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1、Units 12,Good friends English around the world,.单词点击 1. adv.诚实地;正直地 adv.诚实地; 正直地 n诚实;正直 2. vi争论;辩论 n争论 adj.有论据的,可论证的 3. vt幸免于;从中生还 vi幸存 n 生存,幸存 n.幸存者 4. adj荒芜的;荒废的 n沙漠 (易混词)n. (主食后吃的)甜点 5. n谎话;谎言 v撒谎 (过去式) (过去分词),honest,honestly,honesty,argue,argument,arguable,survive,survival,survivor,deserted,dese

2、rt,dessert,lie,lie,lied,lied,6. n宣告;断言 n发音 n 公告;声明 9. adj本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人 n国家 adj. 国家的;民族的 adj.国际的;世界的 10. adj相等的;胜利的 vi.等于;比得上 n平等 adj. 不平等的,adventurer,adventurer,adventurous,scared,scare,pronunce,pronunciation,pronouncement,native,nation,national,international,equal,equality,unequal,.短语回顾 1argue

3、sb. sth. 与某人争论某事 2be fond of 喜欢;爱好 3 a friendship with sb. 与某人增进友谊 4 happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦 5 about 关心;担心 6几乎;差不多 . 7受欢迎 . 8发生 . 9以告终 . 10除了以外 .,with,about,develop,share,care,more or less,be popular with,come about,end up with,except for,.短文填空 Sarah and Janet have been friends ever 1 they started

4、 school.They do everything together:study,read,watch TV, 2 the Internet,play sports and listen to music.If 3 one has a problem,the other is there to help. 4 Sarah was in the third grade,some of the other students were making fun of her 5 she was shy.Janet told the other students 6 making fun of Sara

5、h,and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness.In the fifth grade,Janet had 7 with her maths class.She studied hard,but she 8 couldnt understand the homework.Sarah helped Janet with her homework and 9 (patient) explained every exercise to Janet.After six months,Janet was doing much 10 and even got an A

6、 in the maths exam.,答案:1.since2.surf3.either4.When5.because6.to stop7.problems8.just9.patiently10.better,核心单词梳理,1loyal adj. 忠诚的;忠心的 搭配:be loyal to sb./sth.忠诚于;忠实于 She has always remained loyal to her political principles. 她总是信守自己的政治原则。 牛津高阶 Dennis will always be loyal to this government,whatever it

7、does. 无论这届政府做什么,丹尼斯将始终是其忠实的支持者。 朗文当代 loyalty n. U忠诚,搭配:loyalty to.对忠心 He is highly honoured for his loyalty to his country. 他因忠于祖国而受到好评。 链接,be devoted to忠诚于;热爱;专心于 be faithful to忠实于;信守 be true to忠实于;遵守,单项填空 Dogs never fail to be praised for their _ to their owners.Different from cats,they never betr

8、ay their masters. Afaith Bloyalty Ctrust Dreliance 解析:根据句子所表达的意思,横线上的意思为“忠诚”。 答案:B 完成句子 所有这些青少年都是“超级女生”和“快乐男声”的忠诚的支持者。 All these young teenagers are _Super Girls and Happy Boys. 答案:loyal supporters of,2argue v. 争论;辩论 搭配:argue with sb. about/over sth.同某人争论某事 We are always arguing with each other abou

9、t money. 我们总是为钱吵嘴。 We used to argue over who should drive. 我们以前常为谁应该开车而争执。麦克米伦 句型,argue sb. into doing sth.力劝某人去做某事 argue sb. out of doing sth.力劝某人不要做某事,They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他们说服他撤回了投诉。 Ive managed to argue him out of going to the match. 我成功说服他不要去看比赛。 麦克米伦 链接,quarrel with

10、sb. about/over sth.为某事与某人争吵 persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事 persuade sb. out of doing sth.劝阻某人做某事 talk sb. into doing sth.劝服某人做某事 talk sb. out of doing sth.劝阻某人做某事 reason sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事 reason sb. out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事,【辨析】 argue/quarrel/debate/disc

11、uss 这几个动词均有“争”的意思,但用法有异。 (1)argue着重就自己的看法或观点提出论证说理,同他人“争论”或 “辩论”。 We argued over the matter for hours. 我们为这事辩论了几个小时。 (2)quarrel是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的“争吵”或“吵架”。 He often quarrels about their housework with his wife. 他常常为家务事同妻子争吵。,(3)debate多指在公开、正式场合和意见对立的一方进行全面的、彻底 的辩论,重在各述理由,双方交锋。 They are debating about

12、 the punishment for criminals. 他们就如何惩处犯罪分子进行争论。 (4)discuss用于一般场合,重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对 方的成分。 Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly unless they discuss it freely. 除非在自由讨论时人们才有可能解决问题。,完成句子 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。 We _ the waiter _ the price of the meal. 一些科学家认为电子通讯业的发展将彻底改变人们的生活方式。 Some scientist

13、s _ the development of telecommunications will change peoples way of life completely. 答案:argued with;aboutargue that,3fond adj. 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的 I waited all day in the fond hope that she would change her mind. 我整天等待,痴迷地希望她会回心转意。 牛津高阶 搭配:be fond of喜欢;爱好 Over the years weve grown very fond of each other.

14、这些年来,我们渐渐互相喜欢对方。 My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends. 我祖父很爱给我所有的朋友提出忠告。 朗文当代,链接,have a fondness for喜欢 have a liking for喜欢;爱好 have a taste for/in喜欢;爱好 have an appetite for对感兴趣;喜欢;渴求 be keen on喜欢;喜爱),单项填空 The piano he is fond of _ was bought at a high price. Aplay Bpla

15、yed Cbeing played Dplaying 解析:固定词组be fond of“喜欢;爱好”,后接名词或动名词,句中为主动,所以选D。 答案:D,4share v. 分享;共同负担;共有;共用 There isnt an empty table.Would you mind sharing? 没有空桌子了。你愿不愿意和别人合坐? 牛津高阶 The last bus had gone,so the three of us shared a taxi. 最后一班公共汽车已经开走,所以我们3人合乘一辆计程车。 搭配,share sth.with sb.与共用; 把自己的想法(或经历、感情)告诉某人 share (in) sth.有同样的感情(或想法、经历等); 共同承担,Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 你愿意把你的经验与组里其他人分享吗? I didnt really share in her love of animals. 我并不真像她那样喜欢动物。 牛津高阶 单项填空 Let Harry play with y


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