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1、丹麦门萨权威 IQ 测试(附参考答案) 2003年5月由丹麦门萨俱乐部成员Anders Ditlev Jensen用flash精心设计制作而成。 为了适应不同语言的人, 作者用图形的方式出题,考验的是答题者观察力、记忆力、推理和创新能力。至于 IQ 测试答案,作者并没 有提供,不过网上倒流传了一份,是根据超百万人的测试结果平均数通过公式得出的,比较准确,但不要 过于相信。 测试时间为 40 分钟,一共是 39 个问题。 (所以请找一个充裕的时间段来测试) 提前完成测试并没有奖励 所以请充分利用时间! 错误答案并不影响您的结果 因此宁可猜测答案,也不能忽略过去! 所有题目都是一个缺了一块的图形。

2、在下方有 8 个可能的答案,你必须选择正确的答案。 Information Welcome to IQtest.dk This test is developed with the aim of measuring your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The test is Culture Fair, i.e. it minimises the effect of cultural variables, such as language, mathematics, etc. The test is based on logic, but is furthermor

3、e designed to test learning capability, memory, innovative thinking and the ability to simultaneously address several problems. The test measures the general intelligence - g. The calculation of IQ is based on answers from more than 250,000 people. About IQtest.dk Version 3.0, May 2003 Design and de

4、velopment: Anders Ditlev Jensen Mensa Danmark The test is developed using Macromedia Flash MX. Inspired by Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices. Before you begin the test please notice that the test is timed. You have 40 minutes to answer 39 questions. The level of difficulty of the questions increa

5、ses gradually. If you find two logical answers to one question you should choose the simplest answer. You are not rewarded for finishing before time is up - so take your time! Wrong answers do not influence your result - so guess rather than omit a question! Good luck with the test! 点击进入 测试网站 传送门 方法方法 测试时间为 40 分钟,一共是 39 个问题。(所以请找一个充裕的时间段来测试) 提前完成测试并没有奖励 所以请充分利用时间! 错误答案并不影响您的结果 因此宁可猜测答案,也不能忽略过去! 所有题目都是一个缺了一块的图形。在下方有 8 个可能的答案,你必须选择正确 的答案。 如果你发现两个可能的答案,应该选择最简单的那个。 用鼠标左键单击来选择答案,你选择的答案会被标示在右方的面板上。 参考答案(参考答案(尽量别看答案,测试后再看吧) DFB GAH BEH ACF BDH EFC EDG ABH BAH GEA DEG GCF HFB



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