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1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book II,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,2,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 5,Unit Five,Table of Contents,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text: Goodbye, Mr. Foster,Working

2、 with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,Highlights S: An ideal job L: Good restaurant service R: Goodbye, Mr. Foster W

3、: How to avoid coordination problems in writing Internet work: Finding a job for Mr. Foster,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,1. Starter,A. What is an ideal job? Put the following statements in order of importance (1=most important, 8=least important). Discuss in class.,a. My

4、colleagues must be friendly. b. There must be chances to learn new skills. c. The work must be creative and interesting. d. I want good pay so that I can save up to travel around the world. e. My work must be appreciated. f. Im looking for an exciting working environment. g. The job must give high s

5、ocial status. h. I would like to freelance for different companies.,The order of importance: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,Reference Answer,There is no fixed answer,6,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,1. Starter,B. Listen to a passage and answer the following questions.,1. How do customers usually respond to th

6、e service offered to them at a restaurant?,Customers are quick to complain when things go wrong, but are always slow to offer praise when things go right.,2. How did the waiter serve the speaker and his family?,The waiter was really attentive to them, and never let them run out of sweet tea.,7,上海交通大

7、学出版社,Back,Next,1. Starter,3. What did the speaker do after the meal?,He left the waiter a nice tip and told the manager how pleased they were.,4. Who was pleased when the speaker praised the waiter?,Both the manager and the waiters present were pleased with his praise.,8,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back

8、,Next,1. Starter,9,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,May I See the Manager? Having worked in food service when I was in high school, I know that people are quick to complain when things go wrong, but are always slow to offer praise when things go right. I have tried to make it a habit to report exception

9、ally good service as well as exceptionally bad service. For example, the other day, our family went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant. The food was great. The service was great. Our waiter never let us run out of sweet tea, and thats not easy, not even for attentive waiters. It was an enjoyable e

10、vening. At the end of our meal, we left the waiter a nice tip, but I didnt think that was enough. So on this,Next,1. Starter,Tapescript,10,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,occasion, I asked the waiter if I could speak with the manager so I could let her know how pleased we were. His eyes lit up, and off

11、 he went. I told the manager how pleased we were with the food, and that our waiter was excellent and took good care of us. She was all smiles. All the employees standing by wore similar smiles. The customers around us agreed. The good feeling was contagious. As we left, we were bid farewell as if w

12、e were old friends to the employees. It felt nice. Next time you get great service, feel free to ask for a manager.,Next,1. Starter,11,Text Lead-in,Warm up,Which one do you believe, “Good things happen to good people” or “Bad things to good people”? Give examples. How can we get on well with your co

13、lleagues in the office? b. sailboat,Back,Next,12,Text organization,Text Lead-in,上海交通大学出版社,Body (Paras. _),Conclusion (Paras. _),Back,Next,2-8,Body (Paras. _),9-14,15-16,Conclusion (Para. _),1,The theme of the story: The unfair treatment of Mr. Foster.,The narrators initial encounter with Mr. Foster

14、8 years ago and how Mr. Foster earned the narrators admiration.,The development of the narrators admiration in the last 8 years and the firing and recalling of Mr. Foster.,Mr. Foster quit his job because his heart was broken.,13,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,Text: Goodbye, Mr. Foster,1 Can an emplo

15、yee do his or her job too well? If so, what do you do? Praise? Raise? Discipline? Terminate? Todays guest columnist tells the true story of Foster, who did his job too well.,Translation,1 一个员工能把工作做得太好吗?如果他/她把事情做得太好了,是应该表扬?晋升?处分?还是炒鱿鱼?今天的客座专栏评论员讲述了一个关于福斯特的真实故事,他把工作做得太好了。,discipline: vt.处分;处罚 e.g. The

16、 teacher disciplined the naughty child for his bad behavior. n. 1) U 自制力 e.g. The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire. 2) U 训练,磨炼 e.g. A little discipline would do him a world of good. 3) C 纪律 e.g. The new teacher cant keep discipline in the classroom. He doesnt have to submit to ordinary disciplines.,14,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,Text: Goodbye, Mr. Foster,2 I met him at least 8 years ago at the Atlanta



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