高中英语 名著精读《小妇人》第五章:和睦邻居 第3节素材

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《高中英语 名著精读《小妇人》第五章:和睦邻居 第3节素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 名著精读《小妇人》第五章:和睦邻居 第3节素材(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、名著精读小妇人第五章:和睦邻居 第3节The idea amused Jo, who liked to do daring things and was always scandalizing Meg by her queer performances. The plan of going over was not forgotten. And when the snowy afternoon came, Jo resolved to try what could be done. She saw Mr. Lawrence drive off, and then sallied out to

2、dig her way down to the hedge, where she paused and took a survey. All quiet, curtains down at the lower windows, servants out of sight, and nothing human visible but a curly black head leaning on a thin hand at the upper window.“走过去这个计划一直在乔的脑海里纠缠;这天下午雪花飘落时,乔决定采取行动。她看到劳伦斯先生坐车出了门,便开始挖路,一直挖到树篱边,这才停下来望

3、望。四处悄无声息-楼下窗户帘幕低垂,佣人也全无踪影,独见楼上窗边露出一个黑色鬈发的脑袋靠在纤薄的手掌上。There he is, thought Jo, Poor boy! All alone and sick this dismal day. Its a shame! Ill toss up a snowball and make him look out, and then say a kind word to him.“他在上头呢,”乔想,“多可怜的人!这么阴沉沉的日子孤独一人,郁郁不乐。简直,岂有此理!我要抛个雪球上去,引他望过来,再跟他好好说上几句话。”Up went a handf

4、ul of soft snow, and the head turned at once, showing a face which lost its listless look in a minute, as the big eyes brightened and the mouth began to smile. Jo nodded and laughed, and flourished her broom as she called out . . .乔抛出一捧软绵绵的雪花,楼上的人马上转过头来,脸上无精打采的神情一扫而光,大眼睛闪闪发亮,嘴角露出笑意。乔点点头笑了,挥舞着手中的扫帚叫道

5、-How do you do? Are you sick? Laurie opened the window, and croaked out as hoarsely as a raven . . .“你好吗?是不是病了?”劳里打开窗,像个渡鸦般嘶哑着嗓子答道-Better, thank you. Ive had a bad cold, and been shut up a week.“好点了,谢谢你。我得了重感冒,在屋里关了一个星期了。”Im sorry. What do you amuse yourself with?“真遗憾。有什么消遣吗?”Nothing. Its dull as to

6、mbs up here.“没有。这里头闷得像个坟墓。”Dont you read?“你不看书吗?”Not much. They wont let me.“不大看。他们不让我看。”Cant somebody read to you?“没有人念给你听吗?”1.amuse v. 消遣,娱乐,使 . 发笑 The boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher.男孩子们以画老师的漫画取乐。2.scandalize vt. 令人愤慨,令人觉得可耻,令人丢脸Scandalize the neighbours by sunbathi

7、ng naked on the lawn 在草坪上作裸体日光浴教邻居触目惊心3.queer n. 同性恋者 adj. 奇怪的,不舒服的,可疑的 There is something queer about him.他有些古怪。4.snowy adj. 多雪的,被雪所覆盖著的,下雪的I like to go for a walk in the snowy streets.我喜欢去雪中的街道上散步。5.hedge n. 树篱,篱笆 They managed to wriggle (their way) through the thick hedge.他们设法钻过了厚厚的树篱。6.pause n.

8、暂停,中止,犹豫不决 vi. 停顿,中止 There was a pregnant pause before she answered my question.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下才回答我的问题。7.curly adj. 卷曲的 She has straight, not curly hair.她的头发很直,不弯曲。8.dismal adj. 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的 We were all depressed by the dismal weather.阴沉的天气让我们都感到压抑。9.handfulhndful n. 少数,一把,棘手之事 He dipped into the bag and

9、brought out a handful of sample wheat.他把手伸进袋里,取出一把小麦样品。10.listlesslistlis adj. 无精打采的 She was very listless after her illness.她病后懒洋洋的。11.brightenbraitn vt. 使变亮,使生辉 vi. 发光,发亮 Flowers brighten (up) a room.房间里有了花显得满室生辉。12.flourish vi. 繁荣,茂盛,活跃,手舞足蹈 vt. 挥舞 n. 挥舞,华丽词藻,茂盛,兴旺,炫耀 She rushed in flourishing a

10、document.她急匆匆地走了进来,手里挥舞着一份文件。13.croakv. 嗄嗄叫,发牢骚,死 n. 嗄嗄声,哇哇声 A bullfrog was croaking in the distance.一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。14.hoarsely adv. 嘶哑地 “Excuse me,” he said hoarsely. “对不起。”他用嘶哑的嗓子说。15.raven n. 大乌鸦 1.And when the snowy afternoon came, Jo resolved to try what could be done. She saw Mr. Lawrence drive o

11、ff, and then sallied out to dig her way down to the hedge, where she paused and took a survey.【句子翻译】这天下午雪花飘落时,乔决定采取行动。她看到劳伦斯先生坐车出了门,便开始挖路,一直挖到树篱边,这才停下来望望。【难句解析】resolved to do sth.“决心做某事”;drive off“驱散,击退,赶走”;He resolved to succeed . 他决心要取得成功。I was about to drive off when I saw this huge lorry bearing

12、 down on me.我正要驱车离开时,看到这辆大卡车气势汹汹地向我冲来。2.There he is, thought Jo, Poor boy! All alone and sick this dismal day. Its a shame! Ill toss up a snowball and make him look out, and then say a kind word to him.【句子翻译】乔抛出一捧软绵绵的雪花,楼上的人马上转过头来,脸上无精打采的神情一扫而光,大眼睛闪闪发亮,嘴角露出笑意。乔点点头笑了,挥舞着手中的扫帚叫道-【难句解析】toss up“掷、扔”;Let

13、s toss up a penny for the chance to go first.我们掷一枚一便士的硬币来决定谁先去。Whos going to cook tonight? Lets toss up.今晚谁做饭? 咱们掷硬币决定吧。3.How do you do? Are you sick? Laurie opened the window, and croaked out as hoarsely as a raven . . .【难句解析】“你好吗?是不是病了?”劳里打开窗,像个渡鸦般嘶哑着嗓子答道-【句子翻译】as.as.“和.一样”;Sam is as rich as Alexa

14、nder. 山姆像亚历山大一样富有。He has earned as much money as I have. 他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。4.Im sorry. What do you amuse yourself with?【难句解析】“真遗憾。有什么消遣吗?”【句子翻译】amuse sb. with sth.“以.取乐”;I often amuse myself with reading. 我常以读书自乐。He could amuse us for hours with his stories of the theater. 他能接连几小时地为我们讲戏剧故事逗我们发笑。 4用心 爱心 专心


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