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1、四年级英语期末试卷(一)选择适当的字母或字母组合,并在横线上写出中文(8%)。( )_1. br_ d A. ee B. ea C. ae( )_2. p_ A. are B. rea C. ear( )_3. pict_ A.ure B. uer C. eru ( )_4. playgr_nd A.eu B. au C. ou( )_5. wait_ A. erss B. sres C.ress( )_6. f_nd A. rie B. eir C.ire( )_7. off_ A.eic B. ice C.eci( )_8. b_ A.yu B.ue C.uy二 翻译词组(11%)。1.在

2、车站附近 _the_ 2. 去医院 _to the _3.在冰箱里 _ the _ 4. 我们的新教室 _ new _5. 一些课桌椅 _ _ and _ 6. 一杯橙汁a _ of _ _7 Lets hurry ._ 8. I love China._. 9. Let me try again._ 10. lots of songbooks_ 三 选择(10%)。( )1. Where _ my tea ? _ on the table . A. are ; Theyre B. is ; Its C. is; Theyre ( )2. Something to_ ? Apple juice

3、 , please . A. eat B. drink C.have ( )3. There _a pen and some books on the desk . A. is B. are C. have ( )4. _ in the box ? _some chocolate . A.Whats ; Its B. Whats ;Theres C. Wheres ;There are ( )5. How much _ the sweets ? _ 20 yuan . A. are ; Its B. is ; Its C. are ; Theyre ( )6. We can see lots

4、of bowls in the _. A.classroom B. bathroom C.cupboard ( )7. How do we go to the theatre ? _ . A. All right B. Thank you C. By minibus ( )8. Mr Green is my mothers brother . Hes my _ A. brother B. unle C. aunt( )9.There is _ airport in Nanjing . A. a B. an C. some ( )10. Whats the _ job ? Hes a drive

5、r . A.her fathers B. womans C. mans 四看图完成对话(15%)。1. _ in the bag ? There _ some _ .2. Theres no _ in the _ .3. Can I help you ? A _ of_,please . _ _ is it ? _ yuan,please.4.Whats _ job ? _ a _ .5. _ they _ ? Yes , they are .五. 选用方框中的句子填空,把序号写在横线上(6 %)。A. Whats in the music room ? B. Something to dri

6、nk ? C. I can see some trees .D. Whats for breakfast ? E. No, I dont want to . F.No , but Id like to try .1. _ A sandwich and some bread .2. What can you see in the picture ? _3. _ A bottle of juice , please .4. _ Theres a piano and some guitars .5. Lets go to see the doctor . _6. Can you use chopst

7、icks ? _六. 阅读理解(10%)A.朗读对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案(M= ManG=Girl)M: Excuse me.G: Yes?M: Is this train for Wuxi?G: Yes, you are right. This way ,please.M: Thank you very much.G: Youre welcome.( )1. The man and the girl are at the .A: stationB: theatre C: librayD:school( )2. The man wants to go to .A: XianB: Sha

8、nghaiC: Wuxi D: Nanjing( )3. Perhaps the girl works in the .A: plane B: trainC: bus D: minibusB阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示 My name is Tom. Im a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. Its very bright. There is a computer on the teachers desk

9、. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. Theres a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much.1. Toms school is very big and beautiful. (

10、)2. Toms classroom is very bright. ( ) 3. Theres a computer in the classroom. ( )4.There are twenty-four girls in Toms class. ( )5. The big library is for the teachers. ( )6. Tom can play football.( )7. Tom likes his school. ( )我想忘记你,可做不到其实你并不是完美得无可替代,你永远是不懂我的心思不知道我为什么会因为一件小事就能开心一整天也不知道我为什么会因为一句话而难过



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