汉英翻译选词问题 英汉词语对比与翻译选词课件

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1、翻译选词(II),英汉词语对比与翻译选词,See Textbook Chapter 1,2,CONTENTS,1.学生课后作业展示 2.英汉语言对比与翻译选词 3.课堂作业 4.课后作业,Students Presentation,学生课后作业展示,4,Students Presentation (3-6 students, Two for each paraof previous homework),5,Analysis of Presentation,1) 我家的后面有一个很大的园,相传叫作百草园。现在是早已并屋子一起卖给朱文公的子孙了,连那最末次的相见也已经隔了七八年,其中似乎确凿只有一

2、些野草;但那时却是我的乐园。 (鲁迅三味书屋),Behind our house was a great garden commonly known as Hundred-Plant Garden. It has long since been sold with the house to the descendants of Zhu Xi, and the last time I saw it, already seven or eight years ago, I am sure there were only weeds there. But it was my paradise whe

3、n I was a child. (Translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang),6,2) “怎么丁医生还不来? 先抬进小客厅罢!”荪甫搓着手自言自语地说,回头对站在那里等候命令的四个当差一摆手。四个当差上前抬起那张长沙发榻,走进大客厅左首的小客厅;竹斋,荪甫,吴少奶奶,二小姐,四小姐,都跟了进去。阿萱自始就站在那里呆呆地出神,此时像觉醒似的,慌慌张张向四面一看,也跑进小客厅去了。砰的一声,小客厅的门就此关上。 (茅盾子夜),“Oh! Whats keeping Dr. Ting? Lets carry father into the other roo

4、m now,” muttered Wu Sun-fu, wringing his hands with impatience. He motioned to the four servants standing by to lift the couch on which the old man was lying and carry it into the small drawing-room. He followed behind with his wife, Tu Chu-chai, Fu-fang and Huei-fang. Ah-hsuan, who had been standin

5、g by gaping, came to, looked round in alarm, scampered into the parlor, and slammed the door behind him. (Translated by Xu Mengxiong),7,3) 如今世事发生了变化,这电话也发生了变化。 最初几次是,电话铃响了,我踱着方步走过去,拿起来,里面的声音是:“小韩在家吗?”我以为是哪位老首长忽然想起了我,忙不迭地答应:“是我,是我。”对方不相信,仍要小韩接电话,这才醒悟过来,小韩者,老韩之子也。 The world has changed, so has the tel

6、ephone. The first few times it went like this: The telephone rang and I walked leisurely over and took up the handset. The voice would say, “Hello, is this Young Han home?” Thinking that it was one of my former superiors who had suddenly thought of me, Id hastily answer, “Speaking! Speaking!” The pe

7、rson would refuse to accept the responseand insist on talking to Young Han. Only then did I realize Young Han in this case referred to Old Hans junior.,8,时间久了,接的电话多了,也就摸出点规律。给儿子来电话的,多是女孩子,给女儿来电话的,多是男孩子。女孩子总是客客气气的,纵不是打给我的,也还叫人舒坦。若儿子不在,我会问上句:你叫什么名字呀,有什么事需要不需要我转告呀。结果自然是,不用了,等他回来再打吧,谢谢。 (韩石山接电话) With th

8、e passage of time and with the experience gathered from having answered many more calls like this, Ive found the calls follows this regular pattern. When my son is wanted, the caller is usually a girl; and it is usually a boy who is calling my daughter.Girls are always sweet and polite. Even though

9、it is not me that they want to talk to, their calls may leave a sort of pleasant impression. If my son happens to be out, Ill ask, “Your name, please?” “Any message?” The response is only expected: “No, thank you, Ill call later, bye-bye.” (Translated by Ju Zhuchun),英汉语言对比与翻译选词Comparison and Diction

10、,10,CONTENTS,英汉语言词汇意义的对应 英汉词汇对比与翻译选词 英汉思维模式对比与翻译选词,11,一般说来,英汉语言词汇意义的对应,可以大致分为完全对等、部分对等、无对等、词对应但语义不对等四种情况。 1) 完全对等是指英语中有些词所表达的意义,在汉语中可以找到完全对应的词来表达,它们的意义在上下文中完全对等。这类词主要是通用的专有名词,如: China (中国), Germany (德国), New York (纽约)等专有名词,日常生活中的事物名称的词,如:table(桌子), watch (手表),sun (太阳)等,以及科技英语的术语等。,1.英汉语言词汇意义的对应,对于完全

11、对等的语义翻译,比较简单,一般可以采用直译的方法加以处理。如:,12,2009年1月7日,“纪念中美建交30周年乒乓球友谊赛”在北京国家体育总局大厅举行。中国外交部副部长王光亚与美国副国务卿内格罗蓬特一行观看比赛并合影。两国之间经过多年的疏远与对抗之后,1971年,美国乒乓球队访问中国,打开了民间交流的大门。(中新社) Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte pose for a group photo during the Friendsh

12、ip Ping-pong Match marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China-U.S. diplomatic relations, at the State General Administration of Sport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 7, 2009. In 1971, a U.S. ping-pong team visited China after years of estrangement疏远 and antagonism 对抗 between t

13、he two countries, opening the door for the China-U.S. people-to-people contacts. (Xinhua),完全对等翻译举例,13,2) 部分对等是指英语中的有些词在词义上仅有部分与汉语的词义对应。 2.1 有的英语词语词义大于汉语的词义。如: uncle: 叔父、伯父、舅父、姑父、姨夫; sister: 姐姐、妹妹 attend school 上学; attend a meeting 开会; attend a wedding 参加婚礼 carry: 搬、运、提、送、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、断、举、 夹、捧 cut

14、: 切、割、削、凿、砍、剪、裁、截、刺穿、刺痛、删节、开辟 fry: 煎、炒、炸、爆、爆炒 send: 送、寄、发送、派遣、打发,14,2.2 有的英语词语词义小于汉语的词义。如: 主人: master, host, owner, housemaster, Goodman 下: below, descend, down, give birth to, go to, leave off, lower, next, take 拿: fetch, hold, seize, take 行:go, walk, travel; circulate; behavior, conduct; capable,

15、competent 如:“神州行,我看行” China Talent, I find it competent!,15,“收拾”:外研社汉英双语现代汉语词典2002年11月第一版中,翻译为: put in order; tidy; clear away (意思是:整顿、整理)repair; mend (意思是:修理) teach a lesson; settle with; punish (意思是:整治) eliminate (意思是:消灭、杀死);此外,外研社汉英词典1995年修订版中,有“get things ready, pack”的翻译。,部分对等翻译举例,如果把“收拾”一词放在上下文

16、中,该如何选词翻译,就需要译者从上下问的搭配关系中去寻找线索,从而正确地表达它在句中的意义。见下页示例。,16,如何翻译: 南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼,取“富贵有余”的意思。 (吴敬梓儒林外史),The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fortune. (杨宪益、戴乃迪译),17, put in order; tidy; clear away (意思是:整顿、整理) repair; mend (意思是:修理) teach


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