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1、最新人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题含答案 (每个单元 1 套,共 10 套试题) Unit 1 达标测试卷 第卷笔试部分 (100 分 ) 五、单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 21They decided _ somewherebeautiful. AgoBgoingCto goD went 22 Bob is always polite to everyone, and he is _ lovely _ all of us like him very much. Atoo; toBneither; nor Cso; thatD such; that 23_Monday morni

2、ng,we played_table tennis. AOn;/BIn;theCAt;/DOn;the 24She was absent _ sickness. AbecauseofBbecause CsoDbut 25I think the desk is _ long asthat one. AlikeBforCatDas 26 Where_ you _ on vacation? Wewent to the beach. Adid;goBdid; went Cwere; goDwere;went 27I didnt hearyou come in just now. Thatsgood.

3、We tried _ any noise,for you were sleeping. Anot makeB not to make Cto makeDmaking 28There are _ books on the desk. You can readone of them for fun. AlittleBalittleCfewDa few 29On weekends, most of the students do nothing _ play computer games. AorBandCsoDbut 30 Whendid they _ Beijing? Yesterdaymorn

4、ing. AarriveBgetCarrive inDarrive at 31The little girl was _ askher brother for help. Aenough smartBenough smart to Csmart enoughDsmart enough to 32The retired couple enjoy _ photos.They always go out with their cameras. AtakeBtookCto takeDtaking 33 Imafraid I wont passthe exam. Comeon, Bill. You sh

5、ould believe(相信 ) in _.Thats the secret of success. AmyselfBourselves CyourselfDyourselves 34My host family tried to cook _ for me when I studied in New Zealand. Adifferent something Bdifferent anything Csomething different Danything different 35 I always believe that _ is difficult if we try our be

6、st to do it. AsomethingBanything CeverythingDnothing 六、完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(词数:约130;建议用时:10 分钟 ) I went camping with my friends last year. After _ (36) goodbye to our parents,we got on the bus._(37)the way,we laughed(笑)and talked happily. After we _ (38) the campground( 野营地 ),we jumped and ran arou

7、nd the place. That _ (39) the first time we left home. Some of us felt homesick(想家的 )However,when the night party started,the homesicknesswas _(40) The next day,we went boating. At first ,my friends andI worked hard,but the boat _ (41) listen to us and wouldnt go to the right places. Then the guide

8、_ (42) us.After many times,we did it much better. Swimmingis my favorite _ (43) The hottest time of a day is the best time to stay in the _ (44) water. The swimming guide was a funny man,and he often made us _ (45) 36A. sayingBsayCto sayDsaid 37A. AtB InCWithDOn 38A. arrivedBgot to Carrived inDgot 3

9、9A. isBhadCwasDdid 40A. goneBhereCfoundDthere 41A. dontBwerent CarentDdidnt 42A. sawBhelped CvisitedD watched 43A. foodBdrinkCsportDfruit 44A. hotterBwarmerChotDcool 45A. laughBlaughed Cto laughDlaughing 七、阅读理解 (每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A(词数:约120;建议用时: 4 分钟 ) Yesterday wasnt a good day. The weather wasnt ver

10、y nice. It was cold and rainy. The bus wasnt on time. It was late. My boss(老板 )wasnt very happy becauseI was late for work. He was a little angry. At 1 oclock I went to a cafe for lunch, but the food wasnt hot and the coffee was cold. I wasnt very happy.Then I went back to work,but my paperswerent o

11、n my desk. They were missingI looked for them everywhere, but I couldnt find them. Later someone gave them back to me. I left work at 5 oclock and it started to rain again. I got wet. Yesterday was a bad day for me. 46How was the weather yesterday? AIt was a nice day. BIt was rainy and cold. CIt was

12、 hot. DIt was snowy. 47Why was the bossangry? ABecausethe weather was bad. BBecausethe writer was late for work. CBecausethe food was cold. DBecausethe paperswerent on his desk. 48What doesthe underlined word “ missing” meanin Chinese? A空缺的B被损坏的 C丢失的D被删除的 49Which of the following sentencesis TRUE? A

13、The writer hada nice lunch. BIt stopped raining at five oclock in the afternoon. CThe writer went home after lunch. DThe writer took abusto work. 50Which is the besttitle( 标题 )for the passage? AA Great WeekendBA Bad Boss CA Bad DayDA Nice Job B (词数:约100;建议用时:4 分钟 ) SPRING RESTAURANT Telephone:332454

14、5 Address:EastRoad Open:Mon.to Fri.7:30 am2:30 pm and 5: 00 pm9:00 pm Sat.7:30 am2 : 00 pm and 5:00 pm9:30 pm Sun.11:00 am2:00 pm and5:00 pm9:30 pm SCIENCEMUSEUM Telephone:3351352 Address:Green Road Open:Mon.to Fri.9:00 am5:00 pm (Tuesday free) Sat.9:00 am6 : 00 pm SUNSHINESHOPPINGCENTER Telephone:3

15、374398 Address:PeaceRoad Open:Mon.Wed.and Fri.9:30 am5:30 pm Tues.Thurs.and Sat.9:30 am9:00 pm HUATAIHOTEL Telephone:3368432 Address:West Road Coffee shop:Mon.to Fri.6:00 am Sat.andSun.7:00 am Mon.to Wed.to 10:00 pm Thurs.to Sat.to 11: 00 pm Sun.to9:00 pm 51.You do not have to pay money on Tuesdayif you go to _. ASpring Restaurant BScience Museum CSunshine Shopping Center DHuatai Hotel 52What cant you do at 3 oclock on Saturday afternoon? AGo to Spring Restaurant. BHave coffee in Huatai Hotel. CVisit ScienceMuseum. DShop in Sunshine Shopping Center. 53If you want to drink coffee e



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