外研版九年级下册 Module 5 Unit 课件

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1、Watch out!Bears about!,Module 5 Rules and suggestions,Unit 2 You mustnt move,任务一 学生词 做练习 5分钟,New words: fall asleep 入睡 valley n. 山谷 peaceful adj. 平静地 site n. 场所 gesture n. 示意动作,手势 stick n. 枝条,枯枝 reach out 伸手去摸 still adj.静止的 woods n. 树林 hillside n.小山坡 sudden adj.突然的 blood n. 血,学考精炼: 1. There is a v_

2、between the mountains running along the bottom. 2. It is p_ at home when the children are at school. 3. Her illness was very s_- she was well yesterday. 4. He showed us a g_ of disapproval. 5. The old man walked leaning on a s_.,alley,eaceful,udden,esture,tick,学考精练 P58 1. 在远处 in the distance 2. 伸手去摸

3、 reach out 3. 发出很大的噪音 make a lot of noise 4. 最重要的是 above all 5. 跑过 run past 6. 转过去 turn around,7. 至少 at least 8. 呆在外面 stay outside 9. 拯救生命 save ones life 10. 继续传递 pass on 11. 同时 at the same time 12. 在半夜 in the middle of night/ at midnight 13我们这三个人 the three of us,学考精炼 p 58 单项选择 1. B see sb. do/doing

4、 sth. 看某人做某事 2. B have something to do 有事做 have nothing to do 没事做 3. B noisy 吵闹的; peaceful 平静的,安静的 peace n. 和平 4. C 5. A 看到熊了,就禁止做任何举动。 You mustnt make any gestures.,完成句子: 1. John cant be at home, because he has just phoned me from Beijing. 2. Every time there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold.

5、 3. She turned round to me slowly and smiled. 4. If I reach out, I can just touch the apples in the tree. 5. They can smell food in/from the distance.,fat huge strong powerful,任务 快速看短文找出是按什么顺序写的并找出相关的短语。 2分钟后给出你的答案 on our first evening in the middle of the night in the morning later that day during

6、the night the next day for the next 10 days,Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. What were the three people doing in Yellowstone Park? 2. How much do they know about bears? 3. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears? 4. What was the noise behind the writer? When yo

7、u are reading you should pay attention to the time and events (事件),Suggestion:,What should you do if there are bears about?,Discuss,1. You should hang the food high. 2. You should keep a clean camp site. 3. You should make lots of noise.,2. How much do they know about bears?,The bears can climb tree

8、s The bears can smell food from a distance The bears can run fast,Check the answers: What were the three people doing in Yellowstone Park? They were walking and camping.,3. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears? Hang the food high off the ground. 4. What was the noise beh

9、ind the writer? A mother bear.,Read and choose 1. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food_. A. in a tree B. on the ground C. in the tent D. by a stream 2. They out the food in the tree to _. A. keep it away from the rubbish B. make it easier to open the bag C. stop the bears f

10、rom smelling it D. stop the bears from seeing it,3. You should make lots of noise because bears _. A. can run faster than people B. may be afraid of people C. may not know where people are D. shouldnt come too close to humans. 4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but _. A. was worried about the bears

11、 B. wasnt tired C. wanted to see the bears D. there was too much noise,5. The writers blood went cold because he _. A. thought the mother bear was coming back B. was afraid of noise C. liked bears D. felt ill after running so fast,On our first evening( ) the three of us were tired after walking for

12、about eight hours. we soon fell asleep.( ),In the middle of the night( ) there was a strange noise( ) outside, but when I looked out of the tent there was nothing to see.,Part 1,(the first day),在第一天傍晚,入睡,睡着了,在半夜,噪音,In the morning I got up to make breakfast. The bag of food was open. “Bears” said Joe

13、 . “We should hang( ) the food in a tree tonight.” Later that day we stopped in a beautiful valley( ) by a stream. It was very peaceful( ) and we fell asleep listening to the sound( ) of water. During the night the bears came back. This time they took the food from the tree. “How did they do that?”

14、I asked. “Not high enough. Bears can climb trees. They can smell( ) food from a distance( ). we should pick up the rubbish( ) too.”,Part 2,(the second day),挂,山谷,安静的,和平的,声音,闻到,在远处,捡垃圾,The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site. ( )You cant leave anything which bears might think is food. “

15、Ok lets tidy the site up( ) and move on( ).Oh, and we should make lots of noise too. If they know where we are they may not come any closer.” said Joe. “If you see a bear,” said Joe, “You mustnt move or make any gesture.( ) And above all( ) you mustnt run. No one can run faster in the forest than a

16、bear.” We went to sleep or we tried to.,营地,打扫干净,继续前进,不要做任何动作,最重要的是,The next day( ) we stopped at midday for something to eat and while the others were resting to eat and while the others were resting I went for a walk( ) in the forest. Suddenly( ) I saw a baby bear playing with( ) some sticks( ) and stones( ). He looked so friendly and I r


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