2021年高考【英语】一轮复习考点4 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(解析版)

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1、2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 高考一轮高考一轮考点扫描考点扫描 真题剖析真题剖析逐一击破逐一击破 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 2021 年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描 23 解析版解析版 Book 4 Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 基础盘点基础盘点自测自评自测自评 阅阅 读读 单单 词词 快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划 1.cave n洞;山洞 2.peak n. 山顶;山峰 3.plain n.

2、平原 4.plateau n.高原 5.shore n. (海、湖、河等的)岸 6.slope n. 斜坡 7.valley n. 山谷 8.colleague n. 同事 9.hilly adj. 多山的;丘陵起伏的 10.legend n. 传奇;传说 故事 11.deck n. 甲板 12.exploit vt. 开发 13.mountainous adj. 多山的 14.immense adj. 极大的 15.fertile adj. 肥沃的 16.remote adj. 遥远的17.steep adj. 陡峭的;险峻的 18.torch n. 手电筒 1.wood n(常作复数)树林

3、 2.flat adj. 平坦的 3.goods n. 货物 4.trade vi. 做生意 5.narrow vi. 变狭窄 6.spot n. 地点;场所 7.view n. 景色;风景 v. 看见;发现 重重 点点 核核 心心 单单 词词 【会应用会应用】根据汉语提示完成下列各句根据汉语提示完成下列各句 1.We are working on narrowing(缩小) the gap between our points of view. 2.He built up wealth by trading(做生意) with other countries. 3.She spotted(发

4、现) that the white dress with pink spots(点) was the one that had been stolen last 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 week. 1.surround vt.围绕;环绕surrounding adj.周围的 n 周围的事物surroundings n 环境 2.distant adj.遥远的 distance n.距离 3.forbid vt.禁止过去式 forbade/forbad过去分词 forbidden 4.varied adj.多变化的various adj.各种各样的variety n.种类;多

5、样性 5.nature n.自然;本性natural adj.自然的naturally adv.自然地 词词 汇汇 扫扫 描描 拓拓 展展 单单 词词 【语境活用语境活用】用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are a variety of books in the bookstore. Children can read various books here.(varied) 2.It is her nature to trust whoever she meets. So naturally, she is often taken in by others.(na

6、ture) 3.As a famous pop star, he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding towns. And he also likes beautiful surroundings with green trees and flowers, because he can get much more pleasure from nature.(surround) 4.The man is always distant towards his neighbor

7、s, so his neighbors often keep him at a distance(distant) 重重 1.at the edge of在的边缘 2.at least 至少 3.go through 穿过;经历;通过 【语境活用语境活用】用左栏短语的适当形式填空用左栏短语的适当形式填空 1.at the edge of the table在桌沿上 2.go through the forest 穿过森林 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 点点 短短 语语 4.take advantage of 利用 5.be heavy with 有大量的 6.in the dis

8、tance 远处的 7.rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈 8.get a kick out of (俚语)从中得到乐趣 3.take advantage of new technology 利用新技术 4.Even if you cant help him, at least you can give him encouragement. 5.The kid will get a kick out of finding the answer by himself. 句型句型 1:be to do sth.表示表示“按照计划或安排将要做按照计划或安排将要做 某事某事” 教材原句教材原句He and

9、a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. 他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教 两年英语。 句型仿写句型仿写 他们明天上午十点钟将一起去拜访老师。 They are to pay a visit to the teacher together at ten tomorrow morning. 重重 点点 句句 式式 句型句型 2:“代词介词短语代词介词短语”构成独立主格结构构成独立主格结构 教材原句教材原句 Nearly 100 million peo

10、ple live here, most of them in the east. 有将近一亿人口住在这 儿,这些人大多数住在东部。 句型仿写句型仿写 很多专家参加了这次会议,其中大多数来自北 京。 Many experts attended the conference, most of them from Beijing. 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 句型句型 3:only if 引导条件状语从句,意为引导条件状语从句,意为“只只 有有才才” 教材原句教材原句 Im allowed to stick one in only if Ive been in a place for

11、 more than 24 hours. 只有当我待在一个地方超过 24 小时,我才允许自 己扎一个别针在地图上。 句型仿写句型仿写 只有你竭尽全力,将来才会了无遗憾。 Only if you try your best will you have no regrets in the future. Part 1Part 2 知知 识识 主主 线线 串串 记记 One cant help thinking of the West Lake whenever referring to Hangzhou. The beautiful view of the West Lake is beyond

12、description, which makes it an ideal spot for holiday. I believe you can get a kick out of travelling in Hangzhou. Johns father is very strict in Johns studies and he forbids John watching TV from Monday to Friday. Instead, he requires John to study at least two hours every evening. When John is to

13、have a two months holiday, his father has found a maths teacher to tutor him. In his eyes, the most important thing is that John goes through the College Entrance Examination and is admitted to a key university. 拓拓 展展 速速 记记 1.“山”相关名词全接触 valley山谷 peak 山顶;山峰 mountain 山;山脉 hill 小山 range 山脉 2.“岸边”名词荟萃 s

14、hore(海、湖、河等的)岸 beach 海滩 coast 海岸 bank 岸 seashore 海岸;海滨 3.“复数名词”一览 goods货物 arms 武器 customs 海关 manners 礼节 regards 问候 2021 年高考考点扫描 一轮复习备战高考 随堂检测随堂检测基础过关基础过关 I.单句语法填空单句语法填空 1The New Year is coming. The air is heavy with joy and smell of fireworks. 2I had just sat down to work when I spotted something mo

15、ving(move) on the wall. 3When things go wrong, all of us naturally(nature) feel disappointed and frustrated. 4Whoever has gone through sandstorms knows the importance of environmental protection. 5The students are forbidden, unless they have special excuses, to stay(stay) out after 11 p.m. 6Surround

16、 yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better. 7When Mike was to open(open) the front door, he couldnt find his key. So he had to wait for his wife to come back. 8It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the generation gap between them can be narrowed(narrow) 9When the tourists who got lost in the mountain saw the light in the distance, they became


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