你不可能就累了”。表示有把握的否定推测,用cant。must not不允许;may not可能不。,I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. (全国卷) A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been 【分析】答案选B。当时我没不听到电话铃响,那“一定是己经睡着了。,



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