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1、一、找出划线部分读音不同的一个:(10分)( )1. A. road B. photo C. holiday ( )2. A. about B. window C. south( )3. A. climb B. dictionary C. find ( )4. A. easy B. meat C. heavy( )5.A office B. house C.busy ( )6. A chair B.watch C.school ( )7. A. message B. email C.send ( )8. A.write B.office C.surprise ( )9. A.your B.co

2、lour C.Saturday ( )10.A.black B.CD C.back二、选择题:(20分)( )1. Whats _ email? A. an B. a C. the( )2. Lets send a letter _ Dad. A on B. in C. to( )3. Thank you _ your email. A. for B. to C. from( )4. I am working very hard _ the office. A. in B. at C. be( )5. The message will go to Dads computer _ work. A

3、. in B. at C. To( )6.It goes _one computer _another computer . A. from to B. in for C. to in ( ).7.Lets _ an mail to Dad . A. go B. send C. sending ( )8.Ive got an email _litlle Tom . A. from B. to C.does( )9.I will _home at seven oclock . A. am B. is C. be ( )10.How _make a poster?. A. at B. in C.

4、to( )11. Are you ready _ your trip to Shanghai? A. in B. for C. of( )12. _ did your father buy? A new car. A. What B. When C. Where( )13. Amy _ to London yesterday. A. go B. went C. goes( )14. _ are you going to take? I am going to take some apples. A. What B. When C. Where( )15. Where are you from,

5、 Tom? Im from _. A. England B. Six oclock C. T-shirt( )16. Big Ben is in _. A. America B. China C. England( )17. This rope is very long, but that rope is _. A. long B. longer C. short( )18. Last weekend, we _ to the _ theatre. A. go, children B. went, childrens C. went, children( )19. Are you ready

6、_ your exam (考试)? A. to B. for C. of( )20. Look!The little boy _ a book _ sports! A. read, on B. read, of C. is reading, about( )21. Is the parcel(包裹)_ Taiwan province(省)? A. on B. from C. for( )22. _ are you going to go? To the airport. A. Where B. Who C. When( )23. _are you going to go to the airp

7、ort? At 7 oclock tomorrow. A. Where B. Who C. When( )24. Grandma made Chinese food _ me. A. to B. for C. And( )25.We went _ a yellow taxi _their flat A: in in B: for to C: in to 三、A.在横线上填上合适的单词完成对话。(20分)work send message click idea emailAmy: Lets send an _ to Dad.Tom: Yes,thats a good _!Amy: _ on “E

8、mail”. Now click on “Write”. Good boy, Tom!Tom: Hello Dad, I can _ emails now. From Tom.Amy: Click on “send”. The message will go to Dads computer at _.B.选词填空。got write click computer busy 1. Ive _ an e-card from Mum . 2. _on “send .”3. _.your massage . 4. I am very _. 5. Its a _ message 四、给问句选择合适的答

9、语。(10分)( )1. Where is Shandong? A. Of course. Here you are.( )2. Can I see them? B. In July.( )3. Are you OK, Lingling? C. I bought some vegetables and milk.( )4. What did you buy in the supermarket, Mum? D. Yes, Im fine. Thank you.( )5. When did you go to Jinan? E. In the east of China二、根据上下文选择合适的疑

10、问词,补全对话 How old what who where when1. _ is your name ? Im Bob. 2. _ are you ? Im twelve.3. _ is going to swim on Sunday? Daming.4. _ does Sam have to leave? Next week.5. _ do they go every day? They go to the park.6. _ are you going to go this weekend? 7. _ are you going to go there?8. _ are you goi

11、ng to do there? 9. _ is going to go with you? feel exciting try told meet 10.I.m going to _ you in three weeks . 11.But I _ nervous.12.The women _ lots of jokes . 13.I want to _ Chinese food .14It was very _. 三根据对话内容,选择合适的句子填空。Amy:_? Sam: Im going to go to Beijing.Amy:_? Daming:Clothes ,shoes .Sam:_

12、? Daming:At six oclock tomorrow morning .Sam:_? Daming:Its me .A. What are you going to take ? B.Where are you going to go ? C. Who is going to go ? D.When are you going to go ? 四根据汉语完成句子1. Are you _ _(为做准备)your trip tomorrow?2. _ _ _(列一张清单)of things to buy in New York.3. Yesterday, grandma and cousin Simon _(遇见)me at the airport.4. Grandma _ _ _(做了中国的饭)for me yesterday.5. We went in a yellow taxi to the


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