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1、甘肃省青少年教研中心小升初英语语法专项 代词 编写:张雅丽小学英语代词专项练习一 中文意思,把句子补充完整. (我的_) sister is going to give (他_) a dictionary. (我们_) lived with (我们的_) grandparents ten years ago. (他的_) house is beautiful, but (你的_) is so small. Whose books are these? Are they (他们的_) or (你们的_)? Is the balls for (我们_) or (他们_)? Let (我们_) go

2、 and see (她_). Could you show (我_) your new story-book? This pen isnt (我的_). Its (你的_)。(她_) does (她的_) homework from eight to nine. Does (他_) often help (你们_)? Yes, (他_) often comes here and helps (我们_). 二 择正确的答案,把相应的字母编号写在括号内. ( ) 1. _ coat is red. A. My teachers B. my teachers C. Our teachers ( )

3、2. Are _a pupil of Huamei School? A. you B. your C. we ( )3. Which is cup, the green or the blue ? A. Kate, one, one B. Kates, one, one C. Kate, or, one ( )4. There is a picture on the wall over there. Can you see _? A. it B. its C. its ( ) 5. Are those the _ houses? A. farmerss B. farmers C. farmer

4、 ( ) 6. A: Wheres _new toy? B: Is _under _ bed? A. you, its, your B. you, it, your C. your, it, yours ( ) 7. _ friend Kitty painted a picture of _ for _ birthday. A. My, I, me B. My, me, my C. I, my, mine( ) 8. Those shirts arent _ . A. your B. yours C. you ( ) 9. _ are cats and _ are dogs. A. This,

5、 his B. These, those C. That, this ( )10. China is a great country. _ all love _ . A. We, her B. Our, her C. Us, it ( )11. Here are two pencils. _ is _? A. Whos, yours B. What, your C. Which, yours ( )12. _classroom is here. _ is over there. A. Ours, Theirs B. Our, Their C. Our, Theirs ( )13. Let _

6、begin _class. A. us, us B. us, our C. we, our ( )14. There are forty-four students in Class A. Twenty-three of _are girls. A. their B. them C. they ) ( )15. Is _ new apartment larger than _ ? A. you, them B. your, theirs C. your, them ) ( )16. My watch is broken. Can you repair(修理) _ for _?A. it, I

7、B. it, me C. it, we ( )17. These flowers are for _ . A. you and I B. you and we C. you and me ( )18. This isnt _ ticket. _ is at home. A. your, yours B. your, your C. yours, your ( )19. My cousin put on my sweater and I put on _ . A. she B. her C. hers ( )20. Look at these elephants. Lets feed _ som

8、e bananas. A. they B. their C. them ( )21. _ father took _ to a football match yesterday afternoon. A. His, he B. His, him C. He, his ( )22. Please give _ and _friend some water. A. me, my B. I, my C. mine, mine三 择正确的代词填空. 1. Open the door for (I, me) please. 2. Catch (he, him)! Hes a thief. 3. I lo

9、ve Mickey very much. What about (you, your)?4. (They, Them) are my classmates. 5. Look at (they, them). They are drawing pictures.6. Are these oranges (their, theirs)? 7. The blue bike is (her, his), not mine. 8. Look at the car. (Its, Its) colour is black.9. Your bags are green (their, theirs) are yellow. 10. Their school is in the country. (Our, Ours) school is in the city.2


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