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1、伊登私学春季六年级英语小组课三期训练(七)名师引导单科冲刺 - Etons 1. A baby was afraid of coldness in winter, so he didnt take off his hat inside. But one day, he saw a man and took off his hat. Who did he see? 一个婴儿在冬天害怕寒冷,所以他没有把帽子脱下来。但是有一天,他看见一个人,脱下了他的帽子。他看到了谁? A. His father.B. His god-mother. 教母 C. The hairdresser. 理发师D. The

2、 babysitter. 保姆2. Who invented the first astronomical telescope? 谁发明了第一个天文望远镜? A. Galileo Galilei伽利略 B. Archimedes阿基米德 C. Charles Robert Darwin查尔斯罗伯特达尔文 D. Thomas Alva Edison托马斯阿尔瓦爱迪生3. What does the question mark stand for?4. The ninth grade class has 17 more girls than boys, there are 431 students

3、 in all. How many boys are there? 九年级的女生比男生多17人,总共有431名学生。有多少男孩? A. 191B. 202 C. 207D. 232 5. You can NOT see _ during the first Industrial Revolution (工业革命). 在第一次工业革命中你看不到6. A foreigner visits Wuhan by metro. He takes Metro Line 2 at first and transfers to Metro Line 1. Which station does he get of

4、f to transfer metro line 1? 一个外国人乘地铁去武汉。他先乘地铁2号线,然后换乘地铁1号线。他在哪个站换乘地铁1号线? A. Jianghan Road B. Xunlimen C. Hongshan Square D. Zhongnan Road7. _ is the leader of the British government. _是英国政府的领袖 A. Prime Minister总理 B. Queen 女王 C. President 总统 D. Governor州长8. Pamukkale (棉花堡) is a great place in Turkey,

5、 you can go there to _. 帕穆嘉丽(棉花堡)在土耳其是一个好地方,你可以去那里A. take a hot spring bath B. make a snowman C. go fishingAverage: CRank (名次) in class: 22 of 30 To parents:Tom is a good student in the subject he likes, but he does not really try in the ones he does not like. He must try harder if he wants to succe

6、ed at school. To parents:Tom is a good student in the subject he likes, but he does not really try in the ones he does not like. He must try harder if he wants to succeed at school. 11. What does “Chinese date” mean? “中国日期”是什么意思? A. 中国日期 B. 中国式 C. 枣子12. The second largest city in England, _, is a me

7、tropolitan (大都市的) district and an industrial and manufacturing city. 英国第二大城市,中部平原,是国际化大都市(大都市的)地区和英国的工业和制造业中心。 A. Edinburgh B. Belfast C. Philadelphia费城 D. Birmingham13. The tower is in _.高楼 A. Hangzhou B. Nanjing C. Anhui D. Xian14. Which action would be most helpful in saving natural resources? 哪种

8、行动对节约自然资源最有帮助? A. Obeying traffic signals. 遵守交通信号 B. Respecting our flag. 尊重我们的旗帜 C. Giving money to those in need. 把钱给需要帮助的人 D. Recycling paper products. 回收纸产品15. I didnt know he was such a faithless person. 我不知道他是一个没有信仰的人。 Its not your fault, you havent known him that long. _这不是你的错,你不认识他那么久 A. All

9、 time is no time when it is past. 光阴一去不复返 B. Time tries all. 时间检验一切 路遥知马力日久见人心 C. To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就是延长生命 D. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人16. Which of the following is NOT good at music? 下列哪一个不擅长音乐?17. Which team was the winner in 2017 NBA Finals? 哪支球队是2017年NBA总决赛的冠军?18.

10、Which of the following is the complete circuit (完全闭合电路) diagram ? 下面哪个选项是完整的电路(完全闭合电路)图?19. Who is the owner of the lost cat? A. Mr. White B. David C. Susan20. If you want the job as a guide, you should_. A. know the city very well B. be an experienced driver C. be a beautiful girl如果你想要这份工作,你应该这样做。非

11、常了解这个城市做一个有经验的司机做一个漂亮的女孩伊登私学春季六年级英语小组课三期训练(八)名师引导单科冲刺 - Etons 1. A butterfly lays an egg. The egg hatches into a larva (幼虫). The larva becomes a pupa (蛹) and then changes into a butterfly. This process is called _. 一只蝴蝶下了一个蛋。卵孵化成幼虫(幼虫)。幼虫变成了蛹(蛹),然后变成一只蝴蝶。这个过程称为 A. an adaptation (适应) B. a habitat一个栖息

12、地 C. a food chain 一个食物链D. a life cycle一个生命周期2. What number does the question mark stand for?3. Heathcliff and Cathering are the characters in _.希克利希和凯瑟琳是其中的人物A. Gone with the Wind随风飘逝B. Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见C. The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人D. Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄4. Which of the following can be the

13、 plan graph (平面图) of the cube?下面哪个可以是立方体的计划图?5. Write the first letter of each picture. Then rearrange (重新排列) the letters to make a new word. 写出每张图片的第一个字母。然后重新排列(重新排列)字母新词Answer: _. 6. Martin is driving a car on the road. He wants to go ahead at first. But finally he turns left. Because he sees _.马丁

14、正在路上开一辆车。他想先走。但最后他转向了左边。因为他认为_ A. B. C. D. 7. “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” _ said it when he landed on the moon. “对一个人来说,这是一小步,是人类的一大步。”当他降落在月球上时,他说。 A. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin尤里加加林 B. Neil Alden Armstrong尼尔奥尔登阿姆斯特朗 C. Liwei Yang杨丽炜8. If there is a building on fire, which of the following ways is wrong? 如果有一栋建筑着火了,下列哪一种是错的?9. Mia wants to make snowmen. Where should she go? 米娅想做雪人。她应该去哪里 A. Beijing B. Lhasa C. Chongqing



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