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1、语法填空,学习目标,Course Objectives,掌握语法填空题型的规律和技巧,目录,Catalog,1. Warming up 2. 题型列举 3. 词类技巧 4. 题型精炼 5. Summary,Warming up,Jason lives in Beijing. How can he get to the Disney Land? I think he can take to Shanghai.,a/the train,Warming up,PART 02,题型列举以及方法归纳,题型列举,一. 有提示型填空,汉语词义提示类 1.Her ways of learning Englis

2、h are similar to (我的). 2.Asking for help (礼貌地) is very important. 音标提示类 1. We / vlju:/ the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. 句子首字母提示类 1. The weather is s today. Lets go bike riding in the countryside. 2. Bob hasnt seen Kim s they graduated from high school.,用所给单词的适当形式填

3、空 1.My sister made a cake_(her), without our mothers help. 2.I once asked him if he had any_(difficult)in keeping five children in school. 3.You wont win the football match if youre not in_(train). 4.We all admire him because of his_(kind)to every student. 5.You are_(fair), Mum. Why do you only want

4、 me todo chores?,题型列举,题型列举,多种提示短文填空 (10空) This morning I took a bus to school. The traffic was (1) (busy) than usual and there were more people on the bus. At Xinhua Stop, I saw (2) old man get on the bus. He looked very weak. I stood (3) and gave my seat to him. He thanked me and asked me about my

5、name and my school We talked (4) (happy). Later in the (5) (three) class, Mr. Du came in and asked me to go to the front. I didnt know (6)w , so I was a little afraid. Everyone was looking at me. Then he told (7) (they) what I did on the bus this morning. He (8) (know) it because he got a phone call

6、 from the old man. Mr. Du said I could be a good example to my (9) (classmate). It was really a good day (10)f me! I was so proud.,题型列举,(2018浙江台州)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。 选词填空变形类(5选5,7选5 。10选10,12选10等) 46. Richards dad was right _him, helping him stand up and try again. 47. Since we are friends,

7、 I know_ how she feels now. 48. Ann was so close to the winner, but the _place made her feel pretty good too. 49. For your_, please mind your steps when getting off the train. 50. Kids brains are like a question machine and one of their _ways to learn is by asking a lot of questions.,exactly two saf

8、ety beside good,题型列举,One day a visitor came to Nasreddins house. I am your cousin l Konya,“ he said, and I have brought you a duck to 2 the visit. Nasreddin was 3 . He asked his wife to cook the duck and served the visitor a 4 dinner. The next day another visitor arrived. I am the friend of the man

9、who brought you the duck,“ he said. Nasreddin invited him in and gave 5 a good meal. The next day another visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. Again Nasreddin invited him in for a meal 6 , he was getting a bit angry. 7 seemed to be using his

10、house as a restaurant. Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. He was 8 in. Nasreddins wife brought some 9 to the table and the visitor tasted it. What kind of soup is this? It 10 just like warm water. Ah ! said Nasreddin

11、. That is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck. ,angry, invite, however, with, please, from, visitor, celebrate, taste, soup, fine, he,题型列举,二.无提示词类题型,One day, a very 1 man went to see a doctor and 2 the doctor to help him to lose weight. The doctor 3 him over and said, Oh, you will die in fo

12、rty days. ”The fat man was very 4 . After he returned home, he lay 5 bed all day long. He didnt do 6 and just waited for his death. With each passing day, he ate less 7 less and was becoming thinner and thinner. Forty days passed, 8 he didnt die. He waited for another day. Then he went to the doctor

13、 and asked, Forty 9 has passed, but Im still alive. Why did you cheat me?” The doctor smiled and asked the man,” Didnt you ask me to help you 10 weight? Yes, I did,” the man answered. Then,” said the doctor, look at yourself. The man looked down and laughed.,根据短文内容补全短文,PART 03,词类技巧,词类分析,(1)当你选定一个名词时

14、,要考虑是否需把它变成复数或所有格形式。 补充:考虑名词是否需要变成形容词。 【例句】 1.Today is _ and we want to go to the beach. (sun) 2.We all like _ movies.(Cheng Long) 3.Did you watch those _ yesterday? (TV show),名词,1. sunny 2. Cheng Longs 3. TV shows,词类分析,动词,词类分析,1. The girl enjoys English in the morning. (read) 2. A talk tomorrow is

15、by Professor Zhang. (give) 3. Nobody him to the party yesterday. (invite),动词,1. reading 2. given 3. invited,词类分析,形容词和副词,遇到用形容词和副词填空时,要判定是否需要变成比较级或最高级,还有它们之间的相互转换,形容词变名词也需考虑。 【例句】 1.John is the _ student in his class. (clever) 2. -Did you hear anything (usual) in the next door? -No, I was chatting on

16、line with friends. 3. Danny is short and thin. Of all the boys around he is the (thin) kid.,1. cleverest 2. unusual 3. thinnest,词类分析,代词,填入代词时,需注意辨别主格、宾格、名词性和形容词性物主代词或反身代词的用法。,主格: I , We, They, He等,宾格: me, us, them, him 等,名词性物主代词: mine, ours, theirs, his 等,形容词性物主代词: my, our, their, his 等,反身代词: myself, ourselves, t



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