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1、Unit 1 & Unit 2 练习 班级:姓名: 一 根据中文意思,在横线上填上合适的词组 1. 买衣服2. 写信 3. 做小测验4. 进行聚会 5. 去度假6. 与朋友会面 7. 去看医生8. 去理发 9. 去观光10. 看电视 11.打乒乓球12. 讲故事 13.唱歌14. 玩得开心 15. 看长城16. 拍照 17. 参观博物院18. 住在旅馆里 19. 住在伯母和伯母家里20. 探望奶奶 二 连词成句 1. today going to do you what are ? 2. you to going write to cousin your are ? 3. is she mee

2、t friends some to going 4. brother my going to the doctor see is 5. you how going Guangzhou to are ? 6. a stay going are to hotel we in 7. by are going we bus 8. to you are where stay going ? 三 完成以下对话 1. A:What are you going to do this morning, Linda? B: We are going to . (做模型) 2. A: Are they going

3、to make some models? B: No, they are going to a . (去聚会) 3. A: What are the girls going to do this Sunday? B: They are going to some . (与朋友会面) 4. A: Are you going to a ? (做个小测验) B: Yes, we are. 5. A: What is Tom going to do tomorrow? B: He s going to a . (去理发) 6. A: What is John going to today? (看医生)

4、 B: He is going to the doctor. 四 完成句子 1. Uncle Wang is going to (去露营 ) for two days. 2. They are going to Canada . (乘飞机 ) 3. Mike (去观光 ) in Hunan every year. 4. We go to school (乘公共汽车 ) every day. 5. Let s (住在旅馆 ) tonight. 6. How is she going to get there? She s going there (乘火车 ). 五翻译句子,每条横线上只准填一个单

5、词 1. 你们打算怎样去海南? are you to Hainan? 2. 你不应该住在这个旅馆里。因为太贵了。 You stay in the . Because it s expensive. 3. 我想和妈妈去观光。 I want to on Saturday. 4. 让我们星期六去露营 . Let s on Saturday. 5. 我们打算乘飞机去北京 . We are gong to go to Beijing . 六 在 B 栏中找出能够回答A 栏的答案,并把答案的编号填在相应的括号里。 A B ( ) 1. What are you going to do? A: I am g

6、oing to school. ( ) 2. What are you doing? B: He has some glue. ( ) 3. What does he have? C: I am helping my mother. ( ) 4. Are you going to have a rest? D: I am going to get a haircut. ( ) 5. Where are you going? E: No, I am not. 七 阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的在前面的 括号里写“ T”, 不相符的写“ F”. ( A ) Tomorr

7、ow is Saturday. Mr. Green is going to take his family to the Guangzhou Park in the morning. They are going to get up at seven o clock and have their breakfast quickly. After that they are going to go to the park by car. When they get there, It will be nine o clock. There will be many people in the p

8、ark on Saturday. Lucy, his daughter is going to climb the hills in the middle of the park. Tom, his son is gong to fly a kite. Mr. Green and his wife are going to sit under a tall tree and have a rest. They are going to have a wonderful time tomorrow morning. ( ) 1. Mr. Green and his family are goin

9、g to the beach tomorrow. ( ) 2. They are going to go there by car. ( )3 .Lucy and Tom are going to fly a kite in the park. ( )4. The Green family has three children. ( )5. Mr. Green and his wife are going to have a rest under the tree. ( B ) There is a clock. It s on the wall of my room. Maybe you d

10、on t know it. Now let me tell you something about it. It has two hands. One is long. The other is short. The long hand is the minute. Hand and there are 60 minutes in an hour. The short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 hours in a day. What time is it now? It s two o clock. I must do my homewor

11、k now. ( ) 1. You may know the time from the clock. ( ) 2. The long hand is the hour hand. ( ) 3. There are 60 hours in a day. ( ) 4. There are 1440 minutes in a day. ( ) 5. It s 2 o clock now. 八 作文题 (1) 翻译短文 下个星期天, Gogo, Tony 和 Jenny 打算玩个痛快 . Gogo 打算去公园。 Jenny 打 算去买衣服。 Tony 打算去海滩游泳。在晚上他们打算与朋友会面,并且一起搞 个晚会。 (2)这个周末你准备做什么?请用英语写一写你的周末计划。



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